1.The symbolism and the Architectural Application of Symbols;符号的象征性及其在建筑中的表达
2.Symbolism and Realism in the Preservation of Historic Human Heritages;历史人文古迹保护的象征性与实效性
3.In the view of cultural anthropology,the ancient people s thinking in Shu Kingdom was "imagery thinking",which made the cultural modeling art in Sanxingdui having the characteristics of imitation,specification and symbolism.从文化人类学的角度看,古蜀人的思维以原始"意象思维"为主,这决定了三星堆文化造型艺术的模仿性、具体性、象征性

1.Of, relating to, or serving as an emblem; symbolic.象征的象征的、与象征有关的或作为象征的;象征性
2.a ceremonial or emblematic staff.礼仪性或者象征性手杖。
3.token forces有名无实[象征性]的部队
4.symbolically accepted goals.象征性地承认的目标。
5.sold at a nominal price以象征性的价钱卖出
6.They pay a nominal fee.他们象征性地付一点费。
7.The earlier characteristics is monumental and symbolic.前期特征是纪念性和象征性
8.The British Expeditionary Force was no more than a symbolic contribution.英国远征军不过是一种象征性的支援。
9.In Tang Dynasty Traditional Chinese Painting of Beautiful Women Color Symbolism and Decoration;唐代仕女画中色彩的象征性与装饰性
10.Symbolism and Realism in the Preservation of Historic Human Heritages;历史人文古迹保护的象征性与实效性
11.Symbolic Plot of Subject Matter in the Fiction of Ming Dynasty;明代小说中主题物的象征性与情节性
12.In one sense, these are always show trials- and rightly so.某种意义上说,此类审判都是象征性的,也应该是象征性的。
13.Integration of Symbolism and Exploration;象征性与探索性的结合——论俄国象征主义诗歌的艺术成就
14.Writing Poems by Motion Picture Technique:The Way to the Symbolic Images of Chinese Pure Poems;用电影的手法写诗——中国纯诗的象征性意象之途
15.On the Symbolic Images in Xu Xiaobin s The Feathered Serpent;神界的“黄昏”——谈徐小斌小说《羽蛇》中的象征性意象
16.a figural design; the figurative art of the humanistic tradition- Herbert Read.象征性的图案;人文主义传统象征艺术-何伯特·鲁德。
17.Decoration and Symbol;装饰与象征——中国佛教与西方基督教象征性装饰比较
18.Both the consciousness and the imagery symbols are the most essential type of literay symbols.意识性象征和具象性象征是最基本的文学象征类型。

1.The applications of traditional auspicious patterns in modern packaging design were analyzed from their expression forms and symbolic characteristics.简述了吉祥图案的表现形式,从吉祥图案的表现形式和象征性上来分析其在包装设计中的应用,进而探讨吉祥图案对包装设计的影响及促动。
2.Simile constitutes referential "comparison",metaphor constitutes metaphorical one and(integral) metonymy constitutes symbolic one.比喻的三种不同形式分别构成了三种不同的"比德"审美观照方式:明喻构成了说明性"比德"审美,暗喻构成了摹态性"比德"审美,(整体性的)借喻构成了象征性"比德"审美。
3.To be exact,his language fuzzy,jerky,vocative,symbolic,affective,and musical,as is typical of a poetic text.这一点具体表现在庄子哲学语言具有模糊性、召唤性、象征性、跳跃性、情感性以及音乐性等特征上。
1.Therefore,the inner imagery and imcomplication of film art ane formed——metaphor of film language,symbol of film i.这样就构成了电影艺术的内在意蕴 ,即电影语言的隐喻性、电影形象的象征性和深层结构的哲理性 ,三者互为一体 ,构成一个完整的互动系统。
2.Whether early or later in the original art art occupies an important position in the hist ory of the Renaissance, Romanticism, Symbolism, Expressionism, such as the period of artistic creation, are not lack of "symbolic" language of the existence of this painting.首先,纵观西方绘画,按照对西方狭义的象征理论的概括,可以将西方绘画中象征性的体现概括在四个阶段中,即:第一阶段原始艺术时期的象征性体现;第二阶段欧洲中世纪,因为宗教的介入,对这一时期绘画中“象征”体现的影响;第三阶段,在欧洲17、18世纪这样一个新旧交替的时代,“象征”作为一种绘画语言,在艺术的世俗化过程中,仍然具有不可磨灭的审美意义;第四阶段是“象征”的“蜜月期”——19世纪到20世纪,其间象征主义、表现主义、抽象主义等绘画时期的画家大都采用寓意、象征的手法来表现梦境、黑夜和病态,甚至歌颂死亡、追求荒诞的境界,以心灵的想象来创造某种带有暗示和象征的神奇画面。
1.Analysis of symbolization in number character design;数字文字设计中的象征性分析
2.By systematic analysis of Virginia Woolf s perception of time, this article reveals her unique consciousness of time, that is, the skipping, stagnation, selection and symbolization of time.本文系统地分析了伍尔夫在此书中的时间感受,揭示了她独特的时间意识:即时间的跳跃性、凝滞性、选择性和象征性
3.The main feature as below, it focuses on ideological expression, complanation of visualization, linearization of shape, and symbolization of color.中国传统装饰画历史悠久,积淀深厚,在几千年的发展中形成了自己鲜明的艺术特点,主要表现为:中国传统装饰画注重心象表达,注重形象平面化,注重造型线条化,注重色彩的象征性
5)symbolic meaning象征性
1.Discussion on the standardization and symbolic meaning of the costume worn by APEC leaders at their informal meeting;论APEC领导人非正式会议着装的规定性与象征性
2.The symbolic meaning of pronunciation and expressing art of poetry;语音的象征性与诗歌表达艺术
3.In the novel of Heart of Darkness the symbolic meaning mainly embodies beam, surroundings and character.象征性是康拉德小说中的重要艺术特征。
6)symbolic image象征性意象
1.It always pays little attention to Liu Changqing s poem, let alone has special article expounding its symbolic image.历来对刘长卿诗歌少有重视,对其象征性意象更无专文论述。

布鲁纳象征性模式布鲁纳象征性模式Bruner's symbolic model  布含纳象征性模式(Bruner’5 symbolicmodel)美国心理学家J.S.布鲁纳所提出的构成人类对世界的认知模式的三种表象模式之一。在人的心智能力的发展历程中,象征性模式的出现,表明人们能够运用语言、数字、图形等符号来代表经验或知识。它具有间接性和任意性。语一言的词既不是直接的事物,也不像映象那样和直接的事物相似,它是象征式的。语言的词可以搭配成任意的组合来表示事物。这种象征性模式,使人们具有考虑命题、构成概念层次结构的能力,以及探索事物的因果关系和预测未来的能力。 (成立夫撰匾亘国审)