和中文化,neutrality culture
1)neutrality culture和中文化
2)harmonious culture和谐文化
1.On Establishment of Socialist Harmonious Culture;谈社会主义和谐文化建设
2.On constructing socialist harmonious culture with cultural self-consciousness;以文化自觉推进和谐文化建设

1.Conservation of Cultural Heritage: Harmonious Culture and Harmonious Society;文化遗产保护:和谐文化与和谐社会
2.Support of Globalizating Harmonious Culture of and Globalization of Harmonious Culture;全球化的和谐文化支撑与和谐文化的全球化
3.Constructing Harmonious Sexual Culture:the Enrichment and Development of Harmonious Culture;构建和谐性别文化对和谐文化的丰富和发展
4.Construction of a Harmonious Campus in a Harmonious Culture;和谐文化视野下的大学和谐校园建设
5.Cultivation of a Harmonious Spirit: The Goal of a Harmonious Culture;培育和谐精神是和谐文化的建设目标
6.On the Role of Harmonious Culture in Constructing Harmonious Society;论和谐文化在构建和谐社会中的作用
7.Social Harmony of Ethnic Regions Promoted by the Construction of Harmonious Culture;以和谐文化建设促民族地区社会和谐
8.Developing Harmonious Culture and Constructing Harmonious Society;以发展和谐文化为先导构建和谐社会
9.The Study of Construction of Harmonious Culture in the Building of Harmonious Towns and Villages和谐村镇建设中的和谐文化建设研究
10.On Harmonious Relationship between Political Parties and Construction of Harmonious Inter-party Culture政党关系的和谐与党际和谐文化建设
11.Cultural identity,cultural awareness and construction of harmonious cultures;文化认同、文化自觉与和谐文化的构建
12.Making an Effort to Build the Harmonious Enterprise Culture in the Course of Constructing the Harmonious Culture;在建设和谐文化中努力构建和谐企业文化
13.Harmony of Political Culture and the Building of a Harmonious Culture in Contemporary China当代中国的政治文化和谐与和谐文化建设
14.Lenin s Thought of Cultural Revolution and Harmonious Cultural Development;列宁“文化革命”思想与和谐文化的建设
15.The Effect of Promoting Wushu Culture to Construct the Hamonious Culture;弘扬武术文化对建设和谐文化的作用
16.The Ethical Path of Rule of Law Culture in the Context of Harmonious Culture;和谐文化语境下法治文化的伦理路径
17.Discussion on Harmonious Culture s Guidance to Culture of Incorruptible Government Building;试论和谐文化对廉政文化构建的指引
18.The Ritual and Music Culture of Ancient China and Its Harmonious Cultural Resources;和谐文化资源中的中国古代礼乐文化

harmonious culture和谐文化
1.On Establishment of Socialist Harmonious Culture;谈社会主义和谐文化建设
2.On constructing socialist harmonious culture with cultural self-consciousness;以文化自觉推进和谐文化建设
3)culture of harmony和谐文化
1.Fostering a culture of harmony is the requirement of both the progress of the times and building a socialist harmonious society.建设和谐文化,既是时代发展的要求,也是建设社会主义和谐社会的现实需要。
2.As an important component part of a harmonious socialist society,a culture of harmony provides important intellectual support for the unity and progress of all the people.和谐文化是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要组成部分,是全体人民团结进步的重要精神支撑。
3.The culture of harmony and introjec.化解人类冲突,构建和谐世界需要倡导和谐理念,弘扬和谐文化。
4)harmonious culture和合文化
1.This paper discusses the development of Chinese diplomacy of new period from "harmonious culture " to move towards.“和合文化”是中华民族自我发展和追求和谐生活的精神支柱,奉行以此为出发点的外交理念是民族精神和时代发展的必然。
2.The harmonious culture as the outstanding traditional quintessense of Chinese culture , through transforming modernly but after reincarnation, has advances which accord with the spirit of the times , becomes important idea strength of building up the regional cooperation idea in east Asia.作为中国优秀传统文化精髓的和合文化,经现代改造而转生后,具有符合时代精神的先进性,成为构建东亚区域合作理念的重要观念力量。
5)Harmony culture和合文化
1.Analyzing Chinese Multilateral Diplomacy from the View of Harmony Culture;从和合文化探析中国多边外交
2.The traditional Chinese harmony culture is just a lot of isolated ideas,because i.对中国传统和合文化的研究,也由于缺乏整体性和追根究底性探索,和合文化目前也只表现为一些理念碎片,因而对其作用也不应过高估计。
6)harmony culture和谐文化
1.Functions and features of harmony culture;论和谐文化的功能与特征
2.the construction of harmony culture in vocational college s libraries is system project of multi-angel, multi-aspect,multi-level,which includes spirit culture,institutional culture,acting culture,environmental culture.高职院校图书馆和谐文化的构建是一个多角度、多方面、多层次的系统工程,这个系统主要包括图书馆精神文化、制度文化、行为文化、环境文化的各个层面。
3.The traditional culture in China possesses profound and abundant value of harmony culture.建设和谐文化是构建社会主义和谐社会的重要任务,尤其是奠定社会主义和谐社会的重要文化基础。
