钱塘江河口,Qiantang Estuary
1)Qiantang Estuary钱塘江河口
1.Impact of water diversion from Xinanjiang Reservoir to north Zhejiang Province on water environment at Qiantang Estuary;浙北引水对钱塘江河口段主要水环境的影响分析
2.Sediment deposition after regulation and reclaiming of Qiantang Estuary;治江缩窄后钱塘江河口泥沙淤积和成因探讨
3.Characteristic of the flood level in the Qiantang Estuary and mobile-bed model for forecast;钱塘江河口洪水特性及动床数值预报模型

1.The seawall is utilized for preventing flood and tide at the Qiantang Estuary.钱塘江海塘为钱塘江河口防洪、潮江堤的习称,从土塘到石塘到现代标准海塘,历经两次大的飞跃。
2.Application of numerical model of tidal bore to bridge works in the Qiantang Estuary涌潮数学模型在钱塘江河口桥梁工程中的应用
3.Numerical simulation of effects on storm-induced water level after contraction in Qiantang estuary;钱塘江河口围垦对台风暴潮影响的数值模拟
4.Numerically Simulating the Effect of Reclamation Project on the Tidal Bore in the Qiantang Estuary钱塘江河口围涂工程对涌潮影响的数值研究
5.Numerical method for the storm tide overflow model in Hangzhou bay and Qiantangjiang estuary钱塘江河口杭州湾风暴潮溢流计算方法研究
6.The Effects of Regulation and Reclamation in Qiantang Estuary on Storm Surge at Hangzhou Bay;钱塘江河口区治江围涂对杭州湾风暴潮影响研究
7.The Qiantang estuary model was established,and the formation and propagation process of tidal bore was simulated.制作了钱塘江河口模型,并模拟了涌潮的形成与传播过程.
8.Numerical Simulation for Discontinuous Shallow Water Flow and Its Application to the Analysis of the Tidal Bore at the Qiantang Estuary;浅水间断流动数值模拟及其在钱塘江河口涌潮分析中的应用
9.Application of 2D dynamic water quality model to the upstream Qiantang estuary平面二维动态水质模型在钱塘江河口上段污染控制中的应用
10.Bore pressure on the 2nd passage gate of ship lock of Jinghang Great Canal crossing the Qiantang River京杭运河二通道钱塘江出口船闸闸门涌潮作用力研究
11.The Second Outlet of Beijing-Hangzhou Canal Treatment Based on Moveable Bed Model京杭运河二通道出口钱塘江段治理方案动床模型试验研究
12.Foundation treatment for flood protection works in bore stretch of Qiantang River钱塘江涌潮河段防洪堤工程地基处理
13.We owe the spectacular tidal bore at the mouth of Qiantang River to the special funnel- shaped estuary of the Gulf of Hangzhou.钱塘江潮壮观的成因,主要由钱塘江喇叭形的入海口造成的。
14.Research in Evolvement of Channel and Character of Confined Water of Paleochannel of Qiantangjiang River;钱塘江河道形成及古河道承压水性状研究
15.Study on Salinity Intrusion of Nandujiang Estuary(Lower Reaches of Longtang Dam);南渡江河口(龙塘坝下游)盐水入侵研究
16.Hangzhou's mother river is called Qiantang River, which is also known as Qianjiang River. The Qianjiang CBD is named after this river.杭州的母亲河名为钱塘江,也称钱江。钱江中央商务区就是以钱江命名。
17.Simulation of flow pattern in the approach channel of the closed-type harbor on huge tidal reach in the Qiantang river钱塘江强潮河段建设“闭合式港”引航道流态模拟
18.The Large Bridge at the world famous strong tide river part-The site scene during construction period of the2 nd Qiantangjiang River Bridge.世界著名强涌潮河段的首座大桥——钱塘江第二大桥在施工期的场景。

Qiantang River estuary钱塘江河口
1.Remote sensing investigation on vegetati on index based on MODIS data in Qiantang River estuary;基于MODIS数据的钱塘江河口段植被指数遥感调查
2.Economic benefit evaluation of development of shoals in Qiantang River estuary钱塘江河口滩涂开发经济效益评估
3.Duo to special geographical site and configuration, the magnitude of typhoon surge in Qiantang river estuary is violent.钱塘江河口杭州湾由于独特的海湾地理位置和形态 ,引起台风暴潮强烈增水。
3)Qiantangjiang Estuary钱塘江河口
1.Evolvement and regulation of Xisan furrow in south bank of Qiantangjiang Estuary;钱塘江河口南岸西三潮沟形成演变及其治理
2.Experimental study of profiled-block stability in Qiantangjiang estuary;钱塘江河口异型块体抗冲稳定特性试验研究
3.Numerical method for the storm tide overflow model in Hangzhou bay and Qiantangjiang estuary钱塘江河口杭州湾风暴潮溢流计算方法研究
4)the Qiantangjiang River Estuary钱塘江河口
1.Progress of the study on the groins of the Qiantangjiang River Estuary;钱塘江河口护塘丁坝的研究进展
2.According to the datum gathered from the Qiantangjiang River Estuary about preventing flood,preventing tide,irrigation,navigation,water supply,journey etc.根据收集到的有关钱塘江河口防洪、御潮、灌溉、航运、供水、旅游等方面的资料,分析、计算了该河口防洪御潮资源和水资源、滩涂、岸线及涌潮资源等的储存量。
5)Qiantang estuary钱塘江河口段
1.Analysis on tidal-driven dilution and transportation of contaminants in Qiantang estuary;钱塘江河口段潮动力对污染物稀释扩散作用探讨
6)Qiantang River seawalls钱塘江海塘
