1.Explanation of the folk sports function from culture vision——with kite as an example;文化视野中民间体育功能的阐释——以风筝为例

1.A kite, a kite. This is a kite.风筝风筝,这是一个风筝
2.I can fly a kite. I can fly a kite.我会放风筝。我会放风筝
3.Mum, I want to fly a kite.妈妈,我想放风筝
4.Mike is flying a kite high in the sky by the river side.麦克在河边放风筝风筝放的很高。
5.Have you got a Chinese or a Japanese kite?你有中国的风筝还是日本的风筝
6.Fancy giving your sister a kite when there's nowhere to fly it.“没有地方放风筝却送给妹妹风筝。”
7.Oh,I've got a chinese kite and a Japanese kite.噢,我有一个中国风筝和一个日本风筝
8.Neena has a kite, And she holds it in her hand.妮娜有一个风筝,她把风筝拿在手里。
9.Lingering Affection Drawn out of "The Kite;风筝牵扯出的情思——评鲁迅散文诗《风筝
10.The wind took the kite up, up and up.风把风筝吹得越来越高。
11.The kites were afoul in the wind.风筝在风中纠缠一起。
12.the best wind for kiteflying [8-12 mph]最适放风筝之风[时速
13.fastening with the fastened ends facing inward里顺头绑扎法(风筝)
14.A kite flying above the playground.在操场上空飞翔的风筝
15.Kitemark [British Standards Institution]风筝标记〔英国标准协会〕
16.Let's fly the kite again.让我们再去放风筝吧。
17.Another kite gets away.又一只风筝飞跑了。
18.Our boys are flying kites.我们的孩子们在放风筝

The Kite《风筝》
1.On the Spiritual Coincidence in San-mao with Lu Xun s the Kite;三毛与鲁迅《风筝》的精神“遇合”
2.The Transmigration from Self-Dissection, Self-ill treatment,and the Failure of Self-Rescue --Rereading "The Kite;自剖,自虐和自救——重读《风筝
3.In it The Kite reflects this kind of opposition.鲁迅的散文诗集《野草》创造了与现实世界对立的另外一个世界,其中的诗篇《风筝》就体现了这种对立的情况。
3)fly a kite, fly a kite.放风筝,放风筝。
4)Beijing kite北京风筝
1.It has a history about two thousands years and has Developed a genre of its own local color in the time of Ming and Qing dynasty, such as Beijing kite 、Wei Fang kite 、Nan Tong kite are more representative .放风筝是中国人在清明时节所进行的一项传统习俗活动,在我国大约有两千多年的历史,到明清时期发展成为具有地方特色的风筝流派,其中比较有代表性的有北京风筝、潍坊风筝和南通风筝等,其艺术形式和文化意义各具特点。
5)Nan Tong kite南通风筝
1.It has a history about two thousands years and has Developed a genre of its own local color in the time of Ming and Qing dynasty, such as Beijing kite 、Wei Fang kite 、Nan Tong kite are more representative .放风筝是中国人在清明时节所进行的一项传统习俗活动,在我国大约有两千多年的历史,到明清时期发展成为具有地方特色的风筝流派,其中比较有代表性的有北京风筝、潍坊风筝和南通风筝等,其艺术形式和文化意义各具特点。
6)Weifang kites潍坊风筝
1.The Historical Heritage of Weifang Kites Art;潍坊风筝艺术的历史传承
2.It is well known that the Weifang kites with a long history are famous for their pureness and plainness.潍坊风筝历史悠久,以纯厚质朴著称于世。
3.Among these problems, how to comply with convention and how to break new ground are the prominent ones the development of Weifang kites has to face.潍坊风筝是历史悠久的一种民间工艺,以造型精致、形象逼真、色彩艳丽、具有浓郁的乡土气息而著称于世。
