中西融合,combination of Chinese and Western Cultures
1)combination of Chinese and Western Cultures中西融合
1.The most striking features of Kaiping s folk culture of beliefs are piety,cohabitation of gods with humans,and combination of Chinese and western cultures.开平民间信仰文化最显著的特色是信仰虔诚,人神共居,中西融合

1.Reflection on the Query in Chinese Painting on a China-and-West-Merge Approach;对质疑中国画走“中西融合”之路的反思
2.An Analysis on Wu Guanzhong’s Sense of Painting Art in Combining the East and West浅论吴冠中“中西融合”的绘画艺术观
3.Pursing "Perfect Drama"-The Fusion of Chinese and Occidental Drama, Ancient and Modern Drama;追求中西融合古今同梦的“完美戏剧”
4.Amalgamation Trends of Chinese and Western Painting from Lin Fengmian's Harmonization从林风眠的调和论看近现代中国画的中西融合
5.China and the West diet culture fuses in the collision, in fusion supplementary.中西饮食文化在碰撞中融合,在融合中互补。
6.By China and the West Fine Arts Method Comparison;在差异中融合——中西美术方法比较
7.The new design compromises the merits of Chinese and Western styles.这个新设计融合了中西式的优点。
8.The Vigorous Growth of “New Science of History” and the Mergence and Creation of Chinese-Western Culture“新史学”的勃兴与中西文化的融合创新
9.On the Conflict and Reconciliation of the Eastern and Western Culture in the Joy Luck Club;论《喜福会》中东西方文化的冲突与融合
10.The Quarrel and Combination between Poetry and Philosophy in Western Mind History;西方思想史中诗与哲学的论争与融合
11.Interesting and Instructive Teaching method with Western Cultural Backgrounds;在英语教学中融合西方文化背景知识
12.Blending Chinese and Western Military Science: Modern Study of Military Science of Sun Tzu;融合中西兵学:《孙子兵法》的近代研究
13.An Analysis of How the Fusion of Confucianism,Buddhism and Taoism Reflects in Journey to the West;谈儒释道的融合在《西游记》中的体现
14.The Sino-west Acculturation Revealed by Cigarette Ad.in Shen Newspaper;从《申报》香烟广告看中西方文化的融合
15.Cultural integration and collision from movie Mulan;从电影《MULAN》看中西文化的融合与冲突
16.Mixture and Opposition: the Comparison of Thinking Ways of Chinese and Western Intelligence;融合与对立:中西智慧的思维方式比较
17.Cultural Clashes and Integration Reflected in the film Guasha Treatment;从电影《刮痧》看中西文化冲突与融合
18.Reflection on Syncretism between Chinese and Western Physical Culture;关于中西方体育文化融合的几点思考

merge the Chinese and the western融合中西
1.In the face of three kinds of the compatible phenomenon of Chinese traditional ethics culture,western modern ethics culture and Marxist ethics culture,we can t absolutely affirm or deny any kind of culture,but proceed from the reality and adopt the policy of "take Marxism as the core,merge the Chinese and the western,well versed in at all times,plural an organic whole,combine and innovate.面对中国传统伦理文化、西方现代伦理文化和马克思主义伦理文化的三元并行现象,我们不能绝对地肯定或否定任何一种文化,而应当从实际出发,采取“以‘马’为主,融合中西,贯通古今,多元一体,整合创新”的方针,让马克思主义的伦理文化在政治和意识形态领域继续起主导作用;让西方现代文化中的自由平等精神在经济领域发挥激励作用;让中国传统伦理文化在个人生活、家庭生活、职业生活和社会公共生活领域发挥更多的积极作用。
2.In the face of three kinds of the compatible phenomenon of Chinese traditional ethics culture,western modern ethics culture and Marxist ethics culture,we can t absolutely affirm or deny any kind of culture,but proceed from the reality and adopt the policy of"take Marxism as the core,merge the Chinese and the western,well versed in at all times,plural an organic whole,combine and innovate.面对中国传统伦理文化、西方现代伦理文化和马克思主义伦理文化的三元并行现象,我们不能绝对地肯定或否定任何一种文化,而应当从实际出发,采取"以马为主,融合中西,贯通古今,多元一体,整合创新"的方针。
3)The suiting both refined and popular tastes The fusion of Chinese and America art style中西融合性
4)the integration between Chinese and western poetics中西诗学融合
5)mingling and innovation of Chinese and Western learning中西融合创新
6)the characteristics of chinese-Western merge中西融合特色

Hibbs脊柱融合术Hibbs脊柱融合术〗Hibbs脊柱融合术】〓〖WTBZ〗〖HT5”SS〗(Hibbs spine fusion 主要是融合后侧的椎板及关节突,局麻或全麻,俯卧位。后正中切口,显露棘突、椎板、小关节。吸去棘突,将椎板表面骨质凿去薄层,小关节软骨及坚实骨少许亦凿去,再取髂骨植入上述骨及小关节面表面。