礼学,ritual study
1)ritual study礼学
1.The ritual study of.礼学是儒学的重要组成部分,是将儒学与社会现实联系起来的重要环节,是中国经学的核心内容。

1.Influence of yi-learning thoughts on the interpretation and practice of propriety in the Northern-Southern Periods;南北朝易学思想对礼学与礼制的影响
2.follower of Baptistic doctrines.施洗礼学说的追随者。
3.Ritual Propriety and Reason: Huangs Summarization of the Qing Dynasty Ritual Studies;礼理之辩与黄式三、以周父子对清代礼学的总结
4.On Yang Yali s On the Book of Rites;礼学研究的重要收获——评杨雅丽著《礼记研究》
5.A Study on The Structure of Xunzi s Philosophy;礼道·礼教·礼治:荀子哲学建构新探
6.A scholar in liturgics.礼拜学家精于礼拜学的学者
7.The study of liturgies.礼拜学研究礼拜式的学科
8.The pupils assembled in the school hall.学生在学校礼堂集合。
9.Students are dressed in caps and gowns.学生们穿着礼服,戴着礼帽
10.Students are dressed in caps and graduation gowns and one by one,学生们穿着礼服,戴着礼帽,
11.Vaccination is the medical sacrament corresponding to baptism .种痘是相当于洗礼的医学上的圣礼。
12.Graduation exercises had to be consistent with academic protocol.毕业典礼必须符合学院礼仪。
13.go to church, school上教堂去做礼拜、 上学
14.He took a gift from his classmate.他接受了他同学的礼物。
15.The opening of a new university.一所新大学的启用典礼。
16.The students trooped into the auditorium.学生们列队走入大礼堂。
17.Learning Liyi for the Governing by Li-law:of the Learning in Xunzi礼法之治要求下的礼义之学——论荀子的“学”
18.A ceremony at which degrees or diplomas are conferred; a commencement.毕业典礼授予学位或毕业证书的仪式;毕业典礼

1.It used ShanLi and BiaoBan as its study content and it pay attention to the real society, solve the practical problems and create the new etiquette as its research aim and has made greater academic result. 南朝礼学是一种自上而下的学术,以《三礼》、《丧服》为研究内容,以注重社会实际,解决实际问题,重创新礼为研究目标,以尚义理、好章句、重设难、务博通为研究方法,取得了较大的学术成果,成为此时期一种重要的学术文化。
3)Li Xue(the theories of Li)礼学
1.At the same time, as an important part of the wholeConfucianism, the Li Xue(the theories of Li) — especially the research ofSangfu—received a particular notice.但是,作为儒学重要组成部分的礼学尤其是丧服之学却受到格外的重视,不仅研究著作众多,而且讨论异常细腻深入,参与礼仪讨论的也不限于专职的太常礼官,而是包括了上自天子下至一般官员的众多阶层,所论之事也不仅限于皇室诸侯,而是普遍施行于整个社会。
4)the science of li礼学
1.Kang Youwei s thought of the science of li. 康有为早期礼学思想的形成以其早年教育为主要背景,集中体现在《教学通议》一书中,以尊崇《周礼》为其鲜明的特色。
5)ritual studies礼学
1.Confucian classics of Zheng Xuan whic h was based on ritual studies were often mistaken as “pure science” in the research of academic history.以礼学为主干的郑玄经学常常在学术史研究中被认为是“ 纯学术”,可是经学自确立地位以来,就是一种政治统治学说,这是不容否认的。
2."Cautiousness," interpreted as inner virtue or exterior virtue by Ling,has much to do with the ritual studies.凌廷堪从礼学的视角重新诠释儒家的"慎独"、"格物"等重要思想。
6)Book on the Ceremonial Rites礼书礼学
