1.Facing the things in themselves is to face the artifact in itself in philosophy of technology.“面向实事本身”在技术哲学就是面向人造物本身。
2.How do people categorize an object into artifact domain? Many researchers consider creator\'s intended design(Bloom,1996)to be a mediate variable between the final judgment and many single factors,such as object\'s history(Gelman and Bloom 2000),plausibility of object\'s function(Asher and Kemler Nelson,2008),and creator\'s label to the object(Jaswal 2006).已有研究显示物体的成因等变量会影响人造物概念的分类;但这种影响的中介变量为何,基于设计和基于用途的理论有不同的假设。

1.any spherically shaped artifact.指任何球状的人造物体。
2.Sputnik was the first man-made satellite to orbit the earth.人造卫星是第一个围绕地球旋转的人造物体。
3.whole food(food that has not been processed or refined and is free from artificial substances)全部原食物(未经加工或精炼而无人造物质食物)
4.cotton and artificial silk mixture棉纱人造丝混合织物
5.leather cloth (plastic-coated textile fabric)人造革(塑料涂层纺织物)
6.Man is nothing else but what he makes of himself.人只是自我塑造的产物。
7.Margarine is derived from vegetable oil.人造奶油来源于植物油。
8.Human beings are creative animals.人类是有创造力的动物
9.His best field was figure painting.他人物画造诣最高。
10.Huang usually drew lines to form the body shape of his figures.黄胄的人物画以线造型,
11.Character and Characterization in Postmodernist Fiction;后现代主义小说中的人物与人物塑造
12.woollen manufacturers, merchants, etc毛织物制造商、 毛织物商人.
13.Research of Preparation Ang Application of Geopolymer;人造矿物聚合物的制备及其应用研究
14.an impressionistic portrayal of a person.给人深刻印象的人物形象的塑造。
15.Viewing the Shaping of Heroes of DAZHAIMEN from Humanity;从人性视角看《大宅门》主要人物的塑造
16.The Characterization of Saul Bellow’s Fiction;自我·故我·他人——谈索尔·贝娄的人物塑造
17.On the Character Portrayal of the main Characters in The Forsyte Saga;评《福赛特世家》中主人公的人物塑造
18.The Narrative Style and Character Shaping of"Hunchback of Notre Dame"《钟楼怪人》的叙事风格及人物形象塑造

1.Part-Whole-Relation Based Attribute Analysis of Artificiality;基于Part-Whole关系的人造物属性分析
1.The Inner Reality——An analysis of characterization in To the Lighthouse;内在的真实——浅析《到灯塔去》的人物塑造
2.The practical value of the theory in analyzing the characterization,writing style and stylistic features is.文中主要通过分析《白象似的群山》来揭示评价理论在文学作品解读中的应用,并从另一角度展示海明威独特、精湛的人物塑造方式,以彰曼其"冰山原则"。
3.The paper appreciates literary devices such as conflicts, setting, characterization, symbolism and irony in the "The lottery".本文分析《抽彩》的冲突、背景、人物塑造、象征和讽刺手法。
4)character sculpt人物造型
1.The folk artists abstract and distill the character sculpts of shadowgraph, and shape the shadowgraph with Chinese features.通过对各个地域的皮影人物造型进行了分析研究,得出皮影人物造型具有平面化,戏曲化以及地域化的艺术特征。
5)Character Creation人物塑造
1.By analyzing the politeness strategies of the main characters in Emma and the relationship between the characters use of politeness strategies and character creation,this article concludes that one of Austen s techniques of character creation is to demonstrate the characters gender,age,personality,and interrelationships by exploring their use of polit.本文通过分析《爱玛》主人公的礼貌策略使用情况以及礼貌策略使用与人物塑造之间的关系,说明通过人物的礼貌策略使用表现人物的性别、年龄、性格和人物之间的关系,是奥斯汀塑造人物的一个技巧。
2.Analysis of narrative strategy,character creation and race problem of the United States resulting from the theme of the film can understand this film from different angles.对影片的叙事策略、人物塑造,以及由其主题所迁延出的美国种族问题进行分析,可以从几个不同的角度来认识这部作品。
6)Figural Statues人物造像
1.The Exploration of Personality Characteristics and Art Feature of Figural Statues in the 45th Cell of Mogao Grottoes;莫高窟第45窟人物造像性格特征及艺术特色探究
