需要满足,need fulfillment
1)need fulfillment需要满足
1.Social rights and need fulfillment theories are applied to analyze the necessity and accessibility about the establishment of rural social security system.运用社会权利与需要满足理论厘清建构农村社会保障的必要性,进行可行性分析,阐明保障每一位公民普遍享有"无差序"的社会权利与实现需要满足,提高生活质量,是农村社会保障制度的应然诉求。
2.Apply social rights and need fulfillment to analyze the necessity and accessibility about the establishment of rural social security system.在此,运用社会权利与需要满足理论厘清建构农村社会保障的必要性、可行性,并阐明保障每一位公民普遍享有"无差序"的社会权利、满足需求、提高生活质量,是农村社会保障制度的题中应有之义。

1.she satified his need for affection; God has no need of men to accomplish His work; there is a demand for jobs.需要满足人们对工作的需求。
2.cater to sth; try to satisfy a particular need or demand满足某种需要或要求
3.We must satisfy the people's needs.我们要满足人民的需要。
4.satisfiable needs and desires.能够满足的需要和愿望
5.attend to sb's instant needs满足某人紧急的需要
6.VII. Meeting the special needs of Africa七. 满足非洲的特殊需要
7.I have no means of supplying your needs.我无法满足你的需要。
8.We must meet the instant need of the people.我们要满足人民的急需。
9.We should cater to popular demand.我们应满足大众的需要。
10.meet the needs of the people's daily life满足人民的生活需要
11.There was just enough to supply the demand.存量仅够满足需要。
12.satisfy a want of society满足社会的一种需要
13.Sufficient to satisfy a requirement or meet a need.足够的足以满足要求或需求的
14.A want that is satisfied is no longer a want.一种需要得到满足后就不再是需要了。
15.theory of need gratificatio需求满足论需求满足论
16.Satisfaction refers to the contentment experienced when a want is satisfied.满足则是指在需要得偿时的满意感。
17.provide enough(of sth) for(a need);fulfil提供足够的(某物)以满足(需要)
18.We've got just enough to supply the demand.我们的所得适足以满足需要。

meet the needs满足需要
3)meet requirement of满足…需要
4)unsatisfied desire未满足需要
5)demand and satifaction需要与满足
6)suffice for满足……的需要

工作满足工作满足job satisfaction  工作满足勺ob satisfaetion)组织成员在组织内部履行职责、从事职业活动时所产生的满足感。它是人们对工作的一种基本态度,即对工作的满意或不满意的心理倾向。通常,当工作的内容、性质与职工的愿望、要求一致时,就会产生不同水平的工作满足,反之则会产生不满足。而这种满足,又不仅限于对工作内容本身,也包括对工资、提职、领导者的作风等。就工作满足的主体讲,既可能是个人体验,也可能是群体感受或一部分人的感受;就工作满足的客体讲,既可能是对全部工作的满意,也可能是对工作的某一部分或某一项目的满意。工作满足或不满足往往取决于多种因素,概括起来主要有三个侧面:(l)与工作直接相关的个体心理因素。如工作动机、个人志趣等,像教师热爱教育事业、热爱儿童就是这种满足。(2)工作环境或组织因素。如人际关系、工资待遇、能力发挥情况、工作成就、领导方式等。(3)与工作或组织无直接关系的其他因素。如工作满足可随人的年龄、健康水平、社会地位、个人情绪以及家庭关系、社会风气等不同而不同。 (孙俊山撰张燮审)