1.The paper elaboratesCHI Zi-jian s fictionsand finds that the living in the rural world is incomplete and tragic,to which she responds with the Living Philosophy of the Moonlight and Wine to makelife come back to the initial state-the harmony between man and the nature.致力于探讨迟子建笔下的乡村世界,发现:这里的人生是残缺的、悲剧性的,而迟子建以月光与酒式的生命哲学应对这生命中本有的残缺,使生命回复到初始的圆融状态。
2.Their creationses incarnate their common verse mindset、principle and attitude,they look for the incomplete poetry with their rebellious position and differences.他们的创作体现了他们共同的诗歌取向、理念与态度,凭借反叛的立场与异质寻求不完美的残缺的诗意。
3.ZHUANG Zi s concept of art reflected in his works about the disabled is: perfect art does not rely on complete form,and incomplete form sometimes implies perfect art.庄子畸人篇透射出这样一个文艺观:残缺也有美,残缺也可以完美,艺术的完美并不依赖于形式的完整。

1.factor of absence of remainder残缺因素 残缺因子
2.the badly mangled bodies of those killed by the explosion炸得残缺不全的尸体.
3.The tea set is incomplete.这套茶具残缺不全。
4.The child seemed to have been maimed psychologically by his Brutal father父亲的残忍似乎造成了孩子心理上的残缺不全。
5.On Truncation and Attenuation of Property Right--A further Discussion on Truncation of Property Right of Farming Land;浅论产权的残缺和削弱——兼论中国农地产权残缺的问题
6.It is this kind of truncation of property rights and institutional defects that lead to credit rationing.正是这种产权残缺和制度缺位导致了信贷配给
7.Someone mutilated the book by tearing out the illustrations.有人撕掉插图,把那本书弄得残缺不全。
8.A truncated or unfinished thing.残缺不全或未完成的东西
9.His right hand was mutilated and there was something wrong with his ankle.他脚踝有伤,右手手指残缺不全。
10.Up broken cement steps to the back porch door.沿残缺的水泥台阶而上,到游廊的后门。
11.The victims of the crash were all mutilated车祸的受害者个个都肢体残缺
12.The woman scratched him with her long, Broken mils.那女人用长长的,残缺不齐的指甲抓他。
13.The woman scratched him with her long, broken nails那女人用长长的,残缺不齐的指甲抓他
14.It is not found in the perfect but the imperfect美丽并不存在于完美,而存在于残缺
15.Melancholy and Incompleteness: The Allegorical Consciousness in the Post-70s Art忧郁与残缺:“70后”艺术中的寓言意识
16.fancier houses, but broken homes.居室的装修华丽了,家庭却残缺破碎了。
17.The missing parts of the inscribed bamboo slips have not yet been discovered.迄今仍未发现竹简残缺的部分。
18.(of compositions e.g.) a mutilated text.(指组成成分之类的)“内容残缺的文章”。

1.The utilization of deformity or incomplete visual judgment phenomenon often appears in ceramic art.在陶艺作品中经常会出现残缺着运用,或不完整的视觉审美现象,人们把这种创作形式的艺术手法理解成一种古趣天成,粗放拙味的美感,尤其是今天倡导艺术创作个性化,回顾自然的呼声成为一种时尚创作潮流,也成为一种特殊的审美追求,一件富有创意,富有匠心的残缺特点在陶艺的巧妙运用,已成为新的美感,供人们审视并带来遐思。
2.The scarcity of agricultural land resources and the deformity in land property right system are the 2 instruments of making the division of the land property right of great importance.我国农地资源的稀缺性与产权制度的残缺性决定了土地产权界定的重大意义。
3.Furthermore,there is more deformity in his story besides desolation,or in her novels no perfection can be found.文章试从三个方面论述张爱玲小说中的“残缺性”:家庭的残缺、爱情的残缺和人性的残缺,并指出了残缺的原因。
1.The real life determines that the artistic conception can be but a beauty of imperfection with a lot of defects.现实生活决定了美学意境只能是一种有着诸多缺陷的残缺的美,这是我们创造新的平衡和完美的基础和动力。
2.The tragic sense embedded at the core of her poems results from the fact that the poetess knows the imperfection of life as well as the limit of human faculty.其诗内核是悲剧性的 ,因为诗人懂得生命的残缺 ,了解人力的有限。
3.In reality, perhaps it is such imperfection that makes people’s lives real, because it is deeply rooted in the soil of exist.现实中 ,或许正是这种残缺倒使人们的生活更真实 ,因为它深深根植于生存的沃土之
1.This kind of imperfect life thought is closely related with female consciousness and lonely feelings.陈染凭借个体生命的体验 ,对人类精神与情感的“残缺”有着独特而深刻的认识 ,在她的小说中 ,充满了一个个因生命“残缺”而孤独、幽闭、叛逆的女性形象。
1.The Solution of Rough Sets to Poor Data Bank;数据样本集残缺的粗集解决法
2.When the offering data bank is poor data bank,it will affect the application of artificial intelligence.当所提供的数据样本集残缺不全,会影响人工智能的有效应用。
6)attenuation of property rights产权残缺
1.In light of the economics of property rights,we analyze the characteristics, negative results and nature of attenuation of property rights during the eco-environmental management of Shaanbei Loess Plateau.借助于现代产权经济学派的产权残缺理论,揭示陕北黄土高原生态环境治理困境的产权残缺及其根源。
2.In light of the economics of property rights,we analyze the nature and negative results of attenuation of property rights during the eco - environmental management of this region.本文依据现代产权经济学派的产权性质与功能、产权残缺等相关理论,揭示陕北黄土高原生态环境治理困境中存在的产权残缺及其根源,认为理顺国有资源产权的责权利关系及其运行效率以及对资源增值的分享,对于促进该地区生态治理的深入进行是非常必要的;并针对该地区生态环境治理中的产权配置不当问题进行深刻剖析,在此基础上从国有资源产权运行效率角度提出了该区生态环境综合治理的政策建议。
