1.Analysis on wave run-up calculation and discussion on overtopping design criteria for sea dike;海堤波浪爬高计算分析与越浪设计准则探讨
2.In this paper,through a physical model test,runup on a slope and overtopping are measured for different protective structures of seawall.在海堤护面设计中,通常在满足稳定的基础上,还希望通过采用适当的护面型式来减少波浪的爬高和越浪量,以降低堤顶高程,减少工程造价。
3.Wave protection effects of circular arc wave walls and paraboilc wave walls are compared and analyzed,showing that curving wave walls are very effective in preventing overtopping.文章中就圆弧型及抛物型曲面挡浪墙的防浪效果进行了对比,说明曲线防浪墙对阻止越浪是十分有效的。

1.Expermental Study on the Overtopping Discharge and Overtopping Flow of the Sloped;斜坡式海堤越浪量及越浪流试验研究
2.Calculation method of wave run-up and overtopping in Netherlands荷兰关于波浪爬高和越浪量的计算方法
3.Numerical Simulation of Overtopping Against Seawall of Composite Profile in Regular Waves;规则波中复合式海堤越浪的数值模拟
4.The Overtopping Study of Oblique and Multidirectional Irregular Wave Action on Vertical Breakwater;直立堤上斜向和多向不规则波的越浪量研究
5.The Study of Overtopping on Sloping Seawall under Oblique and Multidirectional Irregular Waves;斜向和多向不规则波在斜坡堤上越浪量的研究
6.On the Modernity of Moby Dick;超越浪漫主义的史诗——简论《白鲸》的现代性
7.The wave is splashing over the reef.海浪飞溅着越过礁石。
8.As the waves roll back, more and more sand can be seen.海浪退下时,露出的沙滩会越来越多。
9.For to lose time is most displeasing to him who knows most. --Dante Alighieri知识越渊博,越不喜欢浪费时间。——但丁
10.The more romantic they were feeling, the more activity there was in these regions.他们越是觉得浪漫,这些区域的活动就越剧烈。
11.They had a rough crossing of the English Channel.他们在狂风大浪中越过英吉利海峡。
12.The noise of the surf increased.浪涛的澎湃声也越发响亮了。
13.Our great ship plowed through the heavy waves.我们的大船穿越汹涌的波浪航行。
14.The self-surpassing of romntic pursuit in Nine-Leaf poets′ poetic careers;九叶诗派对浪漫主义追求的自我超越
15.With each wave the sinking ship tilted over further.那只即将沉没的船被一个接一个的浪水冲得越来越倾斜。
16.First Xinhua and Sina.com re-published the article, and then things got heated up.先是新华和新浪转载了这篇文章,随之越来越热闹。
17.The researchers found that time was lost in just switching from one task to another, and that time costs increased with the complexity of the tasks.研究人员发现变换工作浪费了许多时间,而且越是复杂的任务之间的转换,浪费的时间越多。
18."and said, So far you may come, and no farther; and here the pride of your waves will be stopped?"说,你只可到这里,不可越过。你狂傲的浪要到此止

wave overtopping越浪
1.This paper primarily makes a summary and presents comments on various analyses and calculation methods of generation of wind waves, wave set-up and set-down, wave run-up and wave overtopping caused by the intera.本文主要对国内外学者关于风浪产生机理、风浪与堤岸相互作用引起的增减水、波浪爬高及越浪等进行了归纳和总结。
2.The shipping water on the deck is quite a nonlinear phenomena, which is very similar to the wave overtopping an coastal building.甲板上浪和近海建筑物的越浪相似 ,均为非线性物理现象 ,因此引入越浪理论对规则波激励下的航行船舶甲板上浪量进行推算 ,利用洪水波理论与越浪理论相结合的方法对甲板上浪越过舱口舷板的船舱进水量进行计算 。
1.The influence of different widths of bermes upon the stability,overtopping and stress on the parapet wall of a rubble mound breakwater under the action of waves was analyzed with model testing,on the basis of which the width of the berme to armour a rubble mound breakwater was modified,thus optimizing the width of the berme.文章通过模型试验,分析了波浪作用下不同肩台宽度对斜坡堤断面的稳定性、越浪量和胸墙受力情况的影响,对斜坡堤护面肩台宽度进行了调整,达到了优化的目的。
2.Wave overtopping against seawalls is a complicated hydrodynamic phenomena while the overtopping discharge is one of the most important factors for safety analysis of seawalls.外海波浪作用下海堤越浪是一个复杂的水动力学过程,越浪量则是评估海堤安全的重要因素之一。
3.to meet the requirements of overtopping and stability and cut down engineering cost.通过对常用的直立式及几种圆弧式防浪墙进行物理模型试验,测量作用其上的波浪力和越浪量,分析不同防浪墙形式在受力和越浪上各自的特点,并讨论防浪墙型式引起的越浪和受力的相互关系,可供斜坡堤防浪墙设计参考。
4)overtopping rate越浪量
1.In the view of the seawall engineering design,the paper compares and analyses the difference between the determination methods of seawall crest elevation and overtopping rate control in the current national,professional and local design standards,and put forwards the design criteria on seawall crest elevation for reference.从海堤工程设计角度出发,比较分析了现行的国家、行业、地方不同设计标准之间海堤堤顶高程的确定以及越浪量控制上的差异,提出在海堤设计中应根据不同防护对象的功能要求选择适用的规范;以控制越浪量为准则确定海堤工程的堤顶高程的建议,以供参考。
2.In this paper, the calculation of wave runup and overtopping rate related to the determination of seawall crest elevation is introduced, and the determination methods of crest elevation for seawalls in Zhejiang adopted since 1997 are analyzed.介绍了浙江省海塘塘顶高程确定时所涉及的波浪爬高、越浪量等的计算 ,同时分析了 1997年后浙江省海塘塘顶高程确定的方法。
5)wave overtopping rate越浪量
1.The stability and wave overtopping rate of 3 kinds of revetments (sloping, big step and cylindrical structure types) are studied by using sectional model test.利用断面物理模型试验 ,对 3种结构形式 (斜坡段、大台阶段、圆筒段 )的护岸的稳定性和越浪量进行了研究。
6)percentage of overtopping越浪比例
