战略重点,strategic emphasis
1)strategic emphasis战略重点
1.Strategic emphasis for research development of schistosomiasis control in China我国血吸虫病防治研究的战略重点思考
2.Based on this objective basis,the thesis proposed the general aim,fundamental task and strategic emphasis to develop green food industrilization in Guangdong.正是在这一客观依据的基础上 ,提出了广东省绿色食品产业化发展的总体目标和基本任务及其战略重
3.Regarding with the strategic emphasis of agricultural modernization and the system and mechanism innovation,some appropriate countermeasures were put forward in this paper.从土地使用权、农产品流通体制、经济结构、户籍制度、农产品价格、政府调控6个方面,分析了中国农业现代化进程中的制约因素,并从农业现代化的战略重点和制度与机制创新提出了相应的对策措施。

1.The focus of U.S. strategy is in Europe.美国的战略重点是欧洲。
2.concentrate troops at a strategic point集中兵力于战略重点
3.Well, Where was the America's strategy emphasis of the Cold War?那么,美国推行冷战的战略重点在哪里?
4.The Strategic Objective and Strategic Priority of Human Resources Development in Qujing;曲靖市人力资源开发战略目标及战略重点
5.Public Service Reform in China: Ideas and Strategic Challenge;中国公共服务改革:理念与战略重点
6.Urbanization:a Strategic Emphysis on Hunan s Development in 21st Century;城市化:湖南21世纪发展的战略重点
7.On the Strategic Choices of the Popularization of Higher Education in Guangdong;广东高等教育大众化的战略重点选择
8.On Theories of Strategic Focal Points of Regional Economic Development by the Three Generations of Leaders;三代领导人区域经济发展战略重点
9.On China s Strategic Stresses of "Going Out" after Its Entry into WTO;论我国入世后“走出去”的战略重点
10.Help-the-poor in Education is the Priority of Help-the-poor Strategy in the 21st Century;21世纪扶贫开发的战略重点:教育扶贫
11.Strategic Key Points of Adult Education Development in Colleges论普通高校成人教育发展的战略重点
12.Development Strategy of China s Space Industry;我国航天产业发展的战略重点与几点考虑
13.On Moving West the Strategic Stress of the Regional Development of Qingdao City青岛市区域发展战略重点“西移”的科学性分析
14.Intelligence Research on Development Strategy of Key Subject(Ⅱ)重点学科发展战略情报研究(二)——共词战略坐标
15.The Research of Developing Strategy about Automobile Lease in Chinese First-Class Cities;我国重点城市汽车租赁发展战略研究
16.A Study on the Competitive Strategy of Baoding Banknote Paper Mill;保定钞票纸厂重点业务竞争战略研究
17.Focal Points for Oil and Gas Resource "Going out" Strategy;实施油气资源“走出去”战略的重点
18.The Key of Strategic Management in Enterprises ──Developing the Competence;企业战略管理的重点─核心能力的培养

strategic focus战略重点
1.The strategic focus of water-saving society establishment is to encourage water saving in agriculture, industry and then domestic.建立节水型社会的战略重点依次是:农业节水,工业节水,生活节水。
3)strategic priority战略重点
1.Regional relocation and strategic priority on modern agriculture regional corresponds to its characteristics with a vast territory in China.本文从剖析国家四大战略对区域农业发展的定位入手,指出区域农业战略制定必须服务于国家的区域目标,在此基础上,深入探讨了未来区域现代农业发展的思路、战略目标、功能定位、战略重点与战略布局。
4)strategic keystone战略重点
1.The lifelong physical education should be a new strategic keystone in school physical education;学校体育应把终身体育作为教育的战略重点
5)strategic importance战略重点
1.On choices of strategic importance of vocational education s talents development types in western China;对西部职业教育人才培养类别战略重点选择的探讨
6)strategy and point战略和重点

战略重点战略重点strategic priority  山。nl伽zhongdian战略贡点(strategie priority)对战争全局和国家安全有决定性影响的方向、地区、目标。亦指对战争进程有重大影响的其他战略性问题。是战略指导者指导战争时应把握的核心问题。战时,确定战略重点,应从全局出发,按照战略企图、战略部署、兵力对比、战场形势等情况而定。平时,还应根据国内情况、国际战略格局及周边国家的情况,确定国防和军队建设的战略重点。战略重点确定后,需采取坚决有效措施予以保障。战略重点随着形势和力量对比等情况的变化而变化,战略指导者要通观全局,审时度势,实事求是地及时调整战略重点。(李来柱)