1.Image of Manchu People in Kajae s Travel Diaries to Peking——Including a comprasion with Han people;《老稼斋燕行日记》中的满族人形象——兼与其中的汉族人形象比较
2.Development and Formation of Manchu Traditional Sports;满族传统体育项目的形成与发展

1.of or relating to or characteristic of Manchuria or its people or their culture.属于或关于满族满族人、满族文化,或有其特点的。
2.Big Sister Liu is one of the best of his short stories.原名舒庆春,满族
3.The Tungusic language of the Manchu.满语满族人的通古斯语族中心语言
4.the Tungusic language spoken by the Manchu people.满族人说的通古斯语。
5.Why did the Manchus offer sacrifices to the crow?满族为什么要敬祭乌鸦?
6.The folk belief of Manchu is the main component of Manchu folk literature.满族民间信仰是满族民俗文化的重要组成部分。
7.On art characteristics presented by Manchurian Saman s dances to their God;浅谈满族萨满跳神所呈现的艺术特征
8.Manchu Words Remained in Texts of Contemporary Manchu Spoken Literature;当代满族口头文学文本中保留的满语
9.The Version of viewing Three Scopes of Saman s Rligion from Devil "Ye Luli" of the Manchus;由满族耶鲁里神观其萨满教三界之说
10.A Research on the Relationship between the Han Nationalities Culture and the Manchu Culture in Current Manchu Shamanism;当代满族萨满信仰习俗中的汉满文化关系研究
11.The frequence of all the ten fingers that have the WL is 1.91% (Man),10.5% (Han).十指均有白线频率为1.91%(满族)和10.5%(汉族)。
12.Manchu People's Wedlock Habitude--Seeding Tang's Stemmata's Education to Search the Living of Manchu Family满族人的婚姻习俗——从《唐氏家谱》家训篇看满族人家族生活
13.From Phratry to Banner System--The Inconsistence of National Acknowledgement in Man Nationality;由氏族到八旗——满族民族认同中的矛盾现象
14.Economic Development Research in Xinhua Townstip;新化苗族彝族满族乡经济发展调查研究
15.Manchu Toward Race, Mongolian Traditional Comparative Study of the Form of Residential Living满族、朝族、蒙族传统民居居住形式的比较研究
16.View on the Relation between the Manchu Shamanism and Fete from among Eight Banners Genealogy;从八旗谱牒看满族萨满教与祭祀的关系
17.Analysis on the Home Fete Ceremony of Man ethnic s and the question of the Jiasaman is not Samanism;关于满族家祭和家萨满问题的几点思考
18.On the Coalescent of Shamanism and the Local Wizardry in Fuzhou in Qing Dynasty;清代福州满族萨满信仰与本土巫文化的结合

Manchu Nationality满族
1.Formation & Development of Diet Culture of Manchu Nationality;满族饮食文化的形成与发展
2.Manchu nationality had been influenced by Chinese culture a lot when moving to the south.满族在南迁的过程中,生态环境与社会环境改变,与汉文化接触增多,由渔猎走向农耕,由迁徙渐趋定居,其手工业也发生了一系列相应的改变。
3.With the change of ecological and social environment,Manchu nationality has been influenced much more by Chinese culture when it was moving to the south.满族在南迁的过程中,生态环境与社会环境改变,与汉文化接触增多,由渔猎走向农耕,由迁徙渐趋定居,其思想文化也发生了一系列相应的改变。
3)Man nationality满族
1.Man nationality has the largest population among minorities in Heilongjiang region.满族是黑龙江地区人口最多的少数民族之一,与黑龙江省朝鲜族、蒙古族、回族、达斡尔族、锡伯族、鄂伦春族、赫哲族、鄂温克族、柯尔克孜族等世居少数民族的关系是比较和谐的。
2.Through such methods as literature reviewing and questionnaire,this paper researches into the origin and features of Man nationality s traditional sports,on the basis of which,the thesis writer puts forward specific suggestions on how to carry forward Man nationality s traditional sports culture and how to exploit,develop and inherit Man nationality s traditional sports events.采用文献资料和问卷调查等方法,对满族传统体育项目及特点进行研究。
3.The custom and cultural tourism resources of the Man nationality as important social factors and element of productive forces have practical and immediate significance.满族民俗文化资源是非常重要的社会因素和生产力因素,开发满族民俗旅游资源意义重大。
4)the Manchu nationality满族
1.And the Manchu nationality has believed in Shamanism for long-standing time and it impacts lasting.而满族信奉萨满教由来已久,创造了丰富的文化遗产,影响深远。
2.This paper introduced the Manchu nationality culture characteristic of Shangjiahe Town,analyzed the meaning and conditions of developing the tourism of Shangjiahe Town,and point out the principles of developing the tourism of Shangjiahe Town.介绍了上夹河镇的满族文化特色,分析了上夹河镇发展旅游业的意义和有利条件,并提出上夹河镇开发旅游业的原则。
3.Saman religion is a primitive one of the Manchu nationality and their ancestors, in which willow worship occupies an important position.萨满教是满族及其先民信仰的多神崇拜的原始宗教。
5)the Man nationality满族
1.This article took dress and personal adornment of the Man nationality into research and analysis in an all-round way, and revealed the social estate differences of the Qing Dynasty expressed in the dress and personal adornment and the traditional dress characteristic of the Man nationality.本文对满族服饰进行了比较全面的研究与分析,揭示了清王朝在服饰上表现出来的等级差别及满族传统的服饰特点。
2.Before entering Shanhaiguan, the Man nationality was at aperiod when its society was chaging from a clan society into a feudal one.入关前的满族正处在由氏族社会末期向封建制度的转型时期,其文字、宗教、服饰、婚姻制度、社会组织形式都呈现出鲜明的民族特色。
6)The Manchus满族
1.The Relations by Marriage between the Manchus and the Mongolians of China, the Changes about Customs of the Manchus Marriage of Qing Dynasty;清朝入关前后满蒙联姻及满族婚俗新变化
2.Shamanism worshiped by the Manchus in the past may be classified into three kinds:witchcraft sha manism ,family sha manism and palace shamanism .满族原来信奉的萨满教有野萨满、家萨满、宫廷萨满之说。
3.The costume culture relationship between the Manchus and the Han people in Qing dynasty was first marked by keen and fierce conflicts.清代满、汉服饰文化关系首先表现为尖锐而又激烈的冲突,一方面清统治者以"首崇满州"来竭力维护满族服饰文化的自系统性,并通过"剃发易衣冠"这一具体的政策将满族服饰文化强加于汉族厚积了几千年的服饰文化之上,以满族服饰文化来改造汉服饰文化;另一方面汉族儒生、士大夫和广大民众拼死反对"夷狄"文化,贬斥满族服饰文化。
