现代首饰,modern jewelry
1)modern jewelry现代首饰
1.The paper discussed the speciality of modern jewelry design taking emotional beauty as a theme based on the research of the relationship of the social function,art taste and the changing diathesis of designer and comsumer with modern jewelry design-sentiment requirement.通过对现代首饰在社会功能、艺术品味、设计者和消费者素质等变化与现代首饰设计 -情趣消费之间内在关系的研究 ,探讨了现代首饰设计以情趣美作为主题的特殊性 ,认为 :这些导致了现代首饰的内涵和造型更专注于情感的表达 ,而传递情感、表现志趣和个性等成为了现代首饰设计新的特点和要

1.The Characteristics of Modern Jewelry and Applying in the Dress;现代首饰的特点以及在服饰中的运用
2.The Inheritance and Development of Traditional Culture in Modern Jewel Design;现代首饰设计对古代饰品文化的继承与发展
3.The Representation and Application of Traditional Design in Modern Jewelry;传统图案在现代首饰中的表现与应用
5.Exploration on the Development of Jewelry in Qin and Han Dynasties and Its Guidance and Application in Modern Jewelry Design;秦汉首饰发展史的研究及对现代首饰设计的指导与应用
6.The Application and Development of Filigree Technical in Modern Jewelry Design;花丝工艺在现代首饰设计中的应用和发展
7.The Application and Reference of Taoist Art Elements in Modern Jewelry Design;道教美术元素在现代首饰设计中的借鉴和应用
8.The Application of Wax Curving Craft in Modern Jewelry Design and Manufacture;雕蜡工艺在现代首饰设计及制作中的应用
9.Characteristics of Metal Surface Technics and Technical Expression of Modern Jewelry金属表面工艺的特征与现代首饰设计的工艺表现
10.The Innovative Application of Traditional Modelling Elements to Modern Jewelry Design,Taking the Elements in Qin and Han Dynasties as an Example传统造型元素在现代首饰设计中的创新应用——以秦汉时期造型元素为例
11.On the Traditional Arts of Modern Jewelry Design;浅论现代珠宝首饰设计中的传统艺术
12.Traditional Jade Culture and Its Effect on Designing of Modern Emerald Jewelry;传统玉文化及其对现代翡翠首饰设计的影响
13.Received from Mrs. Richard for safe custody the following: one jewel case, said to contain ornaments.兹收到理查德夫人交来首饰盒一只,据称内装首饰,谨代保存,此据。
14.She appeared at the reception wearing her finest jewels她戴着她最好的首饰出现在招待会上。
15.a stylish, modern decor有风格的、 现代的装饰
16.The Influence of Finery in Dream of the Red Chamber on Modern Fashion浅析《红楼梦》服饰对现代服饰的影响
17.Modern Decorative Paintings-materials and Techniques of Modern Heavy-color Paintings;现代装饰画-现代重彩画的材料及技法
18.The current Miaozu's jewelry of Guizhou Province shows some new characters.中国贵州苗族首饰在现今表现出一些新的特点。

Modern jewelry design现代首饰设计
1.Astronomical theme is extensively applied to the modern jewelry design at the modern times integrating the science into the art.在现今科学与艺术相互渗透的时代,天文题材已广泛地应用到现代首饰设计中。
2.By studying on the modern modelling,colour,implication and spirit of the Chinese knot,understanding it and putting it into the modern jewelry design,the Chinese knot joined into the fashion and the new visual language will be shining a new artistic vitality.通过研究中国结的现代造型、色彩、寓意与神韵,将其应用于现代首饰设计中,把中国结融入时尚和新的视觉语言,必将焕发其新的艺术生命力。
3)the subject of modern jewel design现代首饰设计主题
4)modern dress现代服饰
1.At the same time,it points out its influence on modern dress.分析了唐宋服饰色彩文化的历史渊源,阐述了唐宋服饰色彩的个性语言,指出了唐宋服饰色彩对现代服饰的影响。
5)modern decoration现代装饰
1.From the significance of traditional culture inheritance,the article brings out the broad prospect of modern decoration coupled with national culture.文章从继承传统文化的必要性入手,阐述了现代装饰与民族文化相结合的广阔途径,提出了在继承传统的基础上进行创新,将传统文化元素以多种形式广泛运用在现代装饰当中,营造出既有民族特色又体现现代设计理念的装饰风格,使中国的装饰业进一步走向世界。
6)current Miaozu's jewelry现今苗族首饰

废旧首饰中铂族金属回收废旧首饰中铂族金属回收recovery of platinum group metal from jewelry scrap fe,J iu shoushi zhong bozu Jinshu huishou废旧首饰中铂族金属回收(reeovery of pla-tinum group metal from jewelry serap)从废旧首饰中进行铂族全属再生的过程。铂首饰主要使用含铂90%的铂基合金,如R一10Ir、R一SRu等。全世界首饰用铂逐年增加,199。年占铂消耗量的37.3%。旧首饰较为纯净,无需经过复杂的处理即可重新加工成首饰出售。首饰制作过程中产生的边角料和粉尘,杂质少,回收工艺也较简单。这些废料通常经熔炼、溶解使铂族金属和杂质分离后,送铂族金属精炼产出纯金属。熔炼铂铱合金废料时常需添加锌(或锡)进行碎化后再溶解,再按合金废并中铂族金属回收方法处理。含钉首饰废料用王水溶解,氧化蒸馏法分离钉和铂(或把),四氧化钉蒸气用盐酸加乙醇吸收后,用氯化按沉淀,所得(NH;)3RuCI。在氢气中锻烧得海绵钉。蒸馏残液中的铂或把用铂精炼或把精炼方法回收。 (李关芳)