1.From mediocre frugality to enterprising frugality——Also on frugal thought in socialist honor - humiliation outlook;从中庸之俭到进取之俭——兼析社会主义荣辱观中的节俭思想
2.In ancient China,the concept of technological ethics of curbing extravagance and advocating frugality has been formed during the long-time practice of technology.我国古代在长期的技术实践中形成了抑制奢侈,崇尚节俭的技术伦理观念。
3.Ethics conforming to the economical society orignate from not only the law of the development of both human beings and modern society, but also the traditional Chinese ethical ideology of frugality, from which great lessons and inspiration can be drawn in ethical guidance, strategies, standard, intelligence and practice.与节约型社会相适应的伦理观除了来源于现代社会发展规律和人的发展规律的孕育,中国传统节俭伦理思想也是一个丰富的源泉和宝藏,其在伦理导向、伦理策略、伦理标准、伦理智慧、伦理实践等方面都具有重要的借鉴与启示价值。

1."Save while you may, no morning sun lasts a whole day"能节俭时就节俭,朝阳难照一整天
2.an economical meal; an economical shopper; a frugal farmer; a frugal lunch; a sparing father and a spending son; sparing in their use of heat and light; stinting in bestowing gifts; thrifty because they remember the great Depression; (`scotch' is used only informally).节俭的一顿饭;节俭的购物者;节俭的农夫;节俭的午餐;节俭的父亲和浪费的儿子。
3.Not giving or expending freely; sparing.节俭的,节省的不随便施舍或花费的;节俭的。
4.She is an economical housewife.她是个节俭的家庭主妇。
5.We live very economically.我们生活得很节俭
6.living on a shoe-string过着极节俭的生活.
7.thrifty in small matters only.仅仅在小事情上节俭的。
8.Being thrifty is not the same as being a miser .节俭和吝啬是不同的。
9.She is a thrifty housewife.她是位节俭的家庭主妇。
10.She is a very thrifty housewife.她是个很节俭的主妇。
11.supply sparingly, with a meager allowance.节俭地提供很少的量。
12.Industry and thrift favor success.勤劳和节俭有助于成功。
13.extol, praise, etc the virtues of thrift颂扬、 赞美...节俭的好习惯.
14.Mr. Wang is a real penny-pincher.王先生是花钱节俭的人。?
15.The man who saves when young will have more to spend when he is old"年少节俭,年老不愁"
16.She is a thrifty housekeeper.她是一个节俭的持家人。
17.The secret of wealth lieth in the letters save.节俭是致富的秘诀。
18.From mediocre frugality to enterprising frugality--Also on frugal thought in socialist honor - humiliation outlook;从中庸之俭到进取之俭——兼析社会主义荣辱观中的节俭思想

1.The Ponder on Advocating Thrifty as a National Policy in the Jia Dao Period of Qing Dynasty;清朝嘉道时期倡行节俭国策的思考
2.Starting with the interactive relationship between macro-economic control and holding the Olympic Games in a thrifty way,it is pointed out that only connecting macro-economic control with holding the Olympic Games in a thrifty way closely can extend the prosperous cycle of Olympic commercial opportunities and reduce the negative effects of "Olympic economy bubble".从宏观调控与节俭办奥运的相互关系入手,指出只有遵循宏观调控政策和节俭办奥运的原则,才能延长奥运景气商机周期,减少“奥运泡沫”。
3.In safeguarding heritage and putting own house in order aspect,warned emphatically the descendants thrifty,industrious,attend to fundamentals and so on the ideas,thus how expended has also become a extremely important link.在守业齐家方面,着重告诫子孙节俭、勤劳、务本等观念,因而如何消费也就成了其中极为重要的一环。
1.Both insist moderate consumption not regarding the thrifty social environment;both object to excessive thrifty,argue that the luxur.撇开时间和空间的诸多差异,两书的消费思想竟有惊人的相似之处:它们都在一片尚俭声中主张适度消费,发挥消费对社会生产的积极作用;反对过度节俭,认为奢靡能增加社会财富、提供就业机会;两书虽是它们所处时代论述消费问题的开天辟地之作,却并未受重视,反而对后人产生了深远影响。
2.Second,it flouts justice value and thrift principle required of criminal penalty and infringes upon the doctrine of bearing responsibility solely for one s.在当代刑罚理念中,没收财产刑因为反常理和反常情的手段构成了对基本人权的侵犯,同时违反刑法的公正价值和节俭要求,并与罪责自负原则严重抵触。
3.Since China is entering the industrial society,the theoretical circle is carrying out a discussion on the problem,which decides to preserve,to sublate or to abandon traditional ideas of thrift in order to go in for modernization construction.自从中国进入工业社会以来,围绕是否保持还是扬弃或是抛弃传统的节俭观的这个问题,理论界展开了诸多探讨,但是并未取得实质性的进展。
1.Only if we abandon the old Gastronomy and set up a moderate, healthy, green and frugal consumptive idea, can we really realize the sustainable development of society.只有摒弃这种消极落后的消费观 ,并树立一种适度的、健康的、绿色的节俭型消费观 ,才能从根本上实现人类社会的可持续发
2.New consumption ethics is mainly based on the traditional frugality,to oppose waste,and advocate reasonable saving and consumption,which is the feature of new consumption ethics in the modern time.墨子所提倡的以节用为核心的节俭型消费伦理思想是中国传统消费伦理的主流,对建构新时代新型消费伦理观具有一定的借鉴意义。
5)thrifty gene节俭基因
1.This paper reviewed the experimental researches and epidemic investigation supported this hypothesis and introduced the alternative mechanism of thrifty gene in the onset and development of obesity and type 2 diabetes.有关节俭基因假说是解释肥胖和 2型糖尿病发病原因的重要假说之一,本文对节俭基因假说来源、概念,有关支持节俭基因与 2型糖尿病和肥胖症发病相关的实验研究及流行病学调查情况以及节俭基因假说导致 2型糖尿病和肥胖症的可能机制进行了综述。
6)Frugality and industry节俭勤奋
