和谐意识,harmonious consciousness
1)harmonious consciousness和谐意识

1.Pondering over Confucius Self-restraint & Returning to Rites and Harmonious Concept;孔子“克己复礼”和谐意识的现代启益
2.On Status of Harmonious Ideology Construction in the Process of Setting up Harmonious Society;论和谐型意识形态在构建和谐社会中的地位
3.On cultivating college students’ sense of harmonious responsibility under the harmonious society background;和谐社会背景下大学生和谐责任意识的培养
4.Exploration of He Spirit and Competition Awareness in Corporate Culture;企业文化下和谐观与竞争意识的探讨
5.On the Role Consciousness of the File Profession under Harmonious Society;和谐社会实践中档案职业的角色意识
6.On Relation Between Awareness of Responsibility and the Construction of a Harmonious Society;责任意识与构建和谐社会的关系探究
7.Ideology Work under the Angle of Constructing a Harmonious Society;构建和谐社会视角下的意识形态工作
8.Citizen Consciousness Education from New Perspective of Harmonious Society;论和谐社会新视野下的公民意识教育
9.Study on the Factors Influencing College Students Self-conciousness Harmony;影响大学生自我意识和谐的因素探析
10.Emphasizing "Teacher Awareness" for Building Harmonious Doctor-Patient Relations in College Clinic;强调“为师意识”,构建高校和谐医患关系
11.The concept of a harmonious society explanation:the collective consciousness;和谐社会理念的一种解释:集体意识
12.Self-consciousness Guidance for College Students from Countryside in the view of Harmonious Society;和谐视角下农村大学生“自我意识”引导
13.Brief Talk on the Awareness of Public Relations of Teachers in Universities in the Harmonious Society;浅谈和谐社会下高校教师的公关意识
14.Ideology Construction in Process of Harmonious Social Construction;和谐社会建设进程中的意识形态建设
15.To Enhance the Civilized Tax-check Awareness and to Construct the Hamonious Revenue Environment;增强文明稽查意识 构建和谐税收环境
16.Strengthen Administrative Ethics Consciousness and Construct Harmonious Society;强化行政伦理意识 构建和谐社会
17.Ecological Environmental Consciousness of the Dong nationality--Get along Well with Nature;侗族的生态环境意识──与自然和谐相处
18.New Exploration of Consciousness Characteristics and Its Inspiration to Harmonious Society意识特征新探及其对和谐社会的启示

self-consciousness harmony自我意识和谐
1.Based on the authors research into the current situation of college students self-consciousness harmony in Shanxi province in terms of the questionnaire on college students psychological problems as well as self-harmony scale,the paper mainly analyses the factors which influence self-consciousness harmony of college students with an aim to provide theoretical basis for psychology healthy.自我意识和谐包括自我认知、自我体验和自我控制三者关系的和谐,文章旨在结合王登峰编制的《自我和谐量表》和自编的《大学生心理问题调查问卷》对山西省大学生的自我和谐状况进行调查之外,重点探讨大学生自我意识和谐中影响自我认知、自我体验和自我控制的因素,为心理健康教育提供重要的理论依据。
3)aesthetic harmonious consciousness审美和谐意识
1.Through the analysis of editor s judge process over periodical s future appearance,this paper points out that in specific course of editing the editor must use scientific development view in leading his aesthetic consciousness,aesthetic guidance consciousness,aesthetic creative consciousness and aesthetic harmonious consciousness to fully play his role of spreaing knowledge.通过编辑对期刊未来可能呈现的面貌作出的判断过程的剖析,指出了在具体的编辑过程中,编辑必须以科学发展观引领自己的审美意识——审美导向意识、审美创新意识与审美和谐意识,才能使期刊充分发挥传播知识的作用。
4)Harmony Ideology和谐型意识形态
5)harmonious implication和谐意蕴
1.MAO Ze-dong s industrialized socialist thinking had the harmonious implication in correctly handling the relationship among heavy industry,light industry,and agriculture;the relationship between coastal industries and industries in the mainland;the relations among the state,the collective and the individual;the relations between China and foreign countries.研究毛泽东社会主义工业化思想中的和谐意蕴,对于今天促进产业结构和谐、区域经济和谐、利益关系和谐和国内发展与对外开放和谐,贯彻落实科学发展观,构建社会主义和谐社会具有重要的现实意义。
2.The harmonious implication of couplets in Taoism temples,between human and nature,human and society,pursuit of growth and accordance with law,pray and reality,remonstration and caution,charitable deeds and self-sacrifice,grace to nation and respect by people,will be discussed here.探讨道教宫观的楹联包含着的人与自然、人与社会、追求发展与按规律办事、祈盼与现实、规劝与警示、积德行善与护国献身、恩泽天下与百姓敬仰等和谐意蕴,提出道教经历了上千年的兼收并蓄之后需要扬弃,在科学昌明的当代,道教的神仙信仰更应该少言神通变化,多从神灵所表征的精神方面加以尊崇。
6)harmony in conception意境和谐
