1.On the funeral welfare and the hierachical system of Han;从丧葬福利看汉代社会的等级性特征
2.The Characteristics of the Funeral Rites and Customs in the Song Dynasty;“礼”“俗”之际——宋代丧葬礼俗及其特征
3.Sacrificial Offerin g and Auspicious Material——A Preliminary Comment on Paper Money and the Psychology of the Traditional Funeral Custom;祭品与祥物——纸钱与传统丧葬风俗心态谫论

1.a slow march to be played for funeral processions.用于丧葬的慢拍乐曲。
2.The profession or duties of a funeral director.丧葬事宜,殡仪业丧葬指导者的职业和责任
3.On the Ancient Funeral Customs of Dunhuang from Dunhuang Writes to Bury the Book Originally敦煌写本葬书中的古代敦煌丧葬民俗
4.The forms of burial vary among China's ethnic minorities, including cremation, inhumation, ``water burial'' and ``sky burial'' (exposure burial).中国各少数民族的丧葬习俗各有不同,有火葬、土葬、水葬、天葬等不同的葬法。
5.“Husband and wife sharing the grave” was a vastly prevailing funeral custom in the Tang society.“夫妻合葬”是唐代社会一种广为流行的丧葬习俗。
6.THE GEOGRAPHIC RESEARCH ON FUNERAL CUSTOMS--A Case Study of Celestial Burial in Tibet;丧葬习俗的地理学研究——以西藏天葬为例
7.Funeral music has coexisted with the funeral custom since the customs formation.江西上饶的丧葬音乐,随着丧葬民俗的形成,就一直伴随着。
8.Reciprocal Community of Guan Zhong area in Funeral Ritual--A Case Study of Funeral Ritual in a Shan Xi Village;关中地区丧葬中的互惠共同体——以临潼区S村丧葬仪式为例
9.Reciprocal Community of Guanzhong Area in Funeral Ritual--A Case Study of Funeral Ritual in a Shanxi Village;关中地区丧葬中互惠共同体——以临潼区S村丧葬仪式为例
10.View of Life and Death Education Expressed in the Funeral Ceremony:The Study of Funeral Ceremony in Daliangshan Yi Society of China寓于丧葬仪礼中的生死观教育——以大凉山彝族的丧葬仪礼为对象
11.Funeral Ceremony: Continuing another Life--A Case Study of the Hani People丧葬仪式:生命的另一种延续——哈尼族丧葬个案调查
12.Addenda to Liao Dynasty s Funeral Customs: Emperors Sending Envoys to Officials Funerals--Based on stone inscriptions of Liao Dynasty;辽代丧葬礼俗补遗——皇帝为臣下遣使治丧
13.I wanted to make funeral arrangements in advance for several reasons.我想提前作好丧葬安排,这有几点原因。
14.The Funeral Buddhist Ceremony Consumption Convention in Tang and Song Dynasty论唐宋时期丧葬中的佛事消费习俗
15.I remembered making funeral arrangements for my mother after she died.我记得母亲逝后给她安排丧葬的经历。
16.On the Features of Hani Funeral Custom;普洱地区哈尼族丧葬习俗的特点探讨
17.Explanation of Religious Science on Funeral Custom of the Hans in Huang River Valley;湟水流域汉族丧葬习俗的宗教学解读
18.On the funeral welfare and the hierachical system of Han;从丧葬福利看汉代社会的等级性特征

1.Grasp burial concept change of the ancients from Chinese character;从汉字看古人丧葬观念的变化
2.The Buyi people s burial ceremonies typify such a philosophy.在布依族的丧葬过程中,处处都体现了布依族关于死后生活的遐想,充分地体现了布依族关于生与死的观念。
3)funeral[英]['fju:n?r?l][美]['fjun?r?l]葬礼,丧葬 a.丧礼的
4)funeral customs丧葬习俗
1.The Cultural Background and Social Function in the Wa Funeral Customs;佤族丧葬习俗的文化背景与社会功能
2.Jianghuai traditional funeral customs mainly include making shroud and coffin,setting soul and giving obituary notice,encoffining and condoling,doing seven,conducting a funeral procession and burying,and so on.江淮传统丧葬习俗主要有制寿衣与寿木、设灵与报丧、入殓与吊丧、做七、出殡与下葬等,这些不同的习俗内容间接地表现了江淮文化不同层面的内涵。
3.This paper takes the astrological activity of funeral customs in the pre-Qin period,Qin and Han Dynasties as the object and makes a study of its representation and status and the social reasons for its existence,the ideological cultural foundation and social significance of astrological activity.本文以先秦秦汉时期丧葬习俗中的数术行为作为研究对象,考察了先秦秦汉时期数术行为在丧葬习俗中的表现、地位,并对数术行为存在的社会原因、思想文化基础及社会意义进行了探究。
1."Wu-er" is a pipe musical instrument of the Wa nationality used at the funerals."兀儿"是佤族在丧葬仪式中使用的一种吹管乐器。
2.Yi people s worship of ancestry has various forms,which are mainly embodied in funeral and other sacred activities.彝族祖先崇拜形式多样,主要表现在丧葬仪式和祭祀活动中。
6)funeral custom丧葬礼俗
1.This article analyzed funeral custom in HOME(written by Mr.本文以《家》为例,从作品中展现的丧葬礼俗描写展开分析,探讨了丧葬礼俗的礼、孝的起源,分析了这些丧葬礼俗描写在作品中对人物塑造、情节铺进等方面的作用,总结了作家对传统思想的吸收、再现与反思。
2.“Husband and wife sharing the grave” was a vastly prevailing funeral custom in the Tang society.“夫妻合葬”习俗所蕴藏的性别文化内涵在于“妻从夫葬”,这是封建伦理道德观念在丧葬礼俗文化中的反映。
3.As to funeral custom reflected by Soul Jars, the author general.魂瓶作为一种综合性的丧葬明器,它所反映的吴晋时期社会生活的各个侧面以及丧葬礼俗是相当丰富的。
