1.Economic Analysis upon The Relationship between Dominant Urban and its Hinterland:Taking Beijing and Shanghai as Examples;核心城市与腹地间的关系:以京沪为例的经济学分析
2.Research into the Problems of the "Harbor-hinterland" Economic Integration;论港口-腹地经济的一体化问题

1.The interior of Africa contains the jungle.非洲腹地是片丛林。
2.explorers who penetrated deep into the interior深入腹地的探险者.
3.A region remote from urban areas;backcountry.腹地远离城区的地区,偏僻地区
4.Some New Thoughts on Central Place-Hinterland System中心地—腹地系统研究中的若干问题
5.You can't put any confidence in him, sir.你不能推心置腹地信任他,阁下。
6.However, Dunhuang is located in the hinterland of the great desert.然而,敦煌处在大漠的腹地
7.He was lost in the interior of Africa many years ago.他于许多年前在非洲腹地失踪。
8.The Kuomintang forces continued their attacks into the border areas.国民党军继续向边区腹地进犯。
9.He is lost in the interior of Africa many years ago.他於许多年前在非洲腹地失踪。
10.Construction of West-to-East Gas Pipeline Underway横贯中国腹地的西气东输工程
11.They traveled deep into the African jungle.他们的旅行深入到了非洲丛林腹地
12.Speeds up the Qingtian port construction to serve for the center economy development;加快青田港建设 为腹地经济发展服务
13.Practical Classes: Practice Venue for Would-be Teachers;实践性课堂:培养职前教师的实践“腹地
14.Sadly I walked away.我满腹忧伤地走开了。
15.Grouchy people are always complaining for no reason.满腹牢骚的人总是毫无理由地抱怨。
16.The stirrups hung invitingly at the animal's sides.马蹬诱人地悬在马腹两侧。
17.He listened in disbelief to this extraordinary story.他满腹疑惑地听着这个离奇的故事.
18.Blood be pump out of his belly like a fountain血像喷泉似地从他的腹部涌出

3)hinterland of Jugar Basin盆地腹部
1.Analysis on the genetic of low porosity and permeability of Mesozoic in the hinterland of Jugar Basin;准噶尔盆地腹部地区中生界低孔渗储层成因分析
4)crossing hinterland重叠腹地
1.To simulate the flow direction of freight in crossing hinterland and forecast throughput of some newly built ports,probability model for transportation means is introduced and revised,and negative exponent probability model is established based on it.为了模拟港口重叠腹地货运流向情况,并对新建港口吞吐量进行合理预测,引入了概率交通方式预测模型并对其进行改进,且在此基础上建立了负指数货运量概率预测模型。
5)information hinterland信息腹地
1.As an important category studying modern geography of finance in the above- mentioned discipline, the “information hinterland” theory helps scholars study the international capital flow, the financial landscape, the location of banks and service organizations, and the establishment and development of financial centers.“信息腹地论”是该学科中研究现代金融地理的一个重要范畴。
6)port hinterland港口腹地
1.The Application Research on the Segmentation Method of Port Hinterland;港口腹地范围界定方法应用研究
