实事求是,seeking truth from facts
1)seeking truth from facts实事求是
1.Formation and development of Mao Ze-dong thought of seeking truth from facts;毛泽东实事求是思想的形成和发展
2.Way or Goal——On the definition of "seeking truth from facts" in criminal procedure;方法抑或目标——关于实事求是在刑事诉讼中的定位问题

1.The creative is to seek the truth from objective things bravely and in skill;创新要敢于实事求是和善于实事求是
2.It means seeking truth from facts and following the mass line.就是实事求是,群众路线。
3.“Seeking truth from facts" in terms of experience theory and practice theory;经验论的实事求是和实践论的实事求是
4.a realistic person, attitude实事求是的人、 态度
5.Practical Socialism实事求是的社会主义
6.realistic phasing实事求是地分阶段进行
7.Call a spade a spade.直言不讳(实事求是)。
8.One should not copy the experience of someone else indiscriminately, but should instead be realistic.不能照搬,只能实事求是
9.The referee is reasonable and fair.裁判员很实事求是
10.-- Be practical and realistic.--坚持实事求是,量力而行。
11.Our attitude towards work is to seek truth from facts and to be honest.我们的工作态度是实事求是,老老实实。
12.He told the facts fairly.他实事求是地叙述这些事实。
13.Start from Facts and Seek Truth from Facts: Seek Truth from Facts Studies in Deng Xiaoping s Epistemology;从事实出发,从事实中求是——邓小平认识论思想中“实事求是”研究
14.Such is the practical attitude, the attitude of seeking truth from facts.这是从实际出发,实事求是的态度。
15.Please tell me the whole story of the accident honestly.请实事求是地告诉我事故发生的经过。
16.Emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts so as to creat a new situation in cause;解放思想,实事求是,开创事业新局面
17.To adopt an attitude is to seek truth from facts, isn't it?这种态度就是实事求是的态度,不是吗?
18.In devising tactics for battles, he paid close attention to the particular circumstances.他用兵作战最讲实事求是,从实际出发。

seek truth from facts实事求是
1.Understaneding the Source Restricted Factor about "seek truth from facts "repeatedly;对“实事求是”的发展及制约因素的再认识
2.It s Marxist essence and core of the Communist Party to emancipate the mind , seek truth from facts and keep pace with time .解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进是马克思主义的精髓,是我们党的思想路线的核心。
3.The key of scientific reflection is to seek truth from facts.科学反思的根本要求是坚持实事求是
3)be practical and realistic实事求是
1.These principles are to hold opportunity and character of new town, and to be practical and realistic throughout the program and practice.本文以丽江新城祥和(家园)区控制性规划实例,通过对项目策划以及实施全过程的剖析,阐述现阶段我国城市新区开发应该遵守的三大原则:抓住机遇、准确定位、实事求是,同时,对策划进程中存在的问题进行反思,引以为鉴。
2.On the other hand,many contradictions and tentions mingled with each other do exist,To deeply realize “kown yourself",the idea of ancient Greek philosopher ,Socrates, to conscientiously understand the core of“be practical and realistic"is a good way to figure out the reality of China.深刻认识古希腊哲学家苏格拉底的“认识你自己”,认真体会“实事求是”的精髓,可以帮助我们更清楚地了解中国现状。
4)being practical and realistic实事求是
1.On CPC s ideological line:emancipating the mind,being practical and realistic,and keeping pace with the time;论党的思想路线:解放思想,实事求是,与时俱进
2.According to statistics work practice experience for 20 years, author discusses that principle being practical and realistic must be insisted to do statistics work well.作者以近二十年的统计工作实践,论述了搞好统计分析要坚持实事求是的原则。
3.MAO and DENG s theory of being practical and realistic is compared from the theoretical starting point,viewpoint and constitution,which is of significance theoretically and realistically in terms of insisting the ideological route of free thinking and being practical and realistic,advocating the developing opinion and maintaining the advancement of the co.文章从实事求是思想的理论起点、视角和构成三个方面对毛泽东和邓小平思想进行了比较研究,这对我党在新时期进一步坚持解放思想、实事求是的思想路线,弘扬与时俱进的精神以及保持共产党员先进性等方面具有重大的理论和现实意义。
5)seeking truth from fact实事求是
1.The Discussion about the Connotation of the Thought of Seeking Truth from Fact of Deng Xiaoping;邓小平实事求是思想研究
2.Zeng Guo-fan s theory in study had a feature of seeking truth from fact .曾国藩的治学思想始终贯穿着实事求是的精神和品格。
3.Since new China was founded- Zhou En-lai combined the basic principle of Marxism with China s practice starting off from China s situation- persisted in the working style of "seeking truth from facts" all the time- inherited and developed Party s ideological route of "seeking truth from facts"- made an excellent contribution to exploring the socialist modernization road of China.周恩来在新中国成立后,从中国的国情出发,把马克思主义的基本原理与中国的实际结合起来,始终如一地坚持实事求是的工作作风,继承和发展了党的实事求是的思想路线,为探索中国社会主义现代化道路作出了卓越的贡献。
