幽默广告,humorous advertisement
1)humorous advertisement幽默广告
1.Advertisement attaches great importance to creat ivity, not to mention humorous advertisement.广告讲究创意,幽默广告更是如此。

1.On Exaggerative Technique of Humor Advertisement in Visual Representation论幽默广告在视觉表现中的夸张手法
2.How humor factors influence advertising effect:Review of foreign research on Advertising humor;广告幽默国外研究综述——幽默对广告效果作用的影响因素
3.A Comparison between Chinese and American TV Commercials Regarding Humor;中美电视广告中幽默元素运用的比较
4.Construction of Humoristic Language of Graphs in Art and Design;解构广告艺术设计中的幽默图形语汇
5.Humorous Expressions in Advertising Language and Their Pragmatic Analysis;广告语言中的幽默现象及其语用分析
6.Door to Humor in Advertisement Design -- Probe into Essential Laws of Humorous Design;广告设计中的幽默之门——探析幽默设计的本质规律
7.The Positive and Humorous Effect of Ambiguity in Commercial Advertising;歧义在商业广告中的积极效果与幽默效果
8.The Propagation Efficacy and Form Characteristic of the Humorous Cartoon Advertisements;论幽默漫画广告的传播功效与形式特点
9.The top advertisers of today believe that using humour as well as new and unusual ideas to surprise people is important in modern advertisements.当今的顶级广告设计者认为,在现代广告中运用幽默、出其不意和新颖独特的创意很重要。
10.Kids can develop ad campaigns, commercials and skits to illustrate character traits.孩子们会发动宣传运动,制作广告宣传片和幽默短剧来说明性格品质。
11.Draw support from humorous expression method among advertising intention , make people's perfectly willing drawing out the purse while it is relaxed and happy .在广告创意中借助幽默的表达方法,使人们在轻松愉快的同时心甘情愿的掏出腰包。
12.IPAT Humor Test of PersonalityIPAT性格幽默测验
13.a humorous writer, remark幽默的作家、 话语
14.But I could tell Mrs. Easton and Mother why we like comics!但我能告诉伊斯顿夫人和妈妈为什么我们喜欢幽默书!
15.The reporter made his speech longer By padding it out with a few humorous jokes.做报告的人插进了几则幽默笑话,就把他的讲话拉长了。
16.After initially struggling to establish its audience, the radio network is beginning to find its pace as the U.「幽默诙谐」乎是《美国空中广播电台》军火库里的首要武器。
17.Frankly speaking, I like working with outgoing and energetic people who are well informed and have a strong sense of humor.坦率的讲,我喜欢和外向、力充沛、是广博而且非常幽默的人合作。
18.One said,“life is a sweet thing to a person with pure conscience.很有启发,人生,对于具有深广,幽默和纯洁心灵的人来说,的确是美味。

advertising humor广告幽默
3)Humorous cartoon advertisement幽默漫画广告
4)advertising humor appeal广告幽默诉求
5)Humorous print ads幽默平面广告
6)Humorous commercial advertisement幽默商业广告
