季节循环,seasonal cycle
1)seasonal cycle季节循环
1.Results show that the monsoon at low levels passes through a seasonal cycle of four phases: 1) the northeasterly prevailing in winter; 2) the southeasterly blowing as the transition from late January to mid April; 3) the vigorous SW wind in summer; and 4) again, the transitional southeasterly spanning early October to early November.结果表明:低层南海季风明显存在4个阶段的季节循环,即冬季东北风盛行阶段、1月底至4月中旬的东南风过渡阶段、夏季强盛的西南风阶段、10月初至11月初的另一东南风过渡阶段,其中,1月底、2月初南海东南风的建立及其向东北、西北方向的传播是整个亚洲夏季西南风爆发的触发源。
2.Both the observational data and the theoritical model are used to study the seasonal cycle of sea-surface height in the Bay of Bengal(BOB).利用观测资料和理论模型,研究了孟加拉湾海表面高度的季节循环
2)the revolution of the seasons季节的循环
3)annually cyclic erosion deposition季节性冲淤循环
4)cycle of winter and summer monsoon季风循环
5)The seasons rotate.四季循环。

1.The annual revolution of the earth round the sun causes the revolution of the seasons.地球每年绕太阳公转而形成四季循环。
2.the rhythm of the tides, seasons潮汐的涨落、 四季的循环
3.The seasons of the year make a cycle.一年四季构成一个循环。
4.The annual revolution of the earth round the sun cause the revolution of the season地球每年绕太阳公转而形成四季循环
5.The seasons of the year-spring, summer, autumn, and winter-make a cycle.一年四季,春、夏、秋、冬进行循环。
6.The Babylonians were very much in touch with the rhythms of the seasons.巴比伦人十分遵循四季嬗变的规律。
7."Netherlandish still lifes often depicted skulls, candles, and hourglasses as allegories of mortality, or flowers and fruits to symbolize nature's cycle."早期的尼德兰静物画以头盖骨、蜡烛和沙漏寓意死亡,以四季鲜花和果实象征大自然的循环。
8.The Essential Conditions of Quasi-cyclic LDPC Codes without Girth 4准循环LDPC码不存在四环的充要条件
9.Exhaust Air Strategies of Northward Internal Circulating DSF under Winter Working Conditions in Cold Area寒冷地区北向内循环DSF冬季工况的排风策略
10.From the Traditional Theory of Four-season Cycle to the Modern Time Evolutionism;从传统四时循环论到现代时间进化论
11.Discussion on the Constitution of Recycling Economy System of Tourism Industry in Sichuan Province;四川旅游业循环经济体系的构建探讨
12.The Teaching Structures of the “Four-Step Clycle” Method in Mathematics Classroom;数学“四步循环”法的课堂教学结构
13.Inter-Decadal Variations of Summer Precipitation in North China and Linkage of It and General Circulation of Atmosphere and Enso Cycle;华北夏季降水的年代际变化及其与东亚大气环流、ENSO循环的联系
14.Spring and summer will arrive in due time.春季夏季会循时来临。
15.As the year by years, our company is five years old now.岁月更替,寒暑易节,循着四季的轮回,公司迎来了五周年的生日。
16.Study on Synthesis and Application of Epoxidized Calcium Soap and Modified Pentaerythritol Esters;环氧脂肪酸钙、改性季戊四醇酯合成及应用研究
17.Measurement and Evaluation on Thermal Environment in Rural Residences in Sichuan Basin in Winter四川盆地地区农村住宅冬季热环境实测与评价
18.Synthesis of Pentaerythritol Spiro Phosphate 2-chlorophenol Ester with Water as Sovent水作溶剂合成季戊四醇螺环磷酸2-氯苯酚酯

the revolution of the seasons季节的循环
3)annually cyclic erosion deposition季节性冲淤循环
4)cycle of winter and summer monsoon季风循环
5)The seasons rotate.四季循环。
6)seasonal circulation季节环流
1.The seasonal mean tidal height field reference to static mean sea level is calculated,and from which,the mean seasonal circulation obtained based upon geostrophic equations.根据潮汐模型计算了各季节平均海面距平并进而计算了平均季节环流,初步分析了海面高变化和季节环流的特征。

循环系统的进化鱼的循环系统 李瑞端绘[图]