彩灯,color lamp
1)color lamp彩灯
1.Sixteen groups color lamp control system based on VHDL;基于VHDL实现的十六路彩灯控制系统
2.This paper introduced the circuit of seven-segment character mode display, 16×16 lattice light emitting diode display, cycle color lamp control based on VHDL.随着电子技术的发展,可编程逻辑器件应用越来越广泛,介绍了基于VHDL的7段数码管 显示电路,16×16点阵LED显示电路,循环彩灯控制电路。
3.Along with the development of technology,color la mp as a sight is used more and more in modern times life Electron product an d system development are be changed revolutionary by EDA technology, this p aper introduced the circuit program controlling color lamp and emulation wave s based on VHD随着科技的发展 ,在现代生活中 ,彩灯作为一种景观应用越来越多。

1.Many pretty lights were dangling before the gate.大门前挂着许多彩灯
2.The Christmas tree was decorated with coloured lights.圣诞树上装点着彩灯
3.We are going to town to see the illuminations.我们进城去看彩灯
4.Lanterns come in many shapes and sizes.彩灯形态各异,大小不一。
5.Young and old compete in lantern contests and riddle competitions.男女老少进行彩灯比赛和猜灯谜比赛。
6.B: Good evening. It's so beautiful here tonight. Look at these red lanterns and colorful lights. Why?你好。真漂亮,为什么有这么多的红灯笼和彩灯
7.Some lanterns are patterned after palace style lamps of bygone dynasties.还有一些彩灯延袭了古时各朝各代宫灯的样式。
8.Chandler: Well, you still haven't taken down the Christmas lights.钱勒:咋了,你还没有把圣诞彩灯拿下来。
9.Colorful lights wholly illuminated the wide streets.彩灯将宽阔的街道照得通亮。
10.illuminate a street, building, etc用彩灯装饰街道、 建筑物等.
11.colored lamp boot彩色灯泡胶套(指示灯用)
12.decorate a Christmas tree with coloured lights用彩色灯装饰圣诞树.
13.Lights had been strung in the trees of the garden.花园的树上张灯结彩。
14.Christmas trees aglow with coloured lights张灯结彩的圣诞树.
15.colour-slide chain彩色幻灯片放映机电路
16.The streets were illuminated for the celebration.街道为庆祝张灯结彩。
17.colorful projective luminaire for large screen大屏幕彩色投影灯具
18.I see a colored ring like a rainbow around lights.我看到灯光周围有像彩虹一样的彩色圆圈。

1.Problem in colored-lantern development of Xiushan Festival Lantern and its countermeasures;秀山花灯灯彩的品牌开发
3)lantern control彩灯控制
1.In modern life,and practical work,the cycle of many lanterns,two-way shift register 74 LS194 is used widely,which is used in cycle lantern control circuit,the circuit becomes simple,easily to set up,and to reach more flexible and various control requirements.在现代生活和实际工作中,循环彩灯的应用很多,双向移位寄存器74LS194的应用非常广泛,将其用在循环彩灯控制电路中,可使电路简单,容易实现,能较灵活地实现各种控制要求,具有良好的实际效果。
4)color of light灯光色彩
5)LED lampionLED彩灯
6)loop color lamp循环彩灯
1.The paper mainly introduces automatic control of loop color lamp using multimedia Technology.主要介绍了利用多媒体技术实现循环彩灯的自动控制 ,其界面形象、生动 ,程序设计简单易行 ,可靠性
