1.Pushing Ahead HANFU Industry to Promote Tourism——A New Form of Nanchong's Tourism Culture促成汉服产业 推进旅游发展——兼议南充旅游文化传播载体的新形式

1.The influence of clothing form in the Qin and the Han Dynasties on the later centuries;秦汉服饰对后世服装形制发展的影响
2.For their national costumes both come from China's Han costume.而和服与韩服都源于我们华夏民族的汉服
3.The Cultural Representation of the Colours in Russian and Chinese Costumes;黑白之魅——俄汉服饰色彩的文化表征
4.The Kimono of Japan, national costume of Korea, are mostly developed from Hanfu, or take Hanfu for an important reference.现在日本、韩国等国家的民族服装,都是由汉服演变而来,或者借鉴了汉服的元素。
5.Air conditioning system design for Hanzheng Street Brand Clothing Wholesale Plaza in Wuhan武汉汉正街品牌服饰批发广场(一期)空调设计
6.Look at the Rationality of Chinese Clothes Structure through Han s Female Gown in the Beginning of 20 Century;从20世纪初汉族女装袍服看华服结构的合理性
7.It is not power, but love that makes a man obey.使男子汉屈服的不是武力,而是爱。
8.The room was full of solid men in black uniforms.屋子里站满了穿着黑制服的强壮汉子。
9.The key to this question lies in overcoming Han chauvinism.这个问题的关键是克服大汉族主义。
10.Huniphrey sat uncomfortably in the hardbacked witness chair.汉弗莱不舒服地坐在证人的硬座椅上。
11.The Han Nationality Dress-Forerunner that Nationality and Culture Merge汉族服饰——民族与文化融合的先行者
12.Yes, there is a sign both in English and in Chinese.服务员: 有的,上面写着英语和汉语。
13.A Study on Marketing Strategy of Power Supply Service in Hongshan Wuhan;武汉洪山地区供电服务营销策略研究
14.The Revision and Supplement of Yang Shoujing s Compilation of Han Shu Twenty-three Commentaries of Fu Qian;杨守敬《汉书二十三家注钞·服虔》校补
15.Development of Producer Services Industries and Manufacturing Upgrading in Wuhan;武汉生产性服务业发展与制造业升级
16.Grades and Classes:the Change of System of Official Dresses in Han and Tang Dynastyies;分等分类视角中的汉、唐冠服体制变迁
17.Study on Murals from Han Tombs at Xi an Polytechnic University;西安理工大学汉墓壁画人物服饰辨析
18.How to overcome the contrary mind in the elementary Chinese teaching;如何克服预科汉语教学中的逆反心理

Garments in Wuhan汉派服装
1.Discussion on the Success and Failure of Garments in Wuhan and its Enlightenment to the Weak Non-tate Enterprises;汉派服装的兴衰及对中小民营企业生存发展的启示
3)han garment汉派服饰
4)Wuhan apparel industry武汉服装
5)Han nationality clothing汉族服装
6)finery of Han ethnic group汉族服饰
1.Owing to the extensive absorbing of foreign finery characteristics,the finery of Han ethnic group in Tang Dynasty appeared to be abundant and luxurious with multi-ethnic characteristics.唐代汉族服饰丰富而华丽,特别是对外来衣冠服饰的广为吸收,使得唐代汉族服饰呈现出交流融合的多民族性特色。

撒娇派1985年京不特和默默在上海成立了撒娇诗社,出版《撒娇》诗刊。第二年《华夏诗报》刊出评论《撒娇的与并不撒娇的》引起全国范围的有关“撒娇”的讨论。所谓的“撒娇”,是诗人选择的在客观环境不允许时所采取的一种表达自己的诗歌手段。撒娇派的代表诗人有京不特、默默、孟浪和胡同等。2004年撒娇诗院在上海由默默等人创立,《撒娇》诗刊复刊。[编辑]相关连接中国诗歌库 http://www.shigeku.com中国诗歌史 http://poetrycn.com[编辑]参见现代诗歌现代诗人诗人列表Image:Organization template.gif 这是一个与组织相关的小作品,您可以帮助维库扩充其内容。