膜法,membrane process
1)membrane process膜法
1.Status of electroplating wastewater recycle by membrane process;电镀废水膜法回用工艺概况
2.A Theoretical Study on Separation of Carbon Dioxide/Methane in Membrane Processes;膜法分离二氧化碳/甲烷的理论研究
3.The paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of desalting technology by membrane process adopted in iron and steel enterprises at home and puts forward the reform program.钢铁企业综合污水处理厂的出水脱盐处理回用具有重要意义,本文对国内一些钢铁企业采用的膜法脱盐技术的优缺点进行了分析,并提出了改进方案。

1.membrane lauryl sulphate method膜法脱月桂硫酸盐法
2.At present, caustic soda childbirth has baffle law , mercury law and ionic membrane law.目前,烧碱生产有隔膜法、水银法和离子膜法
3.Practices on coexisting facilities of ion-exchange membrane caustic soda and diaphragm caustic soda离子膜法和隔膜法烧碱装置共存时的做法
4.Progress in membrane material for biofuel ethanol production using a double pervaporation system双膜法生产燃料乙醇膜材料研究进展
5.Comparative analysis of process between ionic membrane and diaphragm membrane caustic soda离子膜法和隔膜法制碱工艺的对比分析
6.Study on Membrane Bioreactors for Domestic Wastewater Treatment and Retarding Membrane Fouling by Pre-coating with Ferric Salt;膜生物反应器处理生活污水及铁盐预膜法减缓膜污染的研究
7.Study of Flue Gas Desulfurization by Contained Liquid Membrane液膜法烟气脱硫试验 Ⅰ.含浸液膜渗透器特性
8.Methods of test for drying time of coatings of paints and puttiesGB/T1728-1979漆膜、腻子膜干燥时间测定法
9.Method of test for gloss of paint filmsGB/T1743-1979漆膜光泽测定法
10.General preparation of paint filmGB/T1727-1992漆膜一般制备法
11.Method of test for measurement of dry film thickness of paintsGB/T1764-1979漆膜厚度测定法
12.diaphragm diffusion cell technique膜片式扩散筒测定法
13.testing method for film thickness of rust preventive oil防锈油膜厚度测定法
14.Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis [CAPD]连续携带腹膜透析方法
15.Alumilite method硬质氧化铝膜处理法
16.oil-coating process形成油膜包覆层的方法
17.Anthony's capsule staining安东尼氏荚膜染色法
18.graphic-art technique图形法-厚膜电路工艺用

membrane method膜法
1.Application of SO_4~(2-) disposal process by membrane method in brine production;膜法除硝技术在氯碱盐水生产中的应用
2.PW membrane method has been used for treating this kind of wastewater,so as to solve the problem of pollution control.采用PW膜法处理高浓度制药发酵废水,解决了污染问题。
1.From the advantage of membrane separation ,this text introduces the principle and technical process of CO2 separation by membrane,and applies it to separate CO2 from Lime-kiln gas.从膜法气体分离的优点出发,阐述了膜法分离CO2的原理、工艺流程,并将其应用于分离烟道气中的CO2。
4)fluid-pressure moulding(膜)袋(膜)塑法
5)pseudo-membrane method拟膜法
6)membrane filter technique滤膜法
1.1-94),the part of microbiology detection,the other is the membrane filter technique,which is widely used in foreign countries.1- 94 食品卫生检验方法微生物学部分的微生物检测标准方法与目前国外普遍使用的滤膜微生物检测法从准确度、检测时间、成本等几个方面进行比较,并得出如下结论:就准确度而言,在相同的实验条件下,两种检测方法对于细菌总数、酵母菌、霉菌、大肠菌群的检测结果无区别;从检测时间来看,无论操作还是培养滤膜法都比国标法节约时间;滤膜法的成本要略高于国标法。
2.The multiple tube fermentation technique,membrane filter technique and enzyme substrate technique were used simultaneously to test total coliforms in the water and the results were compared.采用多管发酵法、滤膜法及酶底物法三种方法同时检测水中总大肠菌群,并对结果进行比较分析,结果表明三种方法各有优劣,我们在实际检测工作中,应根据需要,采用不同的检测方法,使结果更加准确可靠。

固定生物膜法(fixed biofilm process)分子式:CAS号:性质:又称固定生物膜法(fixed biofilm process)。指使废水中有机物或其他组分转化为气体和细胞组织的微生物,附着于某些惰性介质(例如砾石、炉渣、矿渣)和专门设计的陶瓷或塑料填料上生长的生物处理工艺。可分为附着生长好氧生物处理工艺(常用的有滴滤池、粗滤池、生物转盘和固定床硝化反应器)和附着生长厌氧生物处理工艺(常用的有厌氧滤池)。