创造活动,Creative activities
1)Creative activities创造活动

1.Empirical Study on the Influencing Factors of Patent Exploitation in High Institutions;高校专利创造活动影响因素实证研究
2.Analyzing Image-creation Activities of Humankind by the Metaimage Theory;运用“元影像”解析人类的影像创造活动
3.Explore on the Psychology Mechanics of Incubation Stage;创造活动酝酿期的心理加工机制初探
4.An Analysis about the Interactive Effect of Value Creation Activities in Alliance;战略联盟中组织价值创造活动的互动关系分析
5.pursue a creative activity; be engaged in a creative activity.从事一种创造性的活动;投身于创造性的活动。
6.To Construct the Situations of Teaching Activities, to Develop Student’s Creativity;创设教学活动情境,培养学生创造个性
7.Set up Scene of Teaching Activity to Train Students Creativeness;创设教学活动情境 培养学生创造个性
8.the act of creating by removing something.通过移动创造某物的活动。
9.arousal of the mind to special unusual activity or creativity.激发出不寻常活动或创造的思念。
10.activity that releases or expresses creative energy or emotion.释放或表达创造性精神或情感的活动。
11.Deepening the Activity Chuangzheng,Making the First Class Team of Central Bank;深化“创争”活动 打造一流央行职工队伍
12.Interact between Teacher and Students to Create Active English Teaching in Vocational Colleges;师生互动,创造有活力的高职英语教学
13.Develop Experience Education Activities and Cultivate Students Creation Spirit;开展体验教育活动 培养学生创造精神
14.On Importance of Persistence in Living Labour Creating Value Principle;论坚持活劳动创造价值原理的重要性
15.The "Four Respects" Stimulates the Laborers Creative Ability;“四个尊重”激发广大劳动者的创造活力
16.On the Self-organization of Activity System of Creative Thinking;论创造性思维活动系统的自组织过程
17.On the Functions and Laws in the Creating Thinking in Images of Human;论创造性形象思维活动的机制与规律
18.Build Teaching Situation and Develop Students Creative Character;创设英语教育活动情境 培养学生创造个性

creative activity创造性活动
1.Therefore, it contributes greatly to the formation of creative ability and creative activity.大学生创造性思维具有多向和求异性、突发和跨越性、整体和综合性、广阔和灵活性、新颖和流畅性、学问型和校园性等特征,对创造性能力的形成和创造性活动产生重要的作用和影响。
3)Creative activities创造性活动
1.The history of human society shows that creative activities are ways of life that are characteristic of human beings to enrich, perfect, and develop human beings themselves.人类社会的历史表明,创造性活动是人所特有的丰富、完善、发展自己的生存方式,其具体的内涵界定包括:创造性活动是人的自主性活动;创造性活动是人的超越性活动;创造性活动是人生命的整体性活动;创造性活动是人能动的真、善、美相统一的活动。
4)creative active curriculum创造活动课
1.The creative active curriculum, which was based on profound educational and psychological theories, has a great advantage of developing the students creativity.创造活动课是一种新型活动课,在开发学生的创造力方面有很大优势,其设计和实施有着深厚的教育学和心理学理论基础。
5)Re-create activity再创造活动
6)Scientific Creation科学创造活动
1.Leisure Life s Impacts on Scientific Creation and Intellectual Nurturing with Suggestion s for Policies;休闲对科学创造活动以及人才培养的影响及对策

创造活动心理阶段创造活动心理阶段psychological stages of creative activities  创造活动心理阶段(P syehologieal stagosof creative aetivitie,)创造过程一般分为准备、酝酿、顿悟、检验等四个阶段。而根据创造过程中的创造心理活动来分,又可分为以下六个阶段:(1)创造需要与创造动机形成阶段。(2)创造心理启动阶段,指凭借观察力、思维分析能力、思维比较能力、独立思考能力、创造想像能力等,提出探索的问题。(3)创造心理探索阶段,指运用创造性思维与创造性想像寻找问题和答案。(4)创造心理成型阶段,指经过长期的智力活动,使提出的问题获得初步的答案,这个阶段也是智力与创造力飞跃的阶段。(5)创造心理的检验阶段,指凭借评价能力与操作能力对新观点、新理论、新方法进行验证。(6)创造心理充实阶段,指通过创造性思维与创造性想像,使创造的产物更加完善并保存下来。在创造活动的每个阶段,所有的心理因素都参与活动,只是不同的心理因素在不同的创造心理阶段中所起的作用不同而已。 (租娴撰吴万森审)