促销理念,sales promotion idea
1)sales promotion idea促销理念
2)psychologicl promotion心理促销
3)promotion management促销管理
1.An Empirical Study on B to B Promotion Management in China;我国企业对企业促销管理的实证研究

1.An Empirical Study on B to B Promotion Management in China;我国企业对企业促销管理的实证研究
2.An Empirical Analysis of B to B Promotion Management in China我国企业间促销管理的实证分析与对策
3.According to the business survey, we found that there are alot of problems in the practice of the B to B promotion managementof China enterprises.调查研究发现,我国企业对企业促销管理实践还存在着许多问题。
4.The Analysis of Premium Promotion;论赠品促销的策略、管理及其商业责任
5.He's in charge of promotion and public relations.他主管促销和公关。
6.At the same time, establish a science and effective promotion activity management mode will can half effort and double results.同时说明,建立一个科学有效的促销活动管理模式,将能事半功倍。
7.Application of the modern marketing theory to the raising of sales promotion level;应用现代营销理论 提高促销水平
8.Implementing modern marketing concept, promoting the healthy development of enterprises--A review on improvement of paper enterprises’ marketing management落实现代营销观念 促进企业健康发展——兼论造纸企业营销管理的改进
9."Paradox of Management Marketing"and Transformation of Marketing Paradigm--From Management Marketing,to Relationship Marketing to Response Marketing;管理营销悖论与营销范式转变——从管理营销、关系营销到反应营销
10.Commodity Promotion Perceied From Consumer Psychological Inclination;从消费者心理需求倾向透视商品促销
11.The Principal-Agent Model of Trade Promotion Strategies in Supply Chain;供应链中委托代理模型及其促销策略
12.Japan Toilet Association日本厕所管理促进协会
13.Federal Land Marketing Authority联邦土地销售管理局
14.selling and administrative expenses analysis销售及管理费用分析表
15.commodity selling and administrative expense商品推销及管理费用
16.applied selling and administrative expenses已分配销售及管理费用
17.general administrative and selling expenses一般管理和销售费用
18.selling and administrative expenses cost推销及管理费用成本

psychologicl promotion心理促销
3)promotion management促销管理
1.An Empirical Study on B to B Promotion Management in China;我国企业对企业促销管理的实证研究
4)Promotions Manager促销经理
5)sell the principle销售理念
6)marketing conception营销理念
1.Against the backdrop of the current edible salt monopoly,the approach to get rid of plight lies in modernizing the marketing conception,diversifying the products development,differentiating end products packages,internationalizing the market expansion and strategizing brand enhancement.在现行食盐专营的制度框架下,突破这些困境的路径在于:营销理念现代化、产品开发多元化、成品包装差异化、市场拓展国际化和品牌提升战略化。
2.Objective To compare the differences between state-owned hospitals and private-funded hospitals in Shanghai on the introduction and application of hospital marketing conception.目的比较上海地区公立医院和民营医院营销理念引入和运用的差异。
3.Since the developing of the modern marketing conception and the competition of the costume market become drastic day by day, the fashion store plays an more important role in the process of brands’ management.随着服装市场竞争激烈程度的日益加剧以及现代市场营销理念的发展,卖场设计在服装品牌运营过程中所发挥的作用越发显著,其中居家氛围的卖场设计近几年越来越受到商家的推崇,缘于它让人们在挑选和购买的过程中感觉到了轻松、愉悦和不受约束,就像是在试穿自家衣柜中的衣服,加深对卖场的情感认同进而转移到服装产品。

善的理念(见理念)善的理念(见理念)idea of good  s卜an deljnian善的理念(idea of good)见理念。