花腰彝,Huayao Yi
1)Huayao Yi花腰彝
1.According to the field work,taking the Tuzhangfang of the Malishu Village of Huayao Yi people in Yunnan as example,analyze the Yi people residence house.根据田野调查,以云南麻栗树村花腰彝的土掌房为例,剖析彝族民居,由其民居的表层物质形态入手,从土掌房的选址、构建和它的空间布局来看,它是滇南花腰彝民居建筑汉化的历史产物;而从土掌房的文化内涵角度则可见其体现了家族意识、宗教伦理意识等。

1.The Culture of Offering Sacrifices to the Dragon of Colored Waistband Yi and its Tourism Development--in the Case of Yunnan Shiping Yi花腰彝祭龙文化及其旅游开发——以云南石屏县花腰彝为例
2.Exploration on the Characteristics of Folk Cultural Succession in Hua Yao Yi Ethnic Group in Shi Ping County;石屏花腰彝民间文化传承的特性探析
3.On the Village Culture of the Huayao Yis at Shuiguan Village;云南石屏县水瓜冲花腰彝的村落文化
4.An Inquiry about Words and Ways of Appellations to Relatives of the Huayaoyi People in Shiping;石屏花腰彝亲属称谓语及称呼方式探析
5.She stooped down to pick a flower.她弯下腰去摘了一朵花。
6.She stooped down to pick up a flower.她弯下腰去摘了朵花。
7.Studies on the Culture-psychological Adaptation of Yi Middle School Students in Panzhihua Region;攀枝花地区彝族中学生的文化心理适应研究
8.On Verbal Mythology and Folk Conviction:A Study of the Mythology of Silk Tree of the Yi Nationality;口头神话与民间信仰——云南彝族马樱花神话个案研究
9.On the Derivation,Transformation and Evolution of Yi Nationality’s Traditional Festival--Based on the Case Study of Flower Arrangement Festival of Tanhua彝族传统节日文化的衍生、流变与传承——以昙华插花节为个案
10.Analysis on status and effect factors of cervical erosion in Han and Yi nationality married childbearing age women in rural areas of Panzhihua city攀枝花农村地区彝汉两族育龄妇女宫颈糜烂现状及影响因素分析
11.Semantic Study of the Symbol of HuaYangLuo of HuaYao Dai Minority in Xinping of Yunnan;云南新平花腰傣花秧箩的符号语义探究
12.She stooped and kissed the beautiful bud.她弯腰在美丽的花蕾上亲了一下。
13.He poured coffee and took some scones and honey.他倒了些咖啡,吃了点腰花和烤饼。
14.In spring, the blossoms scent the air;春天繁花开遍峡谷,秋天果实压满山腰。
15.like steak and kidney pie but without steak.类似于牛排和腰花馅饼,但是没有牛排。
16.Why do my hands quiver when I bend to pick a flower?为什么我弯腰摘花时会双手抖动?
17.And all her silken flanks with garlands drest?花环缀满着它光滑的身腰。
18.Study on the Exploitation of Cultural Ecoturism Resources of Huayao Dai Minority in Ailao Mountain Region, Yunnan哀牢山花腰傣文化生态旅游资源开发

Hua Yao Yi's clothing花腰彝服饰
3)The Variations of Costumes of the Huayaoyi People花腰彝服饰的变化
4)scalloped pork or lamb kidneys腰花
5)Yi Flower-drum dance彝族花鼓舞
6)the movie "A Bride of Huayao"《花腰新娘》
1.The paper regards the movie "A Bride of Huayao" as an interpretation of the traditional ethnic culture by the modern media culture,and in turn takes the movie as the text of anthropological criticism.本文把电影《花腰新娘》作为人类学“文化批评”的一个文本,将其看做现代传媒文化对民族传统文化的一种阐释,并从人类学的角度对这种阐释做了分析。

炸花仁腰块==菜名== 炸花仁腰块==所属菜系】[url] 川菜==特点== 色形美观,质鲜嫩脆,花仁酥香,别具风味。[编辑]原料猪腰400克。 花生仁100克、生菜50克。葱10克、姜10克、盐2克、料酒10克、胡椒粉2克、味精1克、素油500克、香油15克、糖10克、白醋5克、椒盐10克、蛋清50克、豆粉25克。==制作过程】 猪腰去膜,平片成两片,去尽腰臊,洗净,用直刀剖交叉十字花纹后,改成约2.5厘米见方的块。花生仁用开水浸泡,去掉皮衣,剁成细粒。葱切短节,姜切片。生菜切成细丝,加白糖、白醋腌渍。蛋清加干豆粉调成稀糊。将腰块用、料酒、胡椒粉、味精、姜片、葱节拌匀,腌渍入味。去掉姜、葱,加蛋清豆粉上心。炒锅置旺火上,下素油烧热(约150℃),将上好浆的腰块,沾上花生仁粒入锅,炸至熟透呈黄色起锅,淋上香油,盛于盘的一端,另一端将用糖醋拌匀的生菜摆上,并配椒盐碟上桌。