
1.a tiara that was set with diamonds.用钻石装饰的妇女头饰
2.A covering or an ornament for the head.头巾,头饰头部的遮盖物或装饰物
3.A Brief Account of the Headed-decoration of the Ethnic Miao s;苗族头饰概说——兼析苗族头饰成因
4.A bunch of feathers or a plume, especially on a helmet.羽饰用作头饰或头盔装饰品的一簇羽毛
5.A woman's ornate headdress, fashionable around1700.女士装饰华丽的头饰,在1700年前后流行
6.an ornamental headdress signifying sovereignty.代表主权的一种装饰性的头饰
7.they seem to have worn feather headdresses;似乎戴过羽毛头饰
8.A headdress, often cone-shaped, worn by women in the12th and13th centuries.锥形头饰12和13世纪妇女佩带的一种锥形头饰
9.A head covering made of small feathers surrounds his hair.由小羽毛制成的头饰环绕着他的头发,
10.decorative ribbon or bow worn as a headdress.作为头饰戴着的装饰性的丝带或蝴蝶结。
11.The Research of Tang Dynasty Woman Headdwear and Face a Decoration under the Foreign Culture Influences;外来文化影响下的唐代女子头饰及面饰研究
12.An ornament, such as a spray of gems, resembling a tuft of plumes.羽饰一种类似于一簇羽毛的装饰,如羽毛状宝石头饰
13.His hair is tied in a topknot and He has earrings, bracelets and armlets.他的头发与头饰连成一体,还有耳环,手镯和臂环。
14.In'black hair''black'modifies'hair'.在'黑头发'中,'黑"修饰'头发'。
15.In " black hair " " black " modifies " hair " .在“黑头发”中,“黑”修饰“头发”。
16.I need something new for my hair!我需要新的头上的饰物。
17.a headdress that protects the head and face.护着头和脸的一种饰头巾。
18.A carved figure on the prow of a ship.船头雕饰在船头的雕刻图象

1.Taken the method of object and photograph of headdress,assisted by relatiave historical document,the headdress that is included headgear and coif of bai minority around the Erhai Lake in Yunnan are studied in style,colour,technology and culture,sequentially,terseness and serviceability is revealed by the headdress,and it shows the compatibility of the culture in Bai minority.以头饰实物及影像图片为基础,结合文献资料,对诸如帽饰、巾帕等环洱海地区白族妇女头部装饰的造型、色彩、工艺以及文化内涵进行分析,从而总结出白族妇女头饰艺术的简洁性、适用性以及白族文化的包容性。
3)female's headwear妇女头饰
4)the decorative custom on the head头饰习俗
5)Tibetan headwears藏族头饰
1.As an important constituent element of Tibetan adornment culture,Tibetan headwears are culturally rich and varied.藏族头饰文化丰富多姿,是藏族服饰文化的重要组成部分。
6)woman headgear女性头饰
