人本思维,humanity thinking
1)humanity thinking人本思维
1.Based on study of the human nature foundation of managers humanity thinkin g, the author further put forward and demonstrates the value pursue problem of m anagers from humanity thinking.作者在论述管理者人本思维的人性基础之上 ,进一步提出并论证了管理者人本思维的价值追求问题。
2)the Japanese thinking mode日本人思维方式
1.On the basis of the historical analysis on the formation of the Japanese thinking mode,the essay probes into the impact of the unique thinking mode to the Japanese language and literature,as well as the causes of some particular language s and cultural phenomena in the Japanese language and literature.文章通过对日本人思维方式形成的历时性分析,对日本人特有的思维方式对日语、日本文学的影响以及日语和日本文学中一些特有的语言和文化现象产生的深层原因等方面进行了探讨。

1.Brief Analysis of how the Japanese Thinking Mode Impacting on Japanese Literature;浅析日本人思维方式对日语及日本文学的影响
2.Stereotyped Expressions and the Japanese Way of Thinking;日语的定型化表达与日本人的思维方式
3.Human-orientation:the Basic Thinking Mode of Morals Construction;以人为本:道德建设的根本思维方式
4.IEIU"、"IAIEIU" and the Thinking Way of Japanese;“れる”、“られる”与日本人的思考方式
5.On the Practical Thinking Mode of the "People First" Idea;论对“以人为本”的实践思维方式解读
6.Human-orientation: one kind of value orientation and thinking mode;以人为本:一种价值取向和思维方式
7.We can find the unique habits, consciousness and thinking way of Japanese from their language expressions.我们可以从日语的表现中发现日本人与众不同的习惯、识与思维方式。
8.From the Perspective Thinking Way Reflect the Two Propositions of the Human Essence Pointed by Marx从思维方式角度反思马克思“人的本质”两命题
9.On transformation of the thinking mode in view of human-oriented political and ideological education outlook;论以人为本思想政治教育观下的思维方式变革
10.From Thinking Mode of View Thing to Thinking Mode of View Human;从“观物的思维方式”到“观人的思维方式”
11.Human Thinking Modes Embodied in the Semantic Features of Metaphor;论隐喻的基本语义特征所体现的人类思维方式
12.Montage Thinking which is the Art Thinking of the Human being;作为人类艺术思维方式的蒙太奇思维
13.Epistemological Nature and Thinking Methods of Strategic Thinking Mode;战略思维方式的认识论本质与思维方法
14.Thinking Model and Basic Idea of Statistics;教育统计学的思维方式及其基本思想
15.UK Historical Revolution in “Ontological Thinking” by Marx;马克思对“本体思维方式”的历史性变革
17.Aesthetic Sense of the Japanese Seen from Their Language Expressing Ways;从日本人的语言表达方式看日本人的审美观
18.Prautical Mode of Thinking and Max’s Human Theory;实践思维方式与马克思人的本质理论——关于人学的总体性方法论思考

the Japanese thinking mode日本人思维方式
1.On the basis of the historical analysis on the formation of the Japanese thinking mode,the essay probes into the impact of the unique thinking mode to the Japanese language and literature,as well as the causes of some particular language s and cultural phenomena in the Japanese language and literature.文章通过对日本人思维方式形成的历时性分析,对日本人特有的思维方式对日语、日本文学的影响以及日语和日本文学中一些特有的语言和文化现象产生的深层原因等方面进行了探讨。
3)the way of Humanist thinking人本思维方式
4)essence of thinking思维本质
1.This paper has carried on the discussion of the essence of thinking in comparative education study from the perspectives the target, method, course and result of comparative education study.从比较教育的对象、方法、内容、过程和结果等方面对比较教育研究的思维本质进行探讨,作者认为,类比是比较教育研究及其创新的思维本质,比较教育研究应在类比思维的支撑下检验研究的条件与结论,从而提升比较教育研究的创建性、有效性和预见性。
5)thought to put people first民本思维
6)logic of version文本思维

本·本绍本·本绍教授ben bensaou 中欧国际管理学院客座教授,欧洲商业管理学院资讯技术专业的教授,世界著名的管理领域的专家。曾经以对美国和日本汽车行业中的供求关系的研究所作的论文获得最佳博士论文奖。