审美思想,aesthetic ideas
1)aesthetic ideas审美思想
1.On Ren Hua s Aesthetic Ideas as Reflected in His Poems;从任华的诗歌看其审美思想
2.Based on the background of ancient Chinese costumes and cultural,with the basis of ancient Chinese traditional aesthetic ideas,the deep -going cultural connota- tion of ancient Chinese military Rong garment,illustrate that military costtunes contains the special aesthetic conception and the tenden- cy of spirits.本文以中国古代服饰文化为背景,中国古代传统审美思想为依据,挖掘中国古代军戎服饰中深层的文化内涵,说明了军戎服饰中所蕴含的特殊的审美思想和精神指向。
3.Tibetan Aesthetic Ideas in the Epic Gesar s Scenery Depiction;为此,本选题以藏民族传统宗教思想为主要的理论依据,以《格萨尔》中所包涵的文学价值体系为出发点,从文学人类学、民俗学等多种视角注重探讨了其景物描写中所体现的民族审美思想及其观念。

1.A Study of How Chinese Aesthetics Come into Being--On Outline of Aesthetics of Western Zhou Dynasty;中国美学思想发生研究——西周审美思想论纲
2.Effects the Aesthetic Culture in Ancient China Had on Japanese Aesthetic Thinking;中国古代审美文化对日本审美思想的影响
3.Investigation in Aesthetic Thoughts of Hayao Miyazaki s Animated Films in Terms of "City of the Sky";从《天空之城》看宫崎骏动画的审美思想
4."Taste" and "Realizing" -- A Restricted View on Chinese Traditional Taste Idea;“味”与“悟”——中国传统审美思想管窥
5.Meditation of Tracing Chinese Traditional Culture to Its Source: Expression of Appreciating Ugliness under the Aesthetic Ideal;寻根之思:审美理想烛照下的审丑表达
6.The Thought of Aesthetic Disinterestedness of British Empirical Aesthetics and Aesthetic Modernity;经验派美学“审美无利害”思想与审美现代性
7.On the Thoughts of Aesthetic Experience in Medieval Europe;欧洲中世纪美学的审美经验思想评析
8.Freedom and Aesthetic Judgment;自由与审美——黑格尔自然美思想透视
9.Shaftesbury s Thoughts on Aesthetic Disinterestedness and the Aesthetic Modernity;夏夫兹博里“审美无利害”思想与审美现代性
10.Vewing Aestheticism of Thomas Mann from Magic Mountain《魔山》与托马斯·曼的审美主义思想
11.A Tentative Study of Shelleyan and Byronian Aesthetic Avant-Gardism雪莱和拜伦的审美先锋主义思想初探
12.A Study of Agnes Heller's Thoughts on Aesthetic Modernity;阿格妮丝·赫勒审美现代性思想研究
13.On Confucius Thought on Sports Aesthetics and Its Practical Significance;孔子的体育审美教育思想及现实意义
14.From Utilitarian to Aesthetic--The conversion of Liang Qichao s literay thought;从功利到审美——梁启超文学思想之流变
15.Confucian Endosarc of Esthetic Sensualism in Wen-Hsin Diao-Lung;《文心雕龙》审美感觉思想的儒家内质
16.Zhuang Zi′s thought of aesthetic technology and its modern significance;庄子审美化的技术思想及其现代意义
17.Experience of Painfulness and Political Prophecy:On Aesthetical Characteristics and Ideological Values of In the Penal Colony;《在流放地》的审美品格和思想价值
18.On the Source of Shang Qing s Aesthetic Mentality: Taoism;论尚清审美心理的思想之源——道家

aesthetic thoughts审美思想
1.This article explains the basic characteristics of the aesthetic thoughts of the nations in the ancient Mid east represented by the Hitlites,Asuas and New Babylonians,brings to light the close relation between the aesthetic thoughts and their politics,religion and military,points out the relationship between the aesthetic thinking and the primitive thinking of these ancient nations.文章论述了古代中东地区以赫梯、亚述、新巴比伦民族为代表的美学思想的基本特征 ,揭示了这些民族的审美思想同其政治、宗教和军事的密切联系 ,指出了古代这些民族的审美思维同原始思维的关
2.The brocade from Bashu has a significant effect on the culture,the economic development,the political stability and the aesthetic thoughts of the Tang Dynasty.唐代,是蜀锦发展的鼎盛时期,它是融入了巴蜀文化的中华文明瑰宝,蜀锦对唐代的文化、经济发展和政治稳定以及审美思想均产生了重要影响。
3.And the aesthetic thoughts of the Decoration of Bronze Mirror of Auspicious Animals and Grapes in the Tang Dynasty are discussed.本文从唐代瑞兽葡萄镜的纹饰题材入手,分析了其纹饰的艺术特色,并且对其审美思想进行了论述。
3)esthetic thought审美思想
1.Along with civilized progress, the people had the esthetic request gradually to the clothing, and this kind of esthetic which was initial source in practical from spontaneously to esthetically aware, had developed into the dress esthetic thought gradually.随着文明的进步,人们渐渐对服饰有了审美要求,这种最初源于实用的审美由自发到自觉,逐渐发展成为服饰审美思想
4)aesthetic thought审美思想
1.The landscape paintings become the favourable art in China,connecting with the great influence of the Taoist aesthetic thought.山水画可以说很好地阐释了道家的审美思想精神。
5)esthetic practice thought审美实践思想
1.The paper points that applying historical materialism epistemology to reveal the nature of the beauty machinerily,using historical materialism on practice to explore the root causes of the beauty dogmatically,and misinterpreting Marxism esthetic practice thought from the material practice have formed the three big fundamental errors of the Marxism esthetics studies in the contemporary China.文章认为,机械地运用历史唯物主义认识论揭示美的本质,教条地运用历史唯物主义实践论探究美的根源,从物质实践出发曲解马克思主义的审美实践思想,构成了中国当代马克思主义美学研究上的三大根本错失。
6)traditional aesthetic idea传统审美思想
1.This article aims at China s modern art design education should increase cultured accumulation of national tradition from the perspective of the spirit of national culture,traditional aesthetic idea,primitive and folk art and so on.本文从民族文化精神、传统审美思想、原始与民间艺术等三个方面,论述了中国的现代艺术设计教育应该加厚民族传统文化的积淀。

人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)people's army, thought of  renmin iundui sixiQng人民军队思想(pe叩le’s~y,thought(毛泽东关于建设一支由无产阶级政党领的、以马克思列宁主义作指导的新型人民队问题的理性认识,是毛泽东军事思想的要组成部分。见毛泽东军事思想。、,声.2﹃了‘j