
1.cloisonne work [ware]景泰蓝艺品 [瓷器]
2.Cloisonne enamelware is the cream of home-made goods.景泰蓝制品,国货精华。
3."Thus,this enamel ware obtained the name"Jing tailan", meaning blue ware of the Jingtai reign."因此,这种珐琅器皿被称作景泰蓝,表明景泰年间的这种蓝色器皿。
4.Our store is the biggest dealer in cloisonne ware here.本店是此地最大的景泰蓝销售店。
5.Li Ming:Then what about this cloisonne necklace?李明:那么,这条景泰蓝项链如何?
6.The cloisonne technique is a special technique.景泰蓝是用特种工艺烧制而成的。
7.It's a cloisonne vase of typical Chinese art.这是中国典型的工艺品景泰蓝花瓶。
8."an object having such a coating, as in a piece of cloisonne.""有这种覆盖层的物品,如在景泰蓝上."
9.He inserted another cigarette into a c1oisonne holder.他将又一支香烟插入景泰蓝制的烟嘴。
10.Wining affection of many people and get the high position in the world.为了尝试开拓景泰蓝工艺表现的风格。
11.We really have a good collection of cloisonne vases.我们的确拥有种类繁多的景泰蓝花瓶。
12.We call them Jingtailan in Chinese, because the craft was developed in the reign of Jingtai in the Ming Dynasty.我们中文称它们为"景泰蓝",因为这种工艺是在明朝景泰年间始创的。
13.I suppose we could Buy a cloisonne vase for her Birthday.我想我们可以为她的生日买一个景泰蓝花瓶。
14.Before she leaves, she gives a cloisonne vase to her classmate Paul from India.临走之前她送给印度同学保罗一个景泰蓝花瓶。
15.Cloisonne vases! Many foreigners take a fancy to them.景泰蓝花瓶!许多外国朋友都喜欢这些东西。
16.I am sending you under separate cover a couple of cloisonn vases, please accept them as a token of our friendship.另寄上景泰蓝花瓶一对,务请笑纳,聊表贺意。
17.No wonder the cloisonn work has won a world fame as the flower of Chinese art.难怪景泰蓝驰名世界称为中国艺术之花。
18.How about this artistic tapestry and this cloisonne vase?这件艺术挂毯和这个景泰蓝花瓶怎么样?

porcelain,with cloisonne enamel景泰蓝瓷
3)royal blue深景泰蓝
4)cloisonné clock景泰蓝钟
5)cloisonné watch景泰蓝表
6)cloisonné bracelet景泰蓝镯子
