1.Analysis on the temporal and spatial distribution of the wave height during Typhoon RANANIM with altimeter data0414号“云娜”台风浪时空分布特征的遥感研究

1.Contrast Analyses of Influence of Tropical Depressions Rananim and Saomai on Precipitation in Southeast Hubei Province台风云娜与桑美对鄂东南降雨影响的对比分析
2.Analysis on the temporal and spatial distribution of the wave height during Typhoon RANANIM with altimeter data0414号“云娜”台风浪时空分布特征的遥感研究
3.Structure Random Damping Test and Research of Shanghai Economic and Commercial Building in "Yuna Typhoon";上海经贸大厦在“云娜台风”作用下结构随机阻尼的实测试验研究
4.A high-resolution numerical simulation of Typhoon Rananim(2004):Small-scale convection in the eyewall台风云娜(2004)的高分辨率数值模拟研究:眼壁小尺度对流运动
5.Nana gazed ecstatically at the vast plain beneath the grey sky where great clouds were banked up.娜娜狂喜地瞪着那大块浮云堆积着的苍天底下一片无垠的原野。
6.That the wind came out of the cloud by night, Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee.云里半夜会刮起那阵冷风,让我的安娜贝尔?李受凉死去。
7.A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling My beautiful Annabel Lee;云里刮起一阵冷风,凉着了我那美丽的安娜贝尔?李;
8.Linda and Tina were again on speaking terms, their disagreement dead and buried.琳达和蒂娜关系又好了,他们的分歧早已烟消云散了。
9.How did the Cylon named Gina obtain the nuclear warhead that she used to blow up the Cloud Nine?那个叫吉娜的塞昂是如何得到用以炸毁星云9号的核弹头的?
10.Linda and Tina were again on speaking terms; their disagreement was dead and buried.琳达和蒂娜关系又好了, 他们的分歧早已烟消云散。
11.The pale moon dipped in and out of the strands of clouds so that Juana walked in darkness for a moment and in light the next.灰白的月亮在云层中时隐时现,使得胡安娜时而在黑暗中行走,时而在月光下前进。
12.Anna, Falana, Banana, Bandana, Montana...管他是安娜、花娜还是芭娜娜……
13.Nala, this is Pumbaa. Pumbaa, Nala.娜娜,这位是彭彭。彭彭,她是娜娜。
14.Nana was certainly not spiteful.娜娜当然是没有恶意的。
15.Anna, Carmen, Diana, Jessie, Jean,安娜、卡门、戴安娜、杰茜、琼、
16.Rediscussion on the Significance of Ann Kalenina;《安娜·卡列尼娜》中安娜形象再析
17.Anna will say, "Oh, darn it, I forgot my handkerchief."安娜说:“啊呀,糟糕
18.Stella [tropical cyclone]斯蒂娜〔热带气旋〕

Typhoon Rananim台风"云娜"
1.Simulation of dynamic and thermodynamic structures of Typhoon Rananim;台风“云娜”的热动力结构模拟试验研究
3)Typhoon Rananim云娜台风
1.Research of the Characters of Doppler Velocity in the Typhoon Rananim s Strengthening and Heavy Rain;云娜台风加强及特大暴雨过程的多普勒速度场特征研究
2.Damage characteristias of Typhoon Rananim and primary research on typhoon disasters in Zhejiang Province;云娜台风灾害特点与浙江省台风灾害初步研究
4)typhoon 0414 "Rananim"0414号台风"云娜"
1.Diagnostic analysis on westwards turning track and sustaining over land of the landfalling typhoon 0414 "Rananim";0414号台风“云娜”登陆后西折路径和陆上维持机制的诊断分析
6)Long and weak are the willow Branchese娜娜柳枝

云里娜曲奇饼干配料:黄油: 1 ibs 2 oz(相当于600克)蛋糕粉: 1 ibs 6 oz(相当于700克)糖粉: 9 oz(相当于250克)生鸡蛋: 5只(去壳)吉士粉: 3 oz(相当于85克)盐: 少许(5克左右)换算:1 ibs=16 oz1 ibs=454克做法:先把黄油,糖粉和盐一起放在搅拌机搅拌(搅拌机开中档),搅拌时要均匀,把黄油搅拌成米黄色.(搅拌时溅起黄油,可以用无毒的橡胶铲刮下).再把鸡蛋放入搅拌机(要注意:搅拌机要开着,先放3个鸡蛋,等40秒后,鸡蛋和黄油搅拌均匀后再放入剩余的2个鸡蛋,再搅拌均匀).把搅拌机关掉或开最慢档,放入蛋糕粉和吉士粉(喜欢巧克力味的,可以再加些可可粉,要是加巧克力粉的话也是可以的,但是没有可可粉的味道浓.)即可关掉搅拌机待用.烘烤:烤箱温度:上温180度,下温160度.用裱花袋装入刚打好的饼干浆.在烤盘上挤出不同的形状(注意:形状的大小在2厘米*2厘米左右,形状太小容易烤焦,太大了不容易靠熟,烤出来不酥脆.在烤箱烤15分钟左右,饼干的表面成金黄色,用手指轻压下烤箱里的饼干,压下的部分会迅速弹起,这就表明饼干已经成熟,用隔热手套拿出烤盘待凉即可食用.味道:酥脆香浓,甜中略带咸味.