儒林外史,The scholars
1)The scholars儒林外史
1.Activities and Outlook on Imperial Examination Reflected in The Scholars;《儒林外史》呈现的科举活动与科举观
2.The Sameness and Differences——Lu Xun s Reference to the Art of The Scholars and His Transcendence;同而不同——论鲁迅对《儒林外史》讽刺艺术的借鉴与超越
3.From The Scholars to Analyze the Traditional Learning Concept;从《儒林外史》看传统的学习观

1.By "the Scholars" with the Confucianism Buddhism Taoism Thought Spirit;论《儒林外史》与儒释道思想的精神联结
2.Confucian Scholar s Unofficial History--the dirge for Confucian Ideology s Waning;《儒林外史》——一首儒家思想没落的挽歌
3.Adhere to the Common Heart,Also the Unofficial History and also History:on the Unofficial History of the Scholars circle;秉持公心,亦“稗”亦史:论《儒林外史
4.On Wu Jingzi s Thinking about the Reality and Destiny of Confucianism from His Storis of the Confucian Scholars;从《儒林外史》看吴敬梓对儒学现状与命运的省思
5.Read romance of the three kingdom ( pilgrimage to the west, the scholar )读《三国演义》(《西游记》《儒林外史》)
6.On the Translation of Culture-Loaded Words and Expressions in the Scholars;论《儒林外史》中文化负载词的翻译
7.The Psychological Research of Figures Creation of Ru Lin Wai Shi;《儒林外史》人物形象创作心理研究
8.Yu" and "Gei" in "Hongloumeng"、"Qiludeng" and "Rulinwaishi;《红楼梦》、《歧路灯》和《儒林外史》中的“与”和“给”
9.Gultural Context and Translation--A Study of the English Version of Ru Lin Wai Shi;文化语境与翻译——《儒林外史》英译本研究
10.The Study of Cultural Default in the English Translation of the Scholars;《儒林外史》英译本中“文化缺省”的研究
11.A Study on the English Translation of the Culture-loaded Words and Expressions in 《儒林外史》;《儒林外史》英译本中文化词语的翻译
12.A Comparison of Ba-structure in Qiludeng, A Dream of Red Mansions and The Scholars;《歧路灯》与《红楼梦》《儒林外史》“把”字句比较
13.Activities and Outlook on Imperial Examination Reflected in The Scholars;《儒林外史》呈现的科举活动与科举观
14.On the Comparison of Personal Pronouns in"A New Account of Tales of the World"and"The Scholars";《世说新语》与《儒林外史》人称代词比较
15.The Comparison of "Division-collection Pattern Structure" between "The Tale of the Water Margin" and "Informal History of Intellectuals";《水浒传》与《儒林外史》“分—总式结构”比较谈
16.Reflection of Relevance Theory in The Scholars Translated by Yang Xianyi;关联理论在杨译《儒林外史》中的显映
17.Analysis of Sarcasm Between Confucian Scholars(RuLinWaiShi) and Fortress Besieged(WeiCheng);《儒林外史》与《围城》讽刺艺术的浅析
18.Comparason of Aesthetic Features in Scholars and Fortress Besieged;《围城》与《儒林外史》审美品格比较

The Scholar儒林外史
1.Comparative Study of Satire on Characters in The Scholar;《儒林外史》人物对比讽刺谈
2.The Scholar and the Dialectal Expressions of“Wu”Region;《儒林外史》吴地方言例考
3.On the Approaches to Translating Culture-loaded Words in The Scholar;从《儒林外史》的翻译谈文化负载词的英译方法
1.Comparion of structure feature between Scholars and Fortress Besieged;《围城》和《儒林外史》结构艺术比较
4)Unofficial History of the Scholars儒林外史
1.Studying Funeral Custom of Unofficial History of the Scholars from the Perspective of Cultures;《儒林外史》丧葬礼仪描写文化透视
5)Ru Lin Wai Shi儒林外史
1.The Psychological Research of Figures Creation of Ru Lin Wai Shi;《儒林外史》人物形象创作心理研究
6)Ru Lin Wai Shi《儒林外史》
1.Study on the Liquor Culture of Ru Lin Wai Shi;试论《儒林外史》中的酒文化
2.Cultural Pragmatic Presupposition and Translation——Take the Case of Yang s Version of Ru Lin Wai Shi;文化语用前提与翻译——以《儒林外史》杨译本为例
3.The Terms of World,Past and Present,and Shandong in Ru Lin Wai Shi;《儒林外史》的“天下”、“古今”与“山东”

儒林1.指儒家学者之群。《史记》有《儒林列传》。张守节正义引姚承曰:儒谓博士,为儒雅之林。 2.泛指儒生﹑读书人。 3.泛指士林﹑读书人的圈子。 4.指儒家著作。 5.指儒家经学。 6.指学官。