朋克风格,punk style
1)punk style朋克风格
2)Fairbanks Douglas道格拉斯·范朋克
4)Shaker style夏克尔风格

1.The baroque style or period in art, architecture, or music.巴洛克式艺术、建筑或音乐的巴洛克风格或时期
2.The final, effete period of the baroque style.巴洛克风格最后的衰竭时期
3.Late Baroque Towns of the Val di Noto (South-eastern Sicily)诺托谷的晚期巴洛克风格城镇
4.Baroque Churches of the Philippines菲律宾的巴洛克风格教堂
5.has a typical baroque style--highly ornate and extravagant.是典型的巴洛克风格 --装饰高度华丽.
6.Applying and Innovation of Baroque Style in Modern Men s Wear;巴洛克风格在现代男装中的运用及创新
7.Circumstances of Baroque Style Applied in Modern Men's Wear巴洛克风格在现代男装中的运用状况研究
8.The vertical of the Baroque bell-tower thrusting upwards does not clash with the whole.巴洛克风格钟楼上的竖杆高耸空中,与整个建筑物也很协调。
9.After the heavy works created in the Baroque style artists were ready for a change.历经巴洛克风格创造出的沉重作品之后,艺术家正准备要来个改变。
10.Keeping within the late Baroque style of the day, they also depict distinctive innovations in town planning and urban building.这一地区保留着晚期巴洛克风格,同时也反映出在城市建筑与城镇规划方面有特色的创新。
11.On the Style in Baroque Vocal Works and Its Singing Features;论巴洛克时期声乐作品的风格与演唱特点
12.Research on the Style of Italian Songs in the Baroque Period;巴洛克时期意大利歌曲的风格特征研究
13.Characteristics and Styles of Renaissance and Baroque s Chorus;论文艺复兴与巴洛克合唱作品的特征与风格
14.Rococo has been born from the Baroque era, during the age of Enlightenment.在启蒙运动时期,洛可可从巴洛克的艺术风格脱胎而生。
15.Early Georgian style was a transitional mode from English Baroque to English Rococo for more than forty years.英国的早期乔治式是英国巴罗克风格向洛可可风格过渡的一种风格,持续了40多年。
16.his splendidly baroque style adorns and fantasticates his thought (New York Times)辉煌的巴洛克式的艺术风格使他的思想变得荒谬纽约时报)
17.[ his ]splendidly baroque style adorns and fantasticates his thought&b{New York Times)辉煌的巴洛克式的艺术风格使他的思想变得荒谬纽约时报})
18.Tradition and Selfhood--Analyzing the historical and time features of the performance style of Baroque s clavichord playing;传统与个性——解析巴洛克古钢琴音乐演奏风格的历史性与时代性

Fairbanks Douglas道格拉斯·范朋克
4)Shaker style夏克尔风格
6)Douglas Fairbanks (1883~1939)范朋克,D.
