1.Some Thoughts about the Cultural Characters of Guangdong Qiaoxiang: A Comparative Study of Architectural Culture of Wuyi and Chaoshan Qiaoxiang;输入与输出:广东侨乡文化特征散论——以五邑与潮汕侨乡建筑文化为中心
2.Study on the Time-Space Characteristic of the Buildings as Tourist Resources in Chaoshan Region;略论潮汕地区建筑旅游资源的时空特征
3.On Chaoshan s Marriage Customs and Their Transmission;潮汕婚姻禁忌习俗及其流变简论

1.Exploring the Application of Chaoshan Traditional Arts and Crafts in Chaoshan Traditional Residential Building试论潮汕工艺美术在潮汕传统民居建筑中的运用
2.Emperor House in the Capital, Citizen House in Chaozhou--Decoration and its revelation of Chao & Shan Residence;“京都帝王府,潮州百姓家”——潮汕民居装饰及其启示
3.College Education Promotions in Chaoshan Area made by the Overseas Chaoshan People;海外潮人对潮汕地区兴办大学的推动与贡献
4.Our restaurant mainly serves Guangdong cuisine, including Chaozhou, Shantou and Hakka dishes.本餐厅主理粤菜,包括潮汕菜和客家菜。
5.Chaoshan music is divided into the two broad categories of indoor and outdoor:潮汕音乐分广场乐和室内乐两大类:
6.The Red Army in the border area is drawn from: (1) troops formerly under Yeh Ting and Ho Lung in Chaochow and Swatow (8);边界红军的来源:(一)潮汕叶贺旧部⑻;
7.The Research on Assistance of the "8·2" Storm (1922) in ChaoShan;潮汕“八·二风灾”(1922)之救助问题研究
8.The Indigenization of Christianity in ChaoShan Area from 1911 to 1949;民国年间潮汕地区基督教本色化研究
9.The Research and Implementation of Chao Shan Dialect Text to Speech System;潮汕方言文语转换系统的研究与实现
10.A Tentative Study of Folk Custom Culture Rise of "Shuangzhong" Worship in Chaoshan Area;试论潮汕“双忠”崇拜民俗文化之兴起
11.Artistic Style of Poems on Ancient Chaoshan Women;古代潮汕妇女题材诗歌艺术风格初探
13.A Survey of the Folklore of Chaoshan Area in the First Half of 20th Century;20世纪上半叶潮汕民间文学活动概述
14.On the Cultural Characteristics of Ocean Culture in Early Modern Chaozhou-Shantou;近代潮汕海洋文化特征的形成与发展
15.A Brief Account of the Research on the Chaoshan Culture in the 1990 s;20世纪90年代潮汕文化研究概述
16.On Domestic Moral Education of Chaozhou-Shantou Region价值多元背景下潮汕地区的家庭德育
17.Text·Performance·Power--Cultural Conflict in Chao Shan Ballads文本·表演·权力——潮汕歌谣的文化冲突
18.On the History and Cultural Value of Story-telling Art in Chaoshan Dialect潮汕“讲古”的历史演变及文化功能

Chaoshan area潮汕
1.The Indigenization of Christianity in ChaoShan Area from 1911 to 1949;民国年间潮汕地区基督教本色化研究
2.Studying the history and culture of Chaoshan area,it is not to be neglected that the study of newspapers and periodicals publication in Chaoshan area during the period of late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China.清末民初时期潮汕各地报刊出版活动,是潮汕历史文化研究领域不可忽略的重要现象。
3.It naturally spread to Chaoshan area,from which lots of learners studied overseas at that time.清末民初全国出现了轰轰烈烈的留学热潮,这股热潮也自然波及到潮汕地区。
4)Chaoshan depression潮汕坳陷
1.Geophysical characteristics of the Chaoshan depression and its hydrocarbon exploration potential;潮汕坳陷地球物理特征及油气勘探潜力
2.Mesozoic hydrocarbon generation history and igneous intrusion impacts in Chaoshan depression, South China sea: a case of LF35-1-1 well;潮汕坳陷中生界生烃历史及火成岩侵入影响分析——以LF35-1-1井为例
3.The 2D Velocity and Density Structure of the Mesozoic Sediments in the Chaoshan Depression潮汕坳陷中生代沉积的折射波2D速度结构和密度
5)Chaoshan Areas潮汕地区
1.Cultural Factors and Strategies Study Concerning the Concept of Qualified Personnel in Chaoshan Areas;影响潮汕地区人才观念的文化因素及对策研究
2.Establishment of Food "Golden Standard" Database and Development of a Semi-Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire for Inhabitants in Chaoshan Areas, China;潮汕地区食物“金标准”数据库的建立和食物半定量调查表的开发研究
6)Chaoshan overseas Chinese areas潮汕侨乡
1.Chaoshan overseas Chinese areas is the important constituent part of Guangdong overseas Chinese areas, the investment of overseas Chinese infinitely promote the architectural development in this areas.潮汕侨乡是广东侨乡的重要组成部分,华侨投资极大地推动了近代潮汕侨乡的建筑发展。

潮汕韭菜饺主 料: 皮用料:高筋面粉1000克。馅用料:五花肚肉400克,韭菜1000克,苏打粉一茶匙,虾米50克。配 料: 调味料:麻油3汤匙,盐1茶匙,胡椒粉少许,鸡精1茶匙,味精1茶匙,生粉一茶匙。做 法: (1)将面粉放在盆中,加入清水、清油及少许调味料搅匀,倒出台上搓成软滑之面团,用湿巾盖密待半小时取用。(2)韭菜去其梗枝头洗净、切碎,加入苏打粉轻轻擦匀腌10分钟后洗净去掉苏打味后挤干。(3)五花肉去皮剁碎,虾米浸软洗净剁碎加入调味料拌匀与韭菜、生粉少许搅拌混和成馅。(4)在操作台面上洒上少许干面粉,将面团搓成长条状,分成各小粒,用小面棍滚压成薄面皮,分件包入馅料,捏成半月型饺子。(5)煎鼎下清油少许,把饺子摆于上面,用薄粉水加入,煎约10分钟至熟即成,食时配上浙醋或辣椒酱,味道更为鲜美开胃。备 注: 韭菜加入苏打粉,能使熟透韭菜仍保青绿,煎时下薄粉水,能使饺子不粘底。