1.Hereditary local governor of the Han nationality with literati in the Late Chin and Early Yuan;金元之际的汉人世侯与文人
2.Textual research on the Emperor Daowu s appointing literati to participate in government of Beiwei Dynasty;北魏道武帝引文人参政问题考实
3.The Formation of Cultural Transmission Network and Role of Literati;晚明文化传播网的形成与文人的作用

1.Now there were "insurgent scholars".这是“起义文人”。
2.Literary Culturological Interpretation of the Style of "Laozi" of Scholars in Song Dynasty;宋代文人自称“老子”的文学文化学解析
3.Chinese Teachers Quality and the Restoration of Language and Humanistic Education;语文教师素质与语文人文教育的回归
4.The Wisdom and lntolerance of Chinese Scholars--On the Proses of Li Guowen;文人的巧智与偏狭——李国文散文散论
5.Xia-culture in the Modern Literature;现代文学中的侠文化——现代文人的文化改造思路
6.personal document method私人文件法 私人文件法
7.On the Relationship between the Concept "Yuwen" and Humanism & Humanity;“语文”概念与人文及人文性之关系
8.Propagating Humanistic Culture and Promoting Humanistic Quality-Oriented Education;大力弘扬人文文化 推进人文素质教育
9.From Literature of HUMAN to LITERATURE of Human--An Essay on ZHOU Zuo-ren′s View of ″Literature of Human″;从“人”的文学到人的“文学”——论周作人的“人的文学”观
10.Section for Humanistic, Cultural and International Education人文、文化和国际教育科
11.the humanistic study of language and literature.语言与文学的人文学习。
12.Reflections on the Transformation of Overseas Chinese literature to Chinese literature;华文文学与华人文学之辨——关于华文文学研究转向华人文学的反思
13.Humanism, Humanistic Education and Human Overall Development;人文精神、人文教育与人的全面发展
14.Humanities:Man and Culture;何谓“人文性”:人文与文化——兼谈语文新课标的“人文性”表述问题
15.(of persons) lacking in refinement or grace.(指人)不文雅优美。
16.The civilization and culture of ancient Greece.希腊文明古代希腊人的文明和文化
17.Existential literature is a literature of life and philosophy.存在文学是一种人生文学、学文学。
18.Writings in Classical Style Teaching to Junior High Pupil Humanities Spirit Cultivation;初中文言文教学的人文精神培育研究

1.Reseach on the scholars making a living in Suzhou educational market at the period of Ming and Qing Dynasties;明清时期苏州文人与教育市场
2.The Creation of Yue Fu Poems Written by Han Scholars and its Importance;汉代文人的乐府歌诗创作及其意义
1.Quality of the Scholars contained in Ming-style Furniture;明式家具中的文人气质初探
2.The Creative Characteristic of Scholar Music during the Sung Generation;宋代文人音乐的审美特征
3.On the basis of the change of tea-drinking way and the psychological shift of the scholars in mid-Ming Dynasty,the paper discusses the scholarized phenomena embodied by Zisha teapot.自明中叶起文人士大夫们的生命价值取向由外向内的转变和对以平淡、闲雅、端庄、质朴、内敛、温厚等为内涵的自然和谐精神境界的推崇与追求,使紫砂壶受到文人士大夫特别喜爱和推崇,并最终登上大雅之堂,成为文人茶文化符号。
1.On the Changes of the Literators' Mentality and Style a Viewed from Sacrificial Rites of Tang Dynasty从唐代祭礼看唐代文人的心态变迁与文学选择
2.The impact of the Wen Brothers in Xiang Yuanbian s connoisseur activities of painting and calligraphy reflects that literators in late Ming Dynasty not only served as middlemen actively but also played the part of suspected brokers since they no longer considered seeking profit discreditable in both connoisseur activities and other activities.明代私家鉴藏大兴,文人积极投入其中。
5)men of letters文人
1.As a category of phrases,strange-toned phrases favored by men of letters initiated at the junction of Southern and Northern Song Dynasties and found its development at the Ming Dynasty with its form of construction changing from the former loose organization to relative integration and clarity,its materials broadened,and dramatic factors relatively increased.作为组词的一个类别,文人异调组词产生于南北宋之交而发展于明代:结构形式从最初的松散组合到相对完整明确,题材有所扩展,戏剧性因素相对增加。
2.Plum, first used from use to color, from fruit to flower in literature, has been through a long time to become the aesthetic target ,Nan Dynasty was the beginning for men of letters to sing of plum , after that, the plum image got developed, enriched to the summit in Song Dynasty .南朝是文人咏梅诗的始发期,此后梅花意蕴被不断开掘、丰富,至宋达到巅峰南朝至唐是宋咏梅大潮出现以前的重要积累阶段,此一时期梅花意象大致有三个意蕴占据主流:美人闺怨,文人品格,离人思愁。
3.Combining the predecessors related remark, the article expounds the references and researches on the poems of "selected Works" by men of letters from Song Dynasty to Qing Dynasty and affirms the significant influence of the poems of "slelcted Works" since Song Dynasty.文章结合前人的有关论述论证了由宋迄清历代文人对《文选》诗歌的学习借鏊和研究,肯定了《文选》诗歌在宋代之后 的重大影响。
1.Science calls for humanity and humanity guides science;科学呼唤人文,人文导引科学
2.Integration of Science and Humanity——Educational Innovation;科学人文交融 育人创新

文人1.古称先祖之有文德者。 2.知书能文的人。