体育产品,sports product
1)sports product体育产品
1.Internet marketing strategies of sports products;体育产品网络营销的战略
2.Criterion of sports product doesn t lie on its manufacture industry,but rests with its useable value to meet people s demand on sports consumption.体育产品是满足人们体育消费需求的劳动产品的总称,体育产品的界定是面向消费过程的。
3.During the process of the formation and the development of sports industry in our country,the localization and the classification of the sports product are a theoretical and practical question which urgently awaits to be studied and solved.在我国体育产业的形成和发展过程中,体育产品的定位与分类是一个亟待研究和解决的理论问题和实践问题。

1.The Strategy of Brand Marketing of Enterprises in Sports Products;论体育产品生产企业的品牌营销战略
2.Discuss On Unique Aspects of Sport Market,Sport Product and Marketing;试论体育市场、体育产品及其营销特性
3.Consumption Culture:Promote the Impetus of the Brand of Sports Product;消费文化:提升体育产品品牌的着力点
4.Consideration on Several Theoretical Problems of Sports Industry and Sports Product Attribute;体育产品属性及体育产业若干理论问题的思考
5.A Study on New Sports Product Characteristic Life Cycle and Marketing Strategy;新体育产品生命周期特征与营销策略
6.Experience economy,sports tourism products and experiencing marketing;体验经济与体育旅游产品及体育旅游产品体验
7.Research on the Product and Strategy of Urban Sport Tourism;城市体育旅游产品及其产品策略研究
8.Foundation of the Sports Industry in Our Country--Sports Gads Industry;我国体育产业的基础——体育用品业
9.Study on Sports Articles Companies Product Strategies of Our Countries;对我国体育用品企业产品策略的探讨
10.Supply of sports public products in the process of sports industrialization in China;论我国体育产业化进程中体育公共产品的供给
11.Research on Brand Development of Sport Goods Enterprises of Guangzhou;广州市体育用品生产企业品牌培育的研究
12.On the Licensed Product Liability of the Sports Mark Owner;体育标志权人对体育标志使用许可产品的产品责任
13.The Status and Effects of Sports Equipments Industry in the Sports Industry of Xiamen;厦门体育用品业在体育产业中的地位与作用
14.Varieties that do not produce fertile pollen are used as females.不产生可育花粉的品种被用作母体。
15.They are just products of the educational system.他们只不过是一种教育体制下的产品。
16.Research on Product Differentiation and Competitiveness in Sports Industry;体育服务性产品差异化与竞争力研究
17.The Current Situation and Development Countermeasure of Sports Goods Industry in China;我国体育用品产业的现状与发展对策
18.Differences between sports game products:taking 2007 NBA games in China as example;体育赛事产品差异化:以NBA2007中国赛为例

sports products体育产品
1.On sports products as public welfare and industry;试论体育产品的公益性与产业性
2.The main body of consumption and the characteristics of sports products;论体育产品的消费主体及其特征
3.of the sports products made by Fujian private Sports enterprises and other famous private Sports enterprises in China and in other c.通过对福建省民营体育企业发展现状的调查,分析福建民营体育企业与国内乃至世界体育知名企业在体育产品的产值、产品质量、性能、产品的研发能力和价格等方面的分析比较,提出了提高内涵、塑造品牌、策划拉动、分析市场、呼唤联合等措施,增加民营体育用品市场占有率。
3)Sport product体育产品
1.By the use of the research methods of literature of and logic analysis, integrating the theories of micro economic and sport marketing, according to the nature of sport products, objectives, influencing factors, approaches and artifices of pricing of products were discussed in this study.运用文献资料、逻辑分析等研究方法 ,结合微观经济学、体育市场营销学等理论 ,根据体育产品的特点 ,对体育产品的订价目标、影响订价的因素、订价方法、订价技巧进行了论述。
2.This article expolres the making of sport product price from 3 aspects as:the method of sport product price making,the making of new sports product and the social price of sport product.从体育产品价格制定的基本方法、新体育产品的价格制定和体育产品的社会价格三个方面 ,初步探讨了体育产品的价格制定问题。
4)sports goods体育产品
1.The conclusion is as follows: in logistics, sports industry and sports undertaking are concepts with opposite relations, the concepts extension is different, furthermore, the merger of their extension is not more extensive than the extension of near category, in industry economy, sports industry is the sum total of the same sports goods enterprises, the sports goods can only.从逻辑学,经济学等几个方面对体育产业,体育事业以及两者之间的关系进行剖析,明确了两者的定义,提出了对两者关系的理解,即:从逻辑学的角度看,这两者应当是反对的关系,两者的外延完全不同,同时两概念外延之和小于邻近的属概念的外延,两者之间存在着本质的区别;从产业经济学的角度看,体育产业是同类体育产品生产企业的总和,而这种同类的体育产品只能表现为体育劳务。
2.Seen from the angle of industry economy,sports industry is the sum total of the same sports goods enterprises.从产业经济学的角度讲 ,体育产业是同类体育产品生产企业的总和 ,而这种同类的体育产品只能表现为体育劳
3.In industry economy,sports industry is the sum total of the same sports goods enterprises,the sports goods can only manifest themselves as sports labor services.从逻辑学,经济学等几个方面对体育产业,体育事业以及两者之间的关系进行剖析,明确了两者的定义,提出对两者关系的理解,即:从逻辑学的角度看,这两者应当是反对的关系,两者的外延完全不同,同时两概念外延之和小于邻近的属概念的外延,两者之间存在着本质的区别;从产业经济学的角度看,体育产业是同类体育产品生产企业的总和,而这种同类的体育产品只能表现为体育劳务。
5)new sports product新体育产品
1.This paper makes study on new sports product characteristic life cycle and marketing strategy, put forwards popularize process and strategy of new sports product, it is put forth in hope of providing guidance for strategic sports marketing of new sports product.本文在对新体育产品生命周期的主要特征与营销策略的分析讨论中 ,提出了新体育产品的推广及策略 ,具有可操作性的指导意义。
6)sports goods industry体育用品产业
1.Analyzing the present situation of the sports goods industry and the competition between the foreign and the native enterprises.针对目前我国体育用品产业的现状和国内外企业的竞争态势进行了分析,强调其组织结构战略的发展方向为大集团战略和虚拟组织战略,并加以讨论。
2.This paper studied the pertinent concepts and the internal operation mechanism of sports goods industry standardization.对体育用品产业标准化的相关概念进行分析,探讨了体育用品产业标准化战略的内部运行机制。
3.This paper analyzed the promoting effect of Beijing Olympic Games on China\'s sports goods industry with the methods of theoretical analysis and literature material.采用理论分析和文献资料法,分析了北京奥运会对我国体育用品产业发展的促进作用。

洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心(Paul Ziffren Sports Resource Center, Amateur Athletic Foundation of Los Angeles) 洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心(panl Ziffren SPorts Resource Center,Amateur AthletieFoundation or LoS Angeles)藏有历届奥运会的正式报告书、大量的国际奥委会出版物、布伦戴奇文献资料的缩微胶片、1984年洛杉矶奥运会和19%年亚特兰大奥运会的详细资料、一些申办城市的申办报告和1988年以来奥林匹克运动会的声像资料。 通讯地址:2141 w.Adams Blvd.Los Angeles,CA900 18,USA;电话:213 730 9696:传真:213 7309637:电子信箱:library@aafla.org:因特网址:www.aafla.eom。