1.The Boost Motor of US Navy s Rise——Comment on Mahan s Sea Power Theory;美国海军崛起的助推剂——评马汉的海权论
2.Importation of Alfred Thayer Mahan’s world-wide popular theory on maritime hegemonies had two positive effects in China.马汉的海权论在世界各国传播的同时,也经由日本传到了中国。
3.Importation of Alfred Thayer Mahan s world-wide popular theroy on maritime hegemonies had two positive effects in China: First, the popularity of the theory on maritime hegemonies raised ordinary people s awareness of the importance of navy in national defense and economic construction.马汉的海权论在世界各国传播的同时,也经日本传到了中国。

1.You've made Mahan turn over in his grave.你的话惊动了马汉在天之灵。
2.We redouble our efforts for Manhan’s release.为了解救马汉,我们做了最大的努力。
3.The drunkard stagger across the road.醉汉摇摇摆摆地过马路。
4.ancient maps unearthed from a tomb of the Han Dynasty马王堆出土的西汉地图
5.Xuzhou Museum of Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses of Han Dynasty徐州汉兵马俑博物馆
6.Epistle: Address to Sir Thomas Hanmer on His Edition of Shakespeare' s Works致托马斯·汉默爵士书简
7.The Privilege of Emperors′ Maternal Relatives and the position of Da Sima in the West Han Dynasty西汉时期的大司马与外戚专权——读《汉书》札记
8.Two Sima in Western Han Literature西汉文章两司马——《史记·司马相如列传》考论
9.Reassessing Ma s Grammar as compared with Gabelentz s Chinesische Grammatik;《汉文经纬》与《马氏文通》──《马氏交通》历史功绩重议
10.The policeman told the drunk man to leave immediately.警察叫那个醉汉马上离开.
11.A drunk man staggered across the street.一个醉汉摇摇晃晃地穿过马路。
12.There are complicated connections between Sima Qian and Confucism of Han Dynasty.司马迁与汉代经学之间有着复杂关系。
13.the loopy energy of Harpo Marx(bMichael Wood)汉普 马克思超常的精力(b迈克尔 伍德)
14.the loopy energy of Harpo Marx(Michael Wood)汉普 马克思超常的精力(迈克尔 伍德)
15.An approach to the sculpture art of terracotta worriors and horses in Xuzhou略论徐州西汉彩绘兵马俑的雕塑艺术
16.Sima Xiangru: Sage of Fu Poetry Produced in the Early Han Dynasty司马相如:汉初社会经济孕育的“赋圣”
17.Hannah would still not allow anyone to tell Mrs. March.汉娜还是不让任何人告诉马太太此事。
18.Continuities and Changes of Chinese Horse Grahics in Qin and Han Dynasty Art Design;秦汉设计艺术中马图形的延续和变迁

East Han earthenware horse东汉陶马
1.East Han earthenware horses in the museum collection are large earthenwares excavated in Sichuan province.馆藏东汉陶马是四川地区出土的大型陶质文物,身长一般都在80cm以上,身高在100cm以上,出土时大多残破。
1.The Society of Xinjiang in the Late Qing Dynasty in "The Diary of Investigating the Western Region(1906-1908)" by Ma-Dahan;从《马达汉西域考察日记1906—1908》看清末的新疆社会
4)the modeling of horse in Han Dynasty汉马造型
5)Maranham cotton马兰汉棉
6)Alfred Thayer Mahan (1840~1914)马汉,A.T.
