农业产出,agricultural output
1)agricultural output农业产出
1.Based on the data of agricultural credit and agricultural output from 1985 to 2004,we made a demonstrative analysis to their relationship with the help of SPSS software.根据1985—2004年甘肃省农业信贷和农业总产值的资料,应用SPSS软件,对甘肃省农业信贷与农业产出的绩效作了实证分析。
2.In order to analyzing agricultural machinery’s contribution to agricultural output growth , agriculture production function was presented in Jinhua city by Cobb-Douglas model and linear regression optimization and statistic data from 1989 to 2005, agricultural machinery s contribution ration to the agricultural output growth in area mentioned was estimated by means of production function above.为定量分析农业机械化在农业产出中的贡献份额,利用柯布-道格拉斯(Cobb-Douglas)生产函数和多元回归分析法,建立了金华市1986~2005年农业生产函数模型。
3.Agriculture production function was presented in Zhejiang province by Cobb-Douglas production function and linear regression optimization and statistic data from 1991 to 2004,agricultural machinery s contribution ration to the agricultural output growth in area mentioned was estimated by means of production function above.据此测得浙江省同期农业机械化对农业产出的年均贡献率12。

1.Research on the Relation Index of Agricultural Mechanic Input with Agricultural Product;农业机械化与农业产出的关联度分析
2.Study on Agricultural Machinery’s Contribution Ration to the Agricultural Output Growth in Jinhua City;金华市农业机械化对农业产出贡献率的测算
3.An Empirical Analysis on the Effect of Agricultural Fiscal Expenditure on Agricultural Output Value of Hubei Province;财政支农支出对农业产出影响的实证分析——以湖北省为例
5.Study on Agricultural Machinery s Contribution Ration to the Agricultural Output Growth in Zhejiang Province;浙江省农业机械化对农业产出贡献率的测算研究
6.Solution to 21 Century Agriculture--Agricultural Industrialization;21世纪农业的出路——农业产业化经营
7.Way of Agricultural Industrialization in Agricultural Corporation;论农业产业化的根本出路在于农业企业化
8.Import and Export of Chinese Agriculture Products and Early-warning Analysis on Agriculture Security;中国农产品进出口与农业产业安全预警分析
9.Fundamental choice for the development of agriculture in Chinaeco-agricultural industrialization;生态农业产业化是我国农业发展的根本出路
10.The Argriculture Industrialization:the Radical Way to Modernize the Chinese Argriculture;农业产业化:中国农业现代化的根本出路
11.Application of Production Function in Agricultural Put-into-and-out;农业投入产出生产函数及其应用研究
12.Analysis on the Scientific Research Efficiency of Agricultural Scientific Research Institution in Sichuan--The Estimation of the Output Capability of Agricultural Scientific Research Institution in Sichuan;四川省农业科研机构的产出能力测评
13.A Survey on Rural Culture Industry in Jiangsu Province;农村文化产业的困境与出路——江苏调查
14.Input - output Analysis of Rural Finance: A Study of Hailun Case;县域农业资金投入产出分析:海伦个案
15.Demonstration analysis of Anhui province agriculture product export s influence on agriculture economy growth;安徽农产品出口对农业经济增长的实证分析
16.Accelerating standardization of agriculture in Fujian and enhancing competitiveness of exported agricultural products;推进福建农业标准化 提高出口农产品竞争力
17.The Outlet for China s Agricultural Products Competitivenes Improvement After Entering the WTO;加入WTO农业的出路在于提高农产品的竞争力
18.Research on the Formation and Evasion Mechanism for Price Wars in Farm Product Export Based on the Organization of Primary Industry;产业组织形式视角下的农产品出口价格战分析

agricultural input output农业投入产出
1.This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of agricultural input output relationships with respect to different periods in Anhui province in terms of different mathematic models.应用回归等多种数学模型,分不同时段对安徽省农业投入产出的变动关系进行了深入细致地分析,得出了积极有益的结论,为农业可持续发展战略提供了理论依
3)agricultural products export business农产品出口企业
1.Technical trade barriers against agricultural products export and the countermeasures——Pertinent data from Fujian agricultural products export businesses;农产品出口技术性贸易壁垒状况及对策分析——来自福建农产品出口企业的数据
4)rural labor service export industry农村劳务输出产业
1.However, on rural labor service export industry (mainly domestic output), although many in relation to the article, to carry out systematic and in-depth studies are seldom.但关于农村劳务输出产业(主要指国内输出),虽然许多文章中有所涉及,但进行系统、深入研究的并不太多。
5)agriculture industry农业产业
6)agricultural industry农业产业
1.Reflections on strategic adjustment of Shandong agricultural industry;对山东农业产业战略调整的几点思考
2.The low-temperature freezing rain and snow weather happened in most area of South China in January 2008 is a very rare large-scale extreme weather disaster in recent fifty years, which made great impact and losses in the production and operation of agricultural industry in the disaster areas .2008年1月中下旬发生在我国南方大部分地区的低温雨雪冰冻天气,是我国近50年来极为罕见的一次大范围极端气象灾害,给灾区农业产业的生产经营造成了较大的影响和巨大的损失,值得总结与深思。
3.This paper analyzes systemically the function mechanism between cooperative system and the development of agricultural industry,and analyzes the current situation of the agricultural industrial development in Xinjiang.该文系统分析了合作制度与农业产业发展的作用机理,针对新疆农业产业发展的现状,指出合作制度发展缓慢是阻碍农业产业发展的一个重要原因,促进农业基础产业发展就必须大力发展农业合作制度,合作制度的创新可以从主体培育、诚信建设、特色农业品牌培育、农村实用人才开发以及相关政策体系建设等方面来推动。

中国农业科学院农业自然资源和农业区划所中国农业科学院农业自然资源和农业区划所 中国农业科学院农业自然资源和农业区划所见中国农业经济科学研究机构。