湘绣,Xiang Embroidery
1)Xiang Embroidery湘绣
1.Oh,Soul Comes Back"--Dicussing elementanily the Design of Xiang Embroidery arts in 21th centruy;“魂兮归来”——21世纪湘绣艺术设计刍议
2.Xiang Embroidery as a traditional technique, changing With thesociety and its content and form constant evolves and develops.湘绣作为一种古老且极具地域特色的传统工艺,其内容和形式随着社会的变迁而不断地演化和发展,在商品经济与工业文化的影响和冲击下,湘绣逐渐从自绣自用的原生态的存在方式走向了市场态的产业化发展之路。

1.The most common designs on Xiang embroidery are lions and tigers.湘绣长于绣狮、虎题材。
2.Hunan embroidery( Hunan Province is called Xiang, for short in Chinese) is an important style of Chinese embroidery.湘绣与苏绣、绣和蜀绣并称为中国的四大名绣。
3.The four famous Chinese embroidery styles are the Su embroidery of Jiangsu Province, the Xiang embroidery of Hunan Province, the Yue embroidery of Guangdong Province and the Shu embroidery of Sichuan Province.中国刺绣最突出的有江苏的苏绣、湖南的湘绣,广东的粤绣和四川的蜀绣。
4.A Preliminary Study on the History of Xiang Embroidery and Its Regional Cultural Features;初探湘绣的历史渊源与地域文化特征
5.Oh,Soul Comes Back"--Dicussing elementanily the Design of Xiang Embroidery arts in 21th centruy;“魂兮归来”——21世纪湘绣艺术设计刍议
6.Designs on Xiang embroidery mostly derive from traditional Chinese paintings of landscapes, human figures, flowers, birds and animals.湘绣的图案借鉴了中国画的长处,所绣多为山水、人物、花鸟、翎毛、走兽,
7."Hunan embroidery or Xiang embroidery has a bold style. The designs show birds, animals, flowers, and landscapes. all these are vivid and lifelike."湖南的湘绣风格鲜明,图案多以花鸟,动物和山水为主。湘绣具有栩栩如生,呼之欲出的特点。
8.This is“ Xiang” embroidery, which is made in Hunan. It is one of“ the Four most famous embroideries” with the design of" A hundred cranes", which symbolizes" longevity".此绣片是湘绣,产自于湖南。它是我国四大名绣之一,此图案是百鹤图,有延年益寿之意。
9.The Research on Development Strategy of the Hunan Xincheng Embroidery Import and Export Ltd. Company;湖南新程湘绣进出口公司发展战略研究
10.The tigers appear strong and bold, revealing their power and menace as a king of animals.湘绣之所绣的虎,刚劲而坚硬,充分表现了虎的雄健和百兽之王的威武。
11."Therefore, Xiang (Hunan), Shu(Sichuan), Su (Jiangsu), and Yue (Guangdong) have become the four most famous types of embroidery."因此,湘(湖南),蜀(四川),苏(江苏),粤(广东)绣是中国最著名的四大名绣。
12.A wonderful Work of National Art ──Appreciate and Analyse Miao Nation s Embroider Art in Xiangxi;民族艺苑中的一朵奇葩——湘西苗族刺绣艺术赏析
13.Discussion on Cultural Building Design of Community--A Case Study on Jinxiuxiaoxiang Cultural Arts Center Design社区文化建筑设计浅析——以锦绣潇湘文化艺术中心设计为例
14.needlepoint done with small stitches.用小针脚绣的针绣花边。
15.needlepoint done with large stitches.用大针脚绣的针绣花边。
16.The embroiderer pricked out the pattern on to the cloth.刺绣工把图案绣在布上。
17.embroidery ,hand- or machine-made with visible textile ground手绣或机绣绣品,无可见纺织底布
18.broderie anglaiseph.1. 【法】英国刺绣

Hunan embroidery湘绣
1.Art themes of Hunan embroidery in different historical periods不同历史时期的湘绣艺术题材
2.Hunan embroidery is a kind of craft with the feature of Hunan culture created by diligent and intelligent Hunan people during the long historic development of men s civilization.湘绣是勤劳智慧的湖南人民在漫长的人类文明历史发展过程中,精心创造的一种具有湘楚文化特色的刺绣工艺,它以“浑厚博大、精巧细腻”而闻名天下,与苏绣、粤绣、蜀绣并称为我国“四大名绣”。
3)Xiang Embroidery industry湘绣产业
4)Suzhou [Hunan] embroidery苏[湘]绣
5)Xiang embroidery was initiated in the Chu Kingdom of the Warring States Period.湘绣创始于楚国,
1.Discussion about the Standardized Regulation Mechanism of Reemployment Project in Jiangxi,Hunan and Guangdong Provinces;赣、湘、粤三省各类县级市政府再就业工程规范性调控机制探讨
