滨海旅游,coastal tourism
1)coastal tourism滨海旅游
1.The Spatial Structure Study on Coastal Tourism in China;我国滨海旅游空间结构研究
2.Development Model and Practicial Research of Coastal Tourism of Fujian;福建省滨海旅游开发模式与实证研究
3.The coastal tourism brings in enormous economic benefit, but also has a negative influence on the coastal environment.滨海旅游业在带来巨大的经济利益的同时 ,对沿海地区的环境具有一定的负面作用。

1.SWOT Analysis of the Development of Tourism in Guangxi s Coastal Area;广西沿海地区发展滨海旅游的SWOT分析
2.The Development of the Coastal Tourist Industry of the Beibu Gulf Rim and the Study of Building Its System;环北部湾滨海旅游产业发展与滨海旅游体系建设研究
3.The Exploitation and Design of the Health Tourism Products in the Eastern Coastal Tourist Zone of Shandong Province;鲁东滨海旅游带健康旅游产品开发与策划研究
4.The Characteristics and Tourism Developmental thinking of Littoral Tourist Resources in Hebei Province;河北省滨海旅游资源特征与旅游业发展思路
5.Division and evaluation research of littoral tourism resources in Liaoning辽宁省滨海旅游资源分区及评价研究
6.Research on the Coastal Tourism Development Supervision Systems of Guangdong;广东省滨海旅游开发的监督体系研究
7.Research on the Influential Factors of the Internationalization of Seaside Tour Destination;滨海旅游目的地国际化影响因素研究
8.The Optimized Development Research of Fujian Coastal Resorts;福建省滨海旅游度假地优化发展研究
9.Development Model and Practicial Research of Coastal Tourism of Fujian;福建省滨海旅游开发模式与实证研究
10.SZ coastal city tourism industry development situation and countermeasure research;深圳滨海旅游业发展现状及对策研究
11.The Analysis for the Exploitation of the Seaside Tourism Resourses In Qingdao and the Advices;青岛市滨海旅游资源开发现状与对策
12.The development of sea travel sports industry;适应滨海旅游业发展的体育产业开发
13.A sandy beach at a seaside resort.海滩海滩,尤指海滨旅游胜地
14.Study the Tourism Development of the Island and Littoral Zone of the World;世界滨海海岛地区旅游开发经验借鉴
15.A Comparative Study of Tourism Competitiveness of Main Coastal Cities Around Bohai Sea环渤海滨海城市旅游竞争力比较研究
16.Study on the Development of Seaside in no Optimal Tourist District;海滨旅游资源非优区开发研究——以台州海滨旅游开发为例
17.Elementary Research on Continuable Development of Touring Resources of Dalian Seaside Touring Areas;大连市海滨旅游区旅游资源可持续发展初探

seashore tourism滨海旅游
1.There are some environmental problems in the development of seashore tourism in recent years.滨海旅游在迅猛发展的同时也带来了许多环境问题。
2.The implementation of the "mountain and seashore tourism in Shandong"strategy gave a big push to the tourism development of Shandong Province.结合山东省滨海旅游业发展的实际情况,分析了该省滨海旅游资源的特点、旅游业发展现状、存在问题和发展潜力,针对性地提出了综合开发利用旅游资源,发展山东省海滨旅游区的战略设想和对策。
3.Shandong Province has advantages to develop the seashore tourism,such as rich seashore resources,excel- lent location and transportation,pleasant climate,beautiful environment and developed economy.山东省具有发展滨海旅游业的优势:丰富的滨海旅游资源、优越的区位和交通、宜人的气候和优美的环境以及发达的经济等。
3)seashore tourism海滨旅游
1.Xiamen is situated in the southeast of China,there are abundant resoures of seashore tourism.厦门作为中国东南重要的海滨城市,在发展海滨旅游方面有着得天独厚的优势。
2.The thesis considers that the seashore ecotourism is an important form of and access to implementing sustainable development of the seashore tourism and that the seashore area differentiates from that of the inland with the distinctive landscape feature.海滨生态旅游是实施海滨旅游业可持续发展的重要形式和途径,海滨生态旅游地有着与内陆生态旅游地明显不同的景观特征。
4)coastal tourism滨海旅游业
1.Developing coastal tourism and island parks of Hainan province;发展海南滨海旅游业开发研究
2.The reasonable development and use of coastal tourism resources are a matter of concern to the prosperity of coastal tourism.滨海旅游业是旅游业的重要组成部分。
3.Coastal tourism has already been one of the fields with the fastest developing speed in contemporary tourism.滨海旅游业是当代旅游业中发展最为迅猛的领域之一,发展滨海旅游业,对深圳实现旅游产业转型升级和提升城市竞争力具有十分重要的战略意义。
5)seaside tourism滨海旅游业
1.Some suggestions are put forward on how to utilize these resources for the seaside tourism in this paper.列举了海岸地区常见的观赏植物群落,阐述了海岸地区观赏植物资源,对滨海旅游业如何利用海岸地区观赏植物资源提出了建议。
2.The author analyze the advantages and problems of keeping up development ofthe seaside tourism in Fujian Province.分析福建省滨海旅游业可持续发展存在的优势和问题。
6)seaside touring areas海滨旅游区

国内旅游业与国际旅游业国内旅游业与国际旅游业 国内旅游业与国际旅游业国内旅游业是为国内居民提供旅游服务的行业。它的服务对象是国内旅游者.旅游者支付的是国内货币。国内旅游业的兴起与发展同一国社会经济发展水平紧密相关一方面,随着经济的发展和居民收入的增加.人们的基本生活有了保障之后,产生了更高层次的需求,从而把收入的一部分用于集物质享受与精神享受于一体的旅游活动。另一方面.随着社会生产力的提高和科学技术的进步,社会基础设施和文化环境的改善,为居民进行旅游活动创造了便利条件。国内旅游业的发展不仅可以丰富居民的物质文化生活,增加政府的财政收入,对具有旅游资源的边远落后地区的经济发展和当地居民生活的改善也会起促进作用国际旅游业包括:①组织国内居民赴国外旅游。②接待国外旅游者来国内旅游。前者的服务对象是本国居民,后者的服务对象是国外旅游者。国际旅游业的发展是全球经济和科学技术发展的结果。发展国际旅游业,可以为国家赚取外汇收入,利于平衡国际收支和购买国外先进技术产品.也能促进与国外经济、文化、科学、技术的交流,还可以增进各国人民之间的相互了解和友谊,有利于世界和平