1.Because he believes in the Buddhism,his poetry gets the mark of Zen and appears the emotional style,deserted and altruism boundary and vivid vitality.王维的山水诗,不仅做到形神兼备,而且在审美情趣上也打上了禅宗的烙印,显现出冲淡的意绪、空寂的意境、无我的境界和活泼泼的生命精神。

1.Empty Silence and Leisurely Quietness:Towards the Consciousness of the Japanese Aesthetics in the Middle Ages;空寂与闲寂——也论日本中世的审美意识
2.roam through the deserted village漫步于空寂无人的村庄
3.he visits the deserted planetarium;他参观空寂无人的天文馆;
4.The night was still, dark, and stagnant; the water yet rushed on full and fast.夜空寂静、暗黑、凝滞不动,溪水仍在哗哗湍流。
5.It was two o'clock in the morning and the decks were deserted when Jill emerged from her cabin.凌晨两点钟,吉尔走出船舱,甲板上空寂无人。
6.The air was warm with a vaporous warmth, and the stillness was unBroken.空气湿热,一片沉寂。
7.all that remained from this metamorphosis was a lonely void.蜕化下来的只是一段寂寞的虚空。
8.An unnatural silence and desertion reigned there.一种不自然的寂静和空旷笼罩着。
9.The sirens broke the silence of the night.号笛声划破了寂静的夜空。
10.The sparks shot up like thousands of shooting stars into the still night air.火花升腾象数千流星冲入寂静的夜空。
11.Frontier life could be lonely and empty.边疆生活不用说是空虚寂寞的。
12.Indescribably Free and Perishable--A discussion o n the Buddha s mind and the meditativeintention in Wang Wei s later poems;空灵与寂灭——谈王维晚期诗的佛心禅意
13.The airport was like a ghost town, the terminal was empty and eerily silent.机场像座鬼城,候机大楼空空荡荡,寂静得可怕。
14.Please remember: Even if lonely, under the distant place dark nighttime sky, certainly some human of and you are same, the lonely person is different, the starry sky which looks up to is actually only.请记住:即使寂寞,远方黑暗的夜空下,一定有人和你一样,寂寞的人不同,仰望的星空却是唯一。
15.The pale green dome making the aesthetic protest in the solitude of sky.淡绿色的圆顶在寂寞的天空中孤芳自赏。
16.The grass seeks her crowd in the earth. The tree seeks his solitude of the sky.小草在地上寻觅伴侣。树木在天空寻觅寂寞。
17.He preferred the vanity and vexation to the silence and unmovableness of the grave.他喜欢虚空烦恼胜过坟墓里的寂寞和静止。
18.Heavy rains are followed by clear sky, strong winds by light winds or calms.大雨过后,天空晴朗;狂风以后,微风或静寂。

Empty space;a void.空寂;虚空
3)hollow and deep沉寂空守
4)elusive silencing空灵静寂
5)Beauty of "Silence"空寂之美

空寂【空寂】 (术语)无诸相曰空,无起灭曰寂。维摩经佛国品曰:“不著世间如莲华,常善入于空寂行。”心地观经一曰:“今者三界大导师,座上跏趺入三昧。独处凝然空寂舍,身心不动如须弥。”