郑和,Zheng He
1)Zheng He郑和
1.Discussion of Ship Structure and Manufacture Technology of Zheng He s Voyage;郑和下西洋船舶结构与制造工艺探讨
2.Research on Zheng He s Voyage and Taicang s Sunken Ship in Yuan and Ming Dynasties;郑和下西洋与太仓元明沉船之研究
3.Preliminary Investigation to Relation between Shanghai and Zheng He s Voyage;郑和航海与上海关系初探

1.Zheng He brought back a giraffe,郑和带回一只长颈鹿,
2.Zheng He was in charge of the @Treasure Fleet.郑和一手指挥“宝船舰队”。
3.And he sailed with a fleet of 62 ships.郑和率领着艘船的船队;
4.His name is Zheng He这个人的名字就叫郑和
5.The Adventure of Zheng He郑和下西洋(历险记)
6.Yunnan nurtured Zheng He, and helped to achieve his success.云南这块土地抚育了郑和,也成就了郑和
7.Reflections on Zheng He s Diplomatic Achievements:In Commemoration of the 600 th Anniversary of Zheng He s Voyage Abroad;郑和外交成就之思考——纪念郑和下西洋600周年
8.A Historical Review on ZHENG He’s Voyage;郑和下西洋的历史回顾——纪念郑和航海600周年
9.Zhangzhou and the Event that Zheng He Went to the Western World--In Commemoration of the 600th Anniversary of the Event;郑和下西洋与漳州——纪念郑和下西洋600周年
10.Treasured Ships (Baochuan) under ZHE He and Conferring Ship;论郑和宝船与册封舟——纪念郑和下西洋六百周年
11.The Photography Comparative Research between 《Treasure Fleet》 and 《1405, Zheng He's Voyages Down the Western Seas》《伟大传奇再现—郑和下西洋》和《1405,郑和下西洋》摄影比较研究
12.Doubts about the English Scholar Menzies Conclusion about Zheng He s Global Voyage;郑和航海研究之我见——英国学者孟席斯郑和环球航行说质疑
13.A comparative study of Zheng He,Marco Polo and Columbus to commemorate the 600th anniversary of Zheng He s sail to the West;郑和、马可·波罗、哥伦布之比较研究——纪念郑和下西洋600周年
14.In Commemoration of the 600th Anniversary of Zheng He s Voyages to the Western Seas;郑和:传播东方文明的远航使者——纪念郑和下西洋600周年
15.Zhenghe and his men made seven crossings on the Indian Ocean.郑和和他的手下人七次横渡印度洋。
16.Explorations on Contrasts of Zheng He Hang Hai Tu Filed in Wu Bei Zhi and Nan Shu Zhi;论《武备志》和《南枢志》中的《郑和航海图》
17.Study on the Same And Difference of ZHEN He s Going to the West and the Great Geographical Discovery;试论郑和下西洋和地理大发现之异同
18.For example, when Zheng He's fleet visited Indonesia,例如,当郑和船队拜访印尼时,

1.Zhenghe s sailings to the West and the Lingnan area;郑和下西洋与岭南关系述论
3)Zhenghe park郑和公园
4)Zhenghe's ship郑和宝船
1.On dimensions of Zhenghe′s ship from ancient Chinese prose records;由古文献记载谈郑和宝船尺度
5)Zheng Yuanhe郑元和
6)harmonious Zhengzhou和谐郑州
1.Structuring harmonious party school is the subsystem of building harmonious Zhengzhou.构建和谐党校是建设和谐郑州的一个重要子系统,在和谐郑州建设中,市委党校发挥着理论导向、示范楷模、人才培训以及辐射带动的作用。
