文化存在,Cultural existence
1)Cultural existence文化存在
1.Fairy Tales as a Cultural Existence;作为一种文化存在的童话故事
2.The cultural construction of textbooks of Chinese is considered as pattern of specific cultural existence once they are constructed and edited the text itself.语文教材的文化建构,是把语文教材作为特定的文化存在形态,对其本体进行文化的营构与编制,即对语文教材进行文化设定,赋予它一种文化主体地位,使其具有文化的特质与品格。
3.The status of human beings as the subject in sport clearly indicates the requirement of human beings as a cultural existence.人在体育中的主体地位彰显了人作为文化存在的要求。
2)cultural entity文化存在物
1.The trifle in the story pla ys a key role in Lu Xun s spiritual evolution from cultural entity to realistic entity.鲁迅的精神结构在其精神的发展历程中呈现着阶段性的变化,“一件小事”在鲁迅精神的文化存在物向现实存在物的嬗变中起着重要的作用,从叙事的角度看,《一件小事》在艺术表达上也有其不可忽视的创造性尝试意义。
3)existence of pure culture纯粹文化存在
4)cultural existence and development文化存在与发展
5)existence of cultural personality文化人格存在
1.And "Confucian scholar s feature" is a proper description to Confucius, as a beautiful existence of cultural personality.“夫子”是对孔子一个最恰当的称呼,“夫子气象”则是我们对孔子作为一个美的文化人格存在的形象称述。
6)literary existence文艺存在
1.On the intellectual framework of literary existence and literary anthropology;论文艺存在研究的知识框架及其文艺人类学选择

1.On the intellectual framework of literary existence and literary anthropology;论文艺存在研究的知识框架及其文艺人类学选择
2.Being and Transparency: Study on the Concept of Atheistic Existentialist Homonology in Art and Literature;存在与澄明:论存在主义的文艺人学观
3.Interpretation with Existence and Interpreting Existence;用存在去解释和对存在的解释——海德格尔存在论文艺观和解释学文艺观的相互依存性
4.Characteristics of Movie & TV Culture --Taking Movie & TV Art as an Example;影视文化特征论——以影视艺术存在为例
5.An Analysis of the Ontology of Practical Existential Aesthetics and Literary Theories--Centering on the Relation Between Practice and Existentialism“实践存在论”美学、文艺学本体观辨析——以“实践”与“存在论”关系为中心
6.Research on the Problems of Chinese SF Literature Communication and Strategies;我国科幻文艺传播存在的问题及对策研究
7.Aesthetic and Cultural Reflections on Contemporary Chinese Advertising Art;存在与超越:当代中国广告艺术的审美文化反思
8.The Ecological Structure of Man s Multilayer Existence and the Aesthetic Experience of Literature and Arts and Ecology;人多重存在的生态结构与文艺生态审美体验
9.On the Problems of the Research Pattern of Present Literary Theory and Countermeasures;试论当前文艺学研究模式存在的问题及对策
10.Art as an Existing Way of Human Beings;艺术是人的一种生存方式——文学存在方式研究之二
11.Criticism of criticism of literature and art technologized of Frankfort school of thought --On rationality of existence of network literature in addition;法兰克福学派文艺技术化批判的批判——兼论网络文学存在的合理性
12.Early cultures used techniques such as smoking and salting to preserve surplus meat and fish.在早期文化中,人们使用烟薰、腌制等工艺来保存吃不完的鱼和肉。
13.However, there are quite a few problems and much confusion among our theorists, writers and artists.但是,理论界文艺界还有不少的问题,还存在相当严重的混乱,
14.The problems discussed here exist in our literary and art circles in Yenan. What does that show?我们延安文艺界中存在着上述种种问题,这是说明一个什么事实呢?
15.Problems in Graduation Thesis of Art Majors and Strategies;艺术类本科毕业论文写作中存在的问题及其对策
16.Problems and Solutions Concerning Undergraduate Thesis of Arts and Design Major;艺术设计专业本科生毕业论文写作存在的问题及解决对策
17.The Film--a Text of Existentialism--The Development and End of the Scientific Progress and the Film Art;电影——一个存在主义的文本——科技进步与电影艺术的发展与终结
18.This paper analyzes the markets characteristics of artistic ceramics in France, and then advances some promoting strategies for Chinese art ceramics.本文通过分析法国艺术陶瓷的市场特点,存在的问题,探讨国内艺术陶瓷在法国市场的发展策略。

cultural entity文化存在物
1.The trifle in the story pla ys a key role in Lu Xun s spiritual evolution from cultural entity to realistic entity.鲁迅的精神结构在其精神的发展历程中呈现着阶段性的变化,“一件小事”在鲁迅精神的文化存在物向现实存在物的嬗变中起着重要的作用,从叙事的角度看,《一件小事》在艺术表达上也有其不可忽视的创造性尝试意义。
3)existence of pure culture纯粹文化存在
4)cultural existence and development文化存在与发展
5)existence of cultural personality文化人格存在
1.And "Confucian scholar s feature" is a proper description to Confucius, as a beautiful existence of cultural personality.“夫子”是对孔子一个最恰当的称呼,“夫子气象”则是我们对孔子作为一个美的文化人格存在的形象称述。
6)literary existence文艺存在
1.On the intellectual framework of literary existence and literary anthropology;论文艺存在研究的知识框架及其文艺人类学选择

存在主义伦理学(见存在主义)存在主义伦理学(见存在主义)existentialist ethics  cu陀012加yilun淞Ue存在主义伦理学(existeotialist ethics)见存在主丸