徽州人,Huizhou people
1)Huizhou people徽州人
1.It concludes the Huizhou traditional residence is the architectural symbol of some ideology of Huizhou people.在论述徽州民居基本特点的基础上,探讨了徽州民居所传达的徽州人若干精神文化特征,认为徽州民居是徽人某些意识形态的建筑外化,分析了形成原因。

1.Huizhou Artists in Eight Friends of Zhushan and Their Influence“珠山八友”中的徽州人及其艺术影响
2.The Interaction of Merchants Cultural Identity and Cultural Environment in Hui Zhou--A Fieldwork Report about Yi County, and Wuyuan County in Hui Zhou;徽商文化人格与徽州人文环境的互动——黟县、婺源田野调查报告
3.Ri Ping Chang,a Commercial Primer Compiled by Huizhou Natives;徽州人编纂的一部商业启蒙书——《日平常》抄本
4.Confucian Thoughts of Twenty-four dutiful sons in Huizhou Wood Carving;论徽州人物木雕《二十四孝》所体现的中国儒家思想
5.Li Bairen was born in Suzhou city, Anhui province in1927.李百忍,一九二七年生,安徽宿州人。
6.The Occupational Control of Clansmen by Huizhou Clans in the Ming and Qing Dynasties;明清时期徽州宗族对族人的职业控制
7.Origin and Development of the Four Famous Hu Families in Huizhou and Brief Introduction to the Famous Personages;徽州绩溪“四大胡氏”源流及其名人略说
8.A Profile of Cultural Development and its Reasons in Huizhou;道光《徽州府志》中的“文化人物”
9.Cultural Ideas in Huizhou Traditional Residence;寓心于居——徽州民居中徽人若干精神文化特征浅析
10.Analyse the Influence from Ohters Appraise and Self-appraise to Hui-ahou Businessmen;试析他人评价和自我评价对徽州商人的影响
11.The Corresponding Research on Hui Cultural Development and the Evolution of Human-Environment Relationships;徽州文化发展与人地关系演进的对应分析
12.Aged Community People and the Solutions of Villagers' Disputes in Ming Dynasty:Take Huizhou as an Example里老人与明代乡里纷争的解决:以徽州为中心
13."It is the compiler who is responsible for the rise or decline of genealogy compilation"--Huizhou Scholars on the Compilation of Genealogies“谱之废与兴,人也”——徽州学者的家谱编者论
14.During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Huizhou exceeded otherregions in its number of Jinshi, which was an outstanding cultural feature of Huizhou.明清时期,徽州考中的进士数量之多,为他郡所不及,这是徽州区域一个较为突出的人文现象。
15.Remark: The author was born at Hang Zhou.作品说明:作者是杭州人,祖籍徽州,其作品多冠“新安”。
16.The Visible Huizhou History--To Perceive "Huizhou Ancient Street";看得见的徽州历史——感知“徽州古街”
17.Huizhou Documents and Huizhou Society--on the Value of Huizhou Documents;徽州文书与徽州社会——也谈徽州契约文书的价值意义
18.The process of the Jiangcun merchants from full development to declination would be conductive for us to analyze the Huizhou merchants and the society in Ming and Qing Dynasty.江村商人的发展及其衰落的历程,有助于我们深入解剖明清时期的徽商乃至明清徽州社会。

Huizhou merchants徽州商人
1.Clan mode and its surpass on Huizhou merchants during the Ming and Qing period;明清徽州商人的家族观念及其超越
3)Huizhou literates徽州文人
4)society culture factor徽州人文因素
1.On the Ecological Value of Huizhou Traditional Rural Clustering Settlement Culture and Its Enlightenment on New Socialist Countryside Construction;徽州传统乡村聚落文化的生态价值——兼及对新农村建设的启示
2.Architectural Motif of Water Gap in Huizhou and Its Comparison with Suzhou Gardens;徽州水口园林的建筑特色——兼与苏州园林比较
6)Hui Zhou徽州
1.Life of A Peasant Family in Hui Zhou in Qing Dynasty:An Investigation of the Document of the Chinese Character Tian;清代一个徽州小农家庭的生活状况——对《天字号阄书》的考察
2.Ren Feng Essays and Hui Zhou Society in the Middle Period of Ming Dynasty;《仁峰集》与明中叶徽州社会
