防止措施,prevention measures
1)prevention measures防止措施
1.Causes and prevention measures in construction cracking of pump s concrete;泵送混凝土施工裂缝的成因和防止措施
2.The defect reasons were analyzed and relevant prevention measures were proposed.详细介绍了引起反喷、气孔、尺寸超差、变形等消失模铸造缺陷的因素,分析了这些缺陷产生的原因,并给出了具体的防止措施;同时介绍了消失模铸造中干砂、震实台、砂处理及真空稳压系统的选用原则,浇注系统、浇注工艺、真空度的控制方法等;最后指出必须全方位严格管理,才能稳定地获得合格的消失模铸件。
3.The defects reasons were analyzed,and correspond prevention measures were sugges.对这些缺陷的产生原因进行了分析,并提出了相应的防止措施

1.Hardening Crack Analysis and Prevention Measurement for 45 SteelWobbling Arm Axis45钢摆臂轴淬火裂纹分析及防止措施
2.Causes of Sinking-mode Toilet s Leaking Problem and Its Prevention;下沉式卫生间漏水的原因与防止措施
3.Machinery rubs the mechanism of paring the crackle and emerge and prevension measure;机械磨削裂纹产生的机理与防止措施
4.Causes And Resolvents To Cracks In Self-Hardening ResinSand Mould;自硬树脂砂型的开裂原因及防止措施
5.Measures of Preventing Motion Mark on ZA205i-190 Airjet LoomZA205i-190型喷气织机稀密路的防止措施
6.Reasons of Cracks During Grinding and Preventive Measures齿轮磨削裂纹的产生原因及防止措施
7.Reason and prevention of 200MW turbo-generator injection200MW机组喷油原因分析及防止措施
8.crime prevention, rates防止犯罪的措施、 犯罪率
9.In winter he take every precaution so as not to catch a cold.冬天,他采取一切预防措施防止感冒。
10.The policemen take preventive measures against the escaping of the prisoners from the prison.警察采取防范措施,防止犯人越狱。
11.Deterrence of aggression also demands forward defense.制止侵略的措施还需要进行前沿防御。
12.The store has taken measures to guard against shoplifters.该店已采取措施防止扒手。
13.We must take effective measures to prevent the dike from going out.我们必须采取有效措施防止堤坝倒坍。
14.We must take steps to prevent shock in the patient.我们必须采取措施防止病人休克。
15.introduce recessionary measures采取防止经济过热的措施.
16.by taking action to preclude its original intended use or application.采取措施,防止其原预期的使用或应用。
17.measures to curb soccer violence防止足球赛引起的暴力事件的措施
18.We should take measures to guard against accidents.我们应该采取措施防止事故。

preventive measures防止措施
1.Causation analysis and preventive measures of frequent slagging problem of boiler 4 at Zhanjiang Power Plant;湛江电厂4~#炉严重结焦的原因分析及防止措施
2.Genetic analysis of concrete dam cracks and preventive measures;混凝土大坝裂缝成因分析与防止措施综述
3.Pavement rack and preventive measures in Beijiang in Xinjiang;新疆北疆地区路面裂缝及防止措施
3)preventive measure防止措施
1.Mechanism of the deformation and preventive measures of the cracks in metal ceramics cladding layer;激光熔覆金属陶瓷涂层开裂的机理及防止措施
2.Common quality defects of cast-in-site terrazzo floor and preventive measures;浅谈现制水磨石地面质量通病的防止措施
3.The merits and disadvantages of the experiment methods estimating the cracking are analyzed, and the preventive measure is introduced simply, at last the prospect of r.简单介绍了高温失塑裂纹的发展过程,重点论述了镍基焊材中该裂纹的试验方法和产生机理,简要分析了评价该裂纹的试验方法的优劣,并对其防止措施做了简单的介绍,最后对该裂纹的研究趋势做了展望。
4)prevention measure防止措施
1.Study on the crack mechanism of face slab of concrete face rockfill dam and its prevention measures;面板堆石坝面板开裂机理与防止措施研究
2.According to the easily appearing quality problems in the course of the box culvert concrete construction,this paper analyzes the formation reason and poses the suitable prevention measure.针对箱涵混凝土施工中容易出现的质量问题 ,分析其成因并提出了相应的防止措
3.In addition, from the aspects of type selection, arrangement, and details of structure etc, put forward some prevention measures of progressive collapse for reference.此外,从结构选型、结构布置、细部构造等方面提出结构连续性倒塌的防止措施,以供参考。
5)preventing measures防止措施
1.Relevant preventing measures were proposed.根据裂纹成因,介绍了相应的防止措施
2.Therefore, this paper discusses preventing measures and clearing countermeasures all-sidedly about a vessel oil overflow.分析船舶溢油对海洋生态环境和社会环境造成的危害和影响,论述船舶溢油的防止措施及清除溢油的对策。
6)Measure for preventing water防止水措施

防止术中肿瘤播散的措施防止术中肿瘤播散的措施measure of prevention tumor spreading 手术中的积极保护步骤。措施如下:①以纱布垫或胶布封闭隔离好有创面的癌表面;②截肢者不采用抬高患肢或上止血带等方法,以避免肿瘤细胞回流;③切口要足够,暴露良好以免挤压肿瘤,并要保护好切口,避免瘤细胞在创口种植;④探查胸腹腔内肿瘤时,应自远至近,避免其扩散或种植;⑤尽早结扎肿瘤交通血管的“无瘤技术”;⑥术后以蒸馏水冲洗腹腔或10mg/L盐碳氮芥泡浸5min。