1.The two leafminers s (Blanchard), host-plants, preferenc而且两种斑潜蝇对寄主植物的嗜好性也有所不
1.Study on Hobby of Plutella xylostella Prosopon to Smell of Several Vegetables;小菜蛾成虫对几种蔬菜气味的嗜好性研究
3)preference test嗜好性试验
1.According to the preference test on texture, it wasshown that the ranges of hardness and springiness (gel strength) of preferable frozen fis.本文以添加不同淀粉量的5种自制冷冻鲢鱼圆和6种市售冷冻小包装鱼圆为研究对象,对反映冷冻鱼圆质地特性的硬度和弹性作感官评定和仪器测定,并进行质地嗜好性试验。
4)Feeding preference取食嗜好性
1.Feeding preference of Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) larva to its hosts.;小菜蛾幼虫对不同寄主的取食嗜好性及其适宜性
5)taste preference味觉嗜好性
1.Taste and taste preference play an important role in animal food intake and ingest behavior, also maintain the nutritionnal balance.味觉及味觉嗜好性在动物的食物选择和摄食行为中有着重要的地位,而且也参与了维持机体的营养平衡的过程,而小肠运动则在食物的消化、吸收方面意义重大,味觉及味觉嗜好性和小肠运动共同参与了摄食、消化、吸收等活动,它们在这些活动中可能存在着密切的联系。

1.Effect of Taste Preference on Small Intestine Peristalsis in Rats and Its Mechanism;大鼠味觉嗜好性对小肠运动的影响及其机制的研究
2.The Effect of Beta-Endorphin in Taste Preference Learning;β-内啡肽在味觉嗜好学习中的作用
3.The Relationship Between β-endorphin and Sports;β-内啡肽在味觉嗜好及运动行为中的作用
4.Effects of Conditioned Taste Preference on the Expression of Beta-Endorphin in the Hypothalamus of Rats and Movement;味觉嗜好学习对大鼠下丘脑β-内啡肽表达及运动行为的影响
5.Influences of taste preference learning on swimming exercise rats' branched-chain amino acid and neurotransmitters味觉嗜好学习对游泳运动大鼠支链氨基酸及神经递质变化的影响
6.Beauty in a woman's face, like sweetness in a woman's lips, is a matter of taste.女性面貌之美,有如其香唇之甜,是趣味(嗜好)的问题。
7.The Effect of the Sweet Taste and Alcohol Preference on the Expression of c-Fos in the Rat Brain and Correlativity;甜味刺激与酒精嗜好对大鼠脑内c-Fos表达的影响及其相关性研究
8.The Influence of Flavor Preference Learning on the Expression of Beta-Endorphin in Simulate Exercise Insomnia Rats;风味嗜好学习对模拟运动性失眠大鼠β-内啡肽表达的影响
9.He is man of great common sense and good taste-meaning thereby a man without originality or moral courage.他是个非常有常识和高尚嗜好的人——这意味着没有独创性、也没有道义上勇气。
10.He be a man of great common sense and good taste - meaning thereby a man without originality or moral courage .他是个非常有常识和高尚嗜好的人——这意味着没有独创性、也没有道义上的勇气。
11.He is a man of great common sense and good taste- meaning thereby a man without originality or moral courage.他是个非常有常识和高尚嗜好的人??这意味着没有独创性、也没有道义上的勇气。
12.Hence I consider flavor or taste as the key to all reading.所以,我认为风味或嗜好是阅读一切书籍的关键。
13.It necessarily follows that taste is selective and individual, like the taste for food.这种嗜好跟对食物的嗜好一样,必然是有选择性的,属于个人的。
14.Those who are addicted to sexual abuse must be mentally ill.具有性虐待嗜好的人心理肯定不健康。
15.Language that individuates his memories.读书的嗜好赋于了他独特的个性。
16.Dunking is bad taste but tastes good .把面包泡进饮品里来吃,属不良嗜好,惟其味道则不错。
17.Experimental Research on Flavor Conditioned Preference Learning on the Expression of Beta-Endorphin in the Hypothalamus;风味嗜好学习对大鼠下丘脑β-内啡肽表达影响的实验研究
18.He chewed it and noted its quality and its good taste.他咀嚼着,觉得肉质很好,味道鲜美。

1.Study on Hobby of Plutella xylostella Prosopon to Smell of Several Vegetables;小菜蛾成虫对几种蔬菜气味的嗜好性研究
3)preference test嗜好性试验
1.According to the preference test on texture, it wasshown that the ranges of hardness and springiness (gel strength) of preferable frozen fis.本文以添加不同淀粉量的5种自制冷冻鲢鱼圆和6种市售冷冻小包装鱼圆为研究对象,对反映冷冻鱼圆质地特性的硬度和弹性作感官评定和仪器测定,并进行质地嗜好性试验。
4)Feeding preference取食嗜好性
1.Feeding preference of Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) larva to its hosts.;小菜蛾幼虫对不同寄主的取食嗜好性及其适宜性
5)taste preference味觉嗜好性
1.Taste and taste preference play an important role in animal food intake and ingest behavior, also maintain the nutritionnal balance.味觉及味觉嗜好性在动物的食物选择和摄食行为中有着重要的地位,而且也参与了维持机体的营养平衡的过程,而小肠运动则在食物的消化、吸收方面意义重大,味觉及味觉嗜好性和小肠运动共同参与了摄食、消化、吸收等活动,它们在这些活动中可能存在着密切的联系。
6)aerobic thermophile count好气性嗜热菌
1.Black pepper had the highest total plate count rnany of the yeast mold or acid-tolerant bacterial counts or aerobic thermophile counts or coilform counts among all spices' samples.结果显示黑胡椒粉不论在细菌总数、霉菌、酵母菌及耐酸菌、好气性嗜热菌、大肠杆菌群等,其微生物数目均为最高。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-