1.Exploring the constructional and cultural features of Confucian Temples in Tingzhou, Fujian;探析福建汀州府文庙建筑文化特征
2.Historical Geography of Tingzhou City in Fujian Province;福建汀州城市历史地理的初步研究
3.From perspective of marine history, this thesis focuses on Longyan located between Tingzhou and Zhangzhou.本文从海洋史的角度,以汀、漳交界的龙岩为考察对象,从龙岩在明清汀、漳两地山区与海洋经济互动中经济地位的提升出发,来探讨明中叶后沿海的海外贸易对汀州山区经济的强大拉动力和汀州山区经济对漳州沿海经济的物质支持的互动问题。

1.But the Tingchow Municipal Government did not discuss any of these matters.但是汀州市政府一点也不讨论。
2.Research on Using Multiple Antiseptic to Prolong Shelf Life Of Tingzhou Sauce-boiled Meat;用复合防腐剂延长汀州烧大块货架期的研究
3.A Precise Explanation of “Roc”can Set Loose the “Roc”: With an Analysis of Mao Zedong s Poem “Dielianhua From Dingzhou to Changsha” and some Other Arguments;解释“鲲鹏”——兼析《蝶恋花·从汀州向长沙》及其他
4.These were practical problems for the masses of the people of Tingchow and they eagerly looked to us for help in solving them.这些是汀州市人民群众的实际问题,十分盼望我们帮助他们去解决。
5.They are absolutely different from the Tingchow Municipal Government with its bureaucratic methods of leadership.他们和汀州市的官僚主义的领导方法,是绝对的不相同。
6.We should learn from Changkang and Tsaihsi Townships and oppose bureaucratic leaders like those in Tingchow city.我们要学习长冈乡、才溪乡,反对汀州市那样的官僚主义的领导者!
7.Because of the difference of their sources, the Hakka dialects in the Northeast of Jiangxi Province is divided into two: one is Tingzhou accent, and another is Guangdong accent.由于来源的不同,赣东北客语分为两支:一为汀州腔,一为广东腔。
8.For instance, there was a time when the Tingchow Municipal Government concerned itself only with the expansion of the Red Army and with mobilization for the transport corps and paid not the slightest attention to the well-being of the masses.比如以前有一个时期,汀州市政府只管扩大红军和动员运输队,对于群众生活问题一点不理。
9.Brief Report of the Excavation of a Southern Song Dynasty Tomb of Lu Wenxian in Tingzhu,Ezhou;湖北鄂州汀祖南宋吕文显墓发掘简报
10.Hastings West-Northwest Journal of Environmental Law & Policy---哈斯汀北部和西北部环境法和政策期刊,加州大学哈斯汀分校主办.
11.From the moment Bush arrived in Austin, he was the man in charge.从到奥斯汀的那一刻起,小布什就是得州的主管。
12.Next day Miles Eastin was transferred to a federal prison, out of state.第二天,伊斯汀被押到不在本州的一所联邦监狱。
13.Ding utilized Fujian salt and south Gan utilized Huai salt.而潮盐优质廉价,汀、赣二州百姓,都喜食潮盐。
14.Austin is indeed the capital of Texas. It's also a center of learning in the state, home to a number of good universities.奥斯汀的确是得克萨斯的首府,也是全州的学术中心,有许多好大学。
15.A UT Football game is, by far, the biggest sports attraction in the city;得州大学的橄榄球赛在奥斯汀显然是最大的体育盛会;
16.In Austin, Texas, police are backing off their initial descriptions that a mob beat a man to death after a child was hurt by a car.德克萨斯州,奥斯汀警方否认了其先前的说法,其称在一小孩被撞伤后,一群暴徒将一人殴打致死。
17.Like other scuba diving shop owners in Florida, Austin did not receive any specific instruction as to whom and what he should look for.如同佛罗里达州的其他潜水业者一样,奥斯汀并没有接到特别的指示说,应注意查看谁或什么事。
18."This Fantine is surprising.“这个芳汀真特别,

Machilus tingzhourensis汀州润楠
3)Tingzhou villages汀州村
1.An on-the-spot investigation,which was conducted in a few Tingzhou villages in three counties in south Zhejing:Runhe,Suichang and Songyang,verifies the conclusion made by scholars that during Ming and Qing dynasties,Hakka people migrated to south Zhejing.选取浙南云和、遂昌、松阳三县若干个汀州村,实地考察其来源及其现状,验证了学者关于明清时期汀州客家人移民浙南的结论,并在移民动因、移民形式、土客关系、文化承传和移民中畲族与客家关系等方面深化和丰富了客家人移民浙南的认识。
4)Tingzhou sauce-boiled meat汀州烧大块
1.Research on main technological optimization of flexible package manufacture craft of Tingzhou sauce-boiled meat;软包装汀州烧大块主要工艺条件优化及制作的研究
5)Spiced Tingzhou dried bean curd汀州五香豆腐干
6)An lnvestigation of Tingzhou Villages in South Zhejiang浙南汀州村考察记
