化学成分分析,chemical composition analysis
1)chemical composition analysis化学成分分析
1.The authors,by chemical composition analysis, XRD analysis and so on, thoroughly studies the characteristics of chemical composition s and crystal structure s change of stellerite that is acid-treated in different concentration.利用化学成分分析和X射线衍射分析等测试手段,深入研究了不同浓度酸处理红辉沸石的主要化学成分及晶体结构变化特征,进而揭示了红辉沸石的耐酸性。

1.Studies on Nutrient and Chemical Components of Shoots of Arundinaria Oleosa;斑苦竹笋(Arundinaria oleosa)营养成分和化学成分分析
2.Analytical method of the chemical composition in the quartz glassGB/T3284-1993石英玻璃化学成分分析方法
3.Studies on the Volatile Compounds in Fruit of Chinese Olive Cultivar Dongjieyuan冬节圆橄榄果实挥发油化学成分分析
4.Analysis of Chemical Composition in 206 Urinary Stone Cases in Nanning Area;南宁地区206例尿石标本化学成分分析
5.The Study on Fingerprint and Chemical Composition Analysis of PZH;中药PZH指纹图谱及化学成分分析研究
6.Analysis of Essential Oil of the Uncultivated Mentha Haplocalyx Briq Picked in Spring;春季采野生薄荷挥发油化学成分分析
7.Constituents Analysis on Anti-motion Sickness Efficacy Fraction from Zingiber Officinale Ross生姜抗晕动病有效部位化学成分分析
8.Analysis of Chemical Constituents of Petroleum Ether Extract from Poplar Bud杨树芽石油醚提取物的化学成分分析
9.Analysis of Chemical Constituents of the volatile Oil from Different Growing Periods of Artemisia Annua L.不同生长期黄蒿挥发油化学成分分析
10.GC-MS Analysis of Chemical Components of Essential Oil from Cymbopogon citratus(DC.) Stapf in Guangxi广西产香茅草挥发油的化学成分分析
11.Analysis of the chemical constituents of the volatile oil from Artemisiae argyi of different regions不同品种艾叶挥发油的化学成分分析
12.Component Analysis of Essential Oil From Centipeda minima of Fujian Province by GC-MS闽产鹅不食草挥发油的化学成分分析
13.Analysis of the Differentiation in Mathematical Grades for the Top Students in Ordinary High Schools普通高中学优生数学学习成绩分化成因分析
14.Preliminary chemical test of Astragalus hamiensis S.B.Ho and alkaloids analysis哈密黄芪化学成分预试及生物碱成分色谱分析
15.Analysis of Chemical Constituents of Volatile Oil from Ganltheria forrestii Diels by GC-MS;大透骨消挥发油化学成分的GC-MS分析
16.Improvement in Analyzing Chemical Constituents of Chayu Capsule by HPLC;HPLC法分析茶愈胶囊化学成分方法改进
17.Chemical components of the volatile oil from the Pilea aquarum Dunn冷水花挥发油化学成分的GC-MS分析
18.Chemical Analysis and Microscope Observation of Banana Stem香蕉茎的化学成分及其微观形态分析

Chemical Analysis化学成分分析
1.Chlorophyll content and Chemical analysis was measured in the aromatic tobacco,the medicinal plants,the hybrid,and the backcross.以不同香料烟和药用植物杂交一代、及回交一代为实验材料,测定叶片叶绿素含量和化学成分分析,结果表明:药用植物的叶绿素含量比香料烟高,而且杂交一代的叶绿素含量介于亲本之间,回交一代比杂交一代又有一定的提高;杂交一代与回交一代的化学成分中,烟碱中低,总氮的含量偏高,氯的含量偏高,钾的含量中低,糖的含量低。
3)Chemical composition analysis化学组成分析
4)chemical product analysis成品化学分析
5)micro-area chemical analysis微区化学成分分析
6)The determination of chemical contents of Perilla frutescens var. arguta紫苏化学成分分析

化学成分分析化学成分分析chemical compsition analysis 化学湿法分析和仪器分析。化学湿法分析(以化学反应为签础的分析方法)包括重量分析和容量分析;仪器分析包括光学分析及电化学分析等。用于耐火材料的仪器分析主要有荧光X射线光谱分析、原子吸收光潜分析(见彩图擂页第12页)火焰光度分析、比色分析等。 化学成分分析结果是判断耐火材料的化学成分是否达到耐火材料标准所规定的要求,也是生产工艺中配方的主要依据。 中国已有6。个供耐火材料化学成分分析用的国家标准和行业标准。 (郑祥华)huaXUe Chengfen fenX}化学成分分析(chemical comPositionanalysis)应用化学和物理学原理,确定材料化学成分组成的方法。分为定性分析(鉴定含有的成分)和定量分析(确定该成分的含量)。化学成分分析包括