低真空,low vacuum
1)low vacuum低真空
1.Economic analysis on heat supply at low vacuum operation of condenser凝汽器低真空供热经济性分析
2.In this paper the advantages of pulse low vacuum chemical heat treatment,classification,structure characteristics,Usage,process characteristics,penetrating agents and application prospect of such furnaces have been discussed.介绍了脉冲低真空化学热处理的优点 ,脉冲低真空化学热处理炉的分类、结构特点、用途、工艺特点、渗剂及应用前
3.This paper introduces the operating status of low vacuum system,analyzes the problems existed in it,proposes its reforming scheme in light of the characters of low-vacuum heating system,and points out the conditions to fulfill low vacuum,in order to make the system operate steadily and achieve well effect.介绍了低真空系统的运行状况,并就低真空系统目前存在的问题进行了分析,针对低真空供热系统的特点,提出了低真空系统的改造实施方案,同时指出了实现低真空必须具备的条件,以使其运行稳定,达到很好的效果。

1.5~# Unit Low Vacuum Transformation in Baotou Secondary Thermal Power Plant包头第二热电厂5~#机低真空改造
2.Test Research on the Peak-load Regulation with Deep Vacuum Operation of 100MW Units;100MW机组低真空深度调峰试验研究
3.Advantages and Disadvantages Analysis of the Scheme of Heat Supplying with Low Vacuum in District Heating Engineering;热网工程低真空供热方案的利弊分析
4.Analysis on Electron Properties of Ferroelectric Cathode Under Low Pressure铁电阴极低真空电子发射性能的分析
5.seibt rectifier低压真空管全波整流器
6.high vacuum superinsulation cryogenic container高真空超绝热低温容器
7.Germany Busch Vacuum Pump, which owns high vacuum degree, low noise and long service life, is adopted.德国贝克的真空泵,真空度高,噪音低,寿命持久。
8.Loss of Vacuum Experiment on a Multi-Layer Insulation Vessel;高真空多层绝热低温容器真空丧失试验研究
9.Discussion on sealing vacuum of cryogenic liquid storage vessel with evacuated powder insulation真空粉末绝热低温液体贮槽封结真空度探讨
10.A Study on Tensile and Vacuum Fatigue of a TC4 Alloy at Cryogenic Temperature;TC4合金低温拉伸和低温真空疲劳性能研究
11.vacuum powder insulated cryogenic tank真空粉末绝热低温贮液槽
12.VIM Refining Extra-Low Oxygen Steel using CaO Crucible用氧化钙坩埚真空感应熔炼超低氧钢
13.Mould filling of low-pressure expendable pattern casting process for magnesium alloys镁合金真空低压消失模铸造充型特征
14.Analysis of the Reasons for Reducing of Insulation Resistance in GIS VacuumGIS抽真空时绝缘电阻降低的原因分析
15.Modeling and Simulation on Multi-Rigid Body Trajectory of Missile with Parachute Flying at Minimum Altitude基于MATLAB的低空伞弹弹道建模与仿真
16.Detection and simulation for signal of extra-low-altitude radar fuse超低空雷达引信信号检测方法与仿真
17.Low pressure vaccum carburizing for Cr17Ni2 stainless steelCr17Ni2不锈钢低压真空渗碳工艺研究
18.Introducing Vacuum Negative-pressure Technique and Reducing Coal Dust Problem in Fully Mechanized Caving Face引进真空负压技术 降低综放面煤尘

lower vacuum低真空
1.98 turbine of Chengde Heating Power Plant,this paper analyzed the heat economy performance in lower vacuum.98机组低真空供热改造前后各项热经济指标的对比 ,分析了低真空供热的热经济
2.98 turbine of Chengde heat and power plant for heat in lower vacuum.98机组低真空供热的技术改造情况。
3)vacuum cryogenic真空低温
1.Design of large-aperture lightweight elliptical plane reflecting mirror used in the vacuum cryogenic environment;真空低温环境用大口径轻量化椭圆平反镜设计
4)low vacuum真空低
1.1 heat power plant of Taiyuan City occurring at the same time,this paper analyzes on the reasons ofthe low vacuum of the condenser,and advances some measures for solving the lowvacuum of the condenser.针对太原第一热电厂六期扩建工程安装的两台300MW汽轮机组同时出现凝汽器真空低的问题,分析了引起凝汽器真空低的原因,提出了解决凝汽器真空低问题的措施。
2.Aiming at the problem of low vacuum in No.针对神头二电厂1号机组凝汽器真空低的问题,根据现场经验和对运行参数的理论分析,找出了导致凝汽器真空降低的主要因素,提出了相应的解决和改进措施,实施后效果显著,确保了机组经济、安全和稳定运行,同时为同类机组解决真空低问题提供了方法。
3.Low vacuum is a general problem existing in homemade 300 MW turbine units that have been put into operation recently in Tieling Power Plant.通过大量的调查研究 ,分析了真空低的原因及危害 ,并提出整改措施 ,提高了真空
5)LV(low vacuum)LV(低真空)
6)low pressure vacuum低压真空
1.After the introduction of history of development of low pressure vacuum contactors, and the comparison of some products from some major producers, the writer analyses the development trend of low pressure vacuum contactors.通过对低压真空接触器发展历史的介绍 ,以及对一些主要国家 (厂家 )系列产品的性能比较 ,分析了低压真空接触器的发展趋

低真空保护低真空保护low vacuum trip  d一zhenkong匕oohu低真空保护(low vaeuum trip)防止汽轮机因真空过低造成损伤的装置。汽轮机运行时,如真空达不到额定值,可使热效率降低,如真空继续降低,则应减负荷;若不能及时检查消除真空下降的起因,真空恶化到某种程度可能造成汽轮机末级叶片及凝汽器铜管过热损伤。随着汽轮机容量的增大,末级叶片长度亦增加,真空低时蒸汽比体积急剧减小,通过长叶片的汽流紊乱,使长叶片动应力大幅度上升,甚至导致叶片断裂,因此大机组要求更为严格的低真空保护。 低真空保护装置的感受元件为波纹盒真空计,或其他型式的测量真空的一次仪表。利用这些一次仪表,如波纹盒的变形接通电气触点实现低真空报警乃至紧急停机。