民俗文化,folk culture
1)folk culture民俗文化
1.A study of Liaoning folk culture tourism resources development;辽宁民俗文化旅游资源开发策略研究
2.Islamic Cultural Characteristics and their Structure within Folk Culture of Hui Ethnic Group in Bafang Community of Lin Xia Region;临夏八坊回族民俗文化中的伊斯兰文化特质及建构
3.Research on the Folk Culture Development and the Strategy;云南民俗文化产业发展现状及对策研究

1.Studying on the Popular Novel Creation in the View of Folklore Culture;民俗文化视野中的通俗小说文本创作
2.The Mirror of Folk Customs--Viewing Folk Culture from the Perspective of Genre-painting of the Song Dynasty民俗“镜像”——由宋代风俗画看宋代民俗文化
3.On the Exploitation of Folklore and the Role of the Subject;论民俗文化开发与民俗文化主体的参与
4.Returning Custom to Folk--On the Exploitation of Folk-custom Culture and the Role of the Subject;还俗于民──论民俗文化发掘与民俗文化主体的参与
5.Henan Folklore Culture and the Psychology of Henan Folk Culture;论河南民俗文化与河南民间文化心理
6.To Discuss the "Pollution" and Prevention of Folklore Tour to Folklore Culture in the Tourist Area;论民俗旅游对旅游地民俗文化的“污染”与防治
7.The GuanLong Folk Custom Cultural Circle Wase put forward and their Upper Significance of Folklore关陇民俗文化圈的提出及其在民俗学上的意义
8.On the Chinese Residential Folk - custom Culture Implied in Explanation and Study of Principles of Composition of Character --A Sixth Research for the Being of Chinese Character Culture;《说文解字》与居住民俗文化——《说文》汉字民俗文化溯源研究之六
9.On the Impact of Ethics and Folk Culture on the Aesthetic Culture in Qinghai;伦理、民俗文化对青海审美文化的影响
10.Strengthening the Secondary School Campus Culture by Promoting Folk Culture弘扬民俗文化,加强中学校园文化建设
11.Folklore Values in the Nongovernmental Selection of "National" Image-- Taking Peony Folklore Image as Example;民间“国”字号评选中的民俗文化价值——以牡丹民俗文化为例
12.The Research of the National Minority Movie (TV)s Folk Culture;少数民族电影(视)中的民俗文化研究
13.Folklore of the Dan People in Shanwei Area:Characteristics and Changes;汕尾蛋民民俗文化的特点和变迁(二)
14.Folk Custom Culture in Door Decorations of Traditional Chinese Houses中国传统民居大门装饰中的民俗文化
15.Interpretation on the Text of "The Three-Inch Golden Lotus" from the Perspective of Folk Culture;民俗文化视角下的《三寸金莲》文本解读
16.Folklore Culture and Modern Transformation of Chinese Literature Spirit;民俗文化与中国文学精神的现代转型
17.On the Folkways of the Ancient Transportation in Explanation and Study of Principles of Composition of Character--A Seventh Research for the Being of Chinese Character Culture;《说文》与古代交通民俗——《说文》汉字民俗文化溯源研究之七
18.The Research of Folk Custom about Prenting Mianhua as a Gift in the Village Folk Custom Cultule Construction;村落民俗文化构建中的面花互赠习俗研究

folklore culture民俗文化
1.On the Exploitation of Folklore Culture as a Course;略论民俗文化的课程开发
2.Existence crisis and protection strategies for rural folklore culture;农村民俗文化的生存危机与保护策略
3.The Exploration of Folklore Culture and the Development of Contemporary Literature;简论民俗文化的发掘与当代文学的发展
3)Folk custom culture民俗文化
1.However,in the tide of globalization,the basis of Chinese tradtional culture,the folk custom culture is fading away gradually.民俗文化属于民间文化,是中国传统文化的基础。
2.Buddhism culture with emphasis to the local folk custom culture influence, and has carried on the brief reason analysis on this foundation.本文重点分析了九华山佛教文化对当地民俗文化的影响,并在此基础上进行了简要的原因分析。
4)folk-custom culture民俗文化
1.On combining of courtyard dwellings and folk-custom culture in Shenmu神木四合院民居与民俗文化结合的探析
2.Because it incarnates the culture and tradition of the sea of Cantonese,becomes the center of civilian for apotheosis about sea-god,contains abundant history about oceanic folk-custom culture of Guangzhou,witnesses the turn from landmass culture to ocea.从海洋文化视角审视南海神庙,南海神庙是广州海上丝路文化的集中体现,是海神民间崇拜的中心,蕴含着丰富的广州海洋民俗文化历史,是从大陆文化到海洋文化转折点的一个见证,具重要的海洋历史文化价值。
3.Folk-custom culture is an important tourism resource,and has huge economic and social value.民俗文化是一项重要的旅游资源,具有巨大的经济和社会价值。
1.This essay analyzes the nature of the marine folklore of Hainan Province.经对海南岛临高、昌江、三亚、东方、琼海等市县渔村的海洋生活习俗、生产习俗与信仰习俗的调查,分析了海南海洋民俗文化的基本内涵。
2.To exploit the folklore ,we must master the meaning of it and clear the role of its subject in the process of exploitation .民俗文化的开发 ,必须真正了解民俗的文化内涵 ,明确民俗文化主体在民俗文化开发中的位置 ,唯有如此 ,才能较好实现既发展经济又保护、弘扬民俗文化传统的双重目
3.With its unique role in the construction of the spirit of a nation, the folklore is of great importance for people to understand the cultural tradition including the language mode of presentation of their nation.民俗文化在民族精神构建中的独特功能和地位,决定了它对人们认识民族文化传统包括语言表达方式具有不可替代的意义。
6)the culture and folk customs文化民俗
